Chapter 0137 – Follow Roger for Three Days and Nine Meals!!

“Count me for you, Renly has money? Huh…”

Xia Qi looked at Reilly behind Leonardo and smiled.

Follow Roger to mix, three days of hunger and nine meals, not to mention that this guy’s current outfit is still paid for by the special old lady,

It’s that half of the cost of building that treasure ship was still given by the old lady, and this guy has a fart of money…

“Hey! I said Renly, how have you been mixed up in recent decades, and you are also the king of the sea Renly,

You actually let your horse come out and show up, open a bar to sell alcohol, you sea thief has also done too much failure, right? ”

Hearing Xia Qi’s contemptuous laughter, the two walked to the door, Leonardo looked at Reilly with disdain and said.

“Let’s go, aren’t you going to record a confession?!”

Renly did not want to dwell on the question of whether there was money or not, and took the lead towards the naval base in Area 60.

Special has been chased by Karp for decades, and the money he made has been given to the captain to repair the big sword, can it be poor…



“That was…”

“That’s not…”

“The sea… Bah! Dark…… Pluto Rayleigh!!!! ”

“Groove! That’s not One Piece Roger’s deputy captain Sea… Bah! Hades Rayleigh? How is he in Chambord Land?! ”

“You see, there is that ‘undead lieutenant general’ green fox behind him, what are they doing?”

When Reilly and Leonardo appeared on the road, the pirates in the entire lawless zone were shocked, especially when they saw clearly that the figure walking in front of the navy’s ‘undead vice admiral’ was actually Hades Rayleigh,

It almost didn’t flash to his tongue.

One Piece Roger’s deputy captain, the strongest second-in-command in history, Hades Renly, is actually with the navy ‘undead vice admiral’ who sprayed him as a dog before,

And Hades Renly actually walked in front of people so honestly, this… If it weren’t for the vague feeling of oppression coming from Hades Renly’s body, they thought that someone had eaten some transformation fruit to conjure it.

And looking at their direction, it seems to be going to the naval base, could it be that this ‘undead vice admiral’ found that Hades Rayleigh deliberately ran to block people in Chambord,

And then captured Hades Reilly?

That’s, isn’t it? Renly didn’t have handcuffs on his hands either! Is Hades Renly going to turn himself in?

“Ahem! Mr. Kira on the sea, as you probably guessed, starting today,

I am Vice Admiral Curry, the commander of the naval base stationed in Chambord, codenamed Green Fox, and you are not mistaken,

This is the deputy captain of One Piece, the strongest second-in-command on the sea, Hades Renly, Chambord is an inclusive international metropolis,

I won’t discriminate against you because you’re pirates, dwarf mules, or whoever, but,

Chambord Land is also a law-abiding place, and this Mr. Reilly, the king of Hades, has become a black household here because he wants to move to Chambord Land but does not have a resident card for Chambord Land.

According to the Chambordi Resident Clause, all black household personnel without a resident card are detained for three days, and after three days, they must promptly apply for a local resident card, otherwise they will be regarded as illegal invasion. I can’t care how it used to be,

But from today onwards, this rule is officially implemented in Chambord, and if you do not plan to stay here for a long time,

You can go to the relevant departments to apply for death entry and exit documents, otherwise our navy can use force to invite you out according to the Chambord Land security regulations. ”

“I think you should… There will be no opinions, right?? ”

Leonardo coughed lightly for the two to make Reilly wait, and then pointed at Reilly and said to the surrounding pirates.

The pirates around looked at each other, and there was a delay in getting up, if other navies dared to be so arrogant,

Without saying a word, they would never let this navy know why the flowers were so red.

But now it is the ‘undead vice admiral’ who is one of the Navy F4 who speaks, and the sea thief like Hades Rayleigh has to honestly apply for a resident card, and their coffee position is much smaller than that of Hades Rayleigh…

“Wow! The Navy is amazing, Uncle Ben has been coming wherever he wants to come for so many years, and he can leave if he wants! Hades Rayleigh is really coming back more and more alive. ”

However, there are emerging birds in any case, because once the species of emergence is successful,

You can get a lot of fame, of course, if you fail, you will die quickly, but in front of a large number of reputations, there are still waves of people on the sea who are willing to be this bird,

For example, a giant man in the crowd who was tall, at least five meters above sea level, and had a tattoo of the white-bearded pirate group logo tattooed on his arm walked out,

While speaking, he did not forget to look at Renly with disdain.

“…… White…… Whitebeard Pirates? ”

“Nani? Whitebeard Pirates? ”

The surrounding pirates also saw the tattoo on the arm of the big man of the bird, and cried out in surprise.

“You people from Roger’s Pirates seem to have a good relationship with Whitebeard, and you have a feud with him? Shouldn’t you put a hat on your own father…? ”

Leonardo looked at the undisguised contempt of this suspected white-bearded godson and looked at Renly, and also looked at Renly with a question mark.

He remembered that the relationship between the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates was not bad, right? The white-bearded brothers and the second generation of the rich country can be fooled away by Roger, and the relationship between the two sides should be almost 563.

But now this godson of the white-bearded man actually sprayed Rayleigh, which is a little wrong, unless Renly has done something sorry to others.

According to the law of the valley of the New World, nine out of ten men who hate Renly are hatted by Renly,

And this godson who is obviously a white-bearded man actually despises Raleigh so undisguisedly, looking at the growth rings on this little brother, he himself should be impossible,

Most likely, it was Renly who put a hat on his dad.

“…… I don’t even know who he is, why should I put a hat on his own father…”

Renly said with a dark old face and was angry.

“Can’t you? You have such a relationship with Whitebeard, you don’t know him? ”

Leonardo couldn’t help but be suspicious.

“Whitebeard has so many sons, I can’t remember all of them… Renly said with a wordless spread of hands. ”

“That’s what I said… I can’t remember how many vice admirals of our navy there are, not to mention so many godsons of whitebeards, this pirate brother,

Are you from the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

Leonardo nodded in understanding, people like Reilly can remember Whitebeard’s own sons at most,

It’s normal for a peripheral son like this not to remember…

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