Chapter 0140 – The Air Marshal’s Combat Power Is Amazing!!!

Marin Fandor, Navy Headquarters.

Still at the familiar door of No. 69 Xingfu Road, after waving goodbye to the two homeless lost young ladies who were rescued by him, he staggered to the office on time to check in,

Since dividing the areas for each ministry, he also began to be free, and finally had time to do charity,

Run to save the lost sister, don’t look at his age, the first two months on the sea running empty body,

Let him have a strong heart during this time, even if he doesn’t sleep every night, he will still be the same as Ryoma spirit the next day.

“Air Marshal, the fax of Chambord…”

Steel Bone Empty drank two cups of morning tea to replenish the large amount of water lost last night, at this time,

The adjutant walked in with ~ a document.

“Chambordi? Didn’t Leonardo just arrive yesterday? ”

Steel bone empty took the document with a question mark on his face, wanting to see what good news this love general just arrived yesterday, and what good news came today,

Can you still make the pirates in Chambord land burst out?


“Quickly notify the Warring States, Little Crane come over!”

When Steel Bone Kong finished reading the fax sent by Chambord, a sip of morning tea sprayed the adjutant’s face, and then the whole person jumped up from the chair.

Is this kid really special to have a feud with the sea thief in his last life?

It’s enough to take Renly to the naval base for three days to be detained, Renly knew a few days before the news of Chambord, because of some unspeakable factor,

They can only let Rayleigh leave Chambord alone, as long as this guy doesn’t make trouble, their navy has always been very tolerant,

Chambord is also an inclusive metropolis, and it will not be impossible to tolerate the strongest second-in-command in history…

And through a few days of observation, they also found that Rayleigh should have washed his hands in the golden basin and ran to Chambord to retire, this kind of person is under their noses,

They can also rest assured, the five old stars do not pursue it, and he is too lazy to eat turnips blindly and worry about it,

It’s just that because he has been thinking about the plan to save the lost sister for the past few days, he forgot to tell Leonardo about this, and he watched Gion control Leonardo so strictly,

Before the departure salary card was handed over, Renly was in Area 13, in the illegal zone of Chambord, which was not far from Area 5,

I think Leonardo should not have a chance to run over there and have too much intersection with Reilly.

However, I don’t want to be too shocked when I saw this kid detaining Renly on the grounds of an undocumented black household, and he was a little surprised that this kid could run from under the nose of Yuanyuan to Area 13 the day after he ran to Chambord,

Although Renly is a pirate, to be honest, the people of Roger’s pirate group are except for the devil heir Douglas Barrett who was driven off the ship halfway,

The rest is quite bright, since you have planned to retire and retire, naturally you will not do things because of this little thing,

And in the hands of that kid, Renly really didn’t dare to do things, that kind of slashing mouth has sharp ability,

Even if he was his own person feeling disgusted, unless Renly still wanted to be sprayed…, it was another news that really made his mood fluctuate so much.

This kid… As for why the word ‘suspected is’ in the text, it was because Renly was also present at the time, with a good relationship between Roger and the Whitebeard brothers,

Renly does not know this suspected godson of Whitebeard, but this suspected godson of Whitebeard does have the logo tattoo of the Whitebeard Pirates on his arm, so the steel bone sky estimates that it is likely to be Whitebeard’s godson,

As for why Rayleigh doesn’t know, it’s easy to understand, there are so many godsons of Whitebeard, and there are all kinds of birds in a mess,

Not to mention Renly, even Whitebeard himself may not be able to name every single one.

And no one on the sea dares to pretend to be Whitebeard’s godson, if this is discovered, but he will be hunted to the ends of the earth, Whitebeard no matter how strong he is, he doesn’t want to see someone impersonate his banner to do something uncustomary,

At this point, Whitebeard’s three views are still in place.

Besides, there is a lot of people in the Chambord field, but anyone with brains can’t pretend to be the white-bearded godson and run to the Chambord land to swagger, so the steel bone is basically certain,

That’s Whitebeard’s godson.

There are a lot of stinky problems on this guy with a white beard, stubborn, and he wants face when he dies,

But for his godsons is really good, especially extremely short-guarded, once for a godson even the old lover Charlotte fat woman did not give face.

And now this kid has stroked the godson of the white beard, and he knows with his ass what the white beard will do, if it is usual,

Their navy has many generals and is well-equipped, and there is absolutely no problem in singled out a group of white-bearded pirates, but now they are dealing with the pirates who ran away in the first half,

There is no time to take care of anything else, and now in addition to his guarding home, Sengoku and Ozuru occasionally have to take the line.

Now okay, good thing Whitebeard will enter again, they have to worry about the navy in the first half,

You have to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates again, this is a special hell mode!

Of course, people have already stroked, it is impossible to put it, that forced thing is so arrogant,

In front of their navy, a mouthful of Uncle Ben, if you let go of that forced thing, this is not to hit their navy,

Hit him in the face of this Navy brother?

If this is released, he really won’t have to mix in the future, how many people are staring there!

The only thing that can be done now is to discuss with Sengoku and Xiaohe, two people with an IQ of ninety-five, what to do if Whitebeard enters.


“Moses Moses, I am empty…”

Just then, the phone bug on the table rang.

“Empty, the green fox caught the crew of Whitebeard, you should have arrived, right?”

The voice of an old man with a knife came from the mouth of the phone worm.

“Yes, I just received the news, the five old stars, you mean…”

Steel Bone Kong asked curiously, there is nothing strange about the five old stars knowing that Leonardo caught Whitebeard’s godson, CP0 to CP9 are not dry food,

Chambord Land is so close to the world government, if the five old stars don’t know how strange it is, Leonardo will become the king of agents.

But he was curious about what the five old guys were calling and trying to do.

“…… With the character of a whitebeard, the crew is caught, he will definitely come to the rescue,

Although it is somewhat difficult, it is also a good opportunity to combat the arrogance of pirates, and recently we are discussing the increase in the power of pirates,

In order to meet the unknown changes in the future, whether the Navy should establish an additional post of general, this time we must see the determination of the Navy. ”

The old man with the knife said gracefully while touching the broken knife in his arms.

“Shhh! Please rest assured that this time the navy promises to beat the Whitebeard Pirates to a new world!!! ”

Hearing the last words of the old man with the knife, the steel bone empty heart attack was about to be committed, and one hand tightly held the chest to prevent the little heart that did not fight to pop out,

Raise your head and chest and tummy to lift your buttocks, this voice is sonorous and powerful, this voice is unprecedentedly firm,

The indomitable momentum instantly erupted, shaking the entire naval headquarters to pieces.

The adjutant, who had just gone out, almost sat on the ground with his butt and looked at the marshal’s office with admiration.

The combat power of the air marshal is amazing! They are all this age, and they still have such momentum after a night of fighting… Dry.

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