Chapter 0142: Be a good person after going out, don’t come in again_!!

“That’s probably what the five old stars mean.”

Seeing the reaction of Lieutenant General Sengoku and Tsuru, Steel Bone Kong nodded understandably, and his mood has not calmed down until now.

“But now, the number of pirates in the first half of the Great Voyage is too much, and we are not skilled to deal with these pirates alone…”

At this time, the mood of the Warring States also calmed down, and it has been determined that the big brother will go to the world government for two years to be an official master, and he is the next first brother of the Navy,

If the five old stars really add a naval admiral, needless to say, when he takes the throne, it will definitely be the peak period of naval power,

Every time he thought of the picture of him ascending the throne of the navy, his heart swelled, he was almost at the peak of his life and almost married…

Sengoku suddenly glanced at Lieutenant General Tsuru, who was still in the charm next door, and then calmed down, now think too much,

First of all, how to let the five old stars see their determination is the key point, their navy this time took the initiative to abandon the New World to transfer back several New World base chiefs of the Red Dog, first of all, it is indeed the lack of troops in the headquarters,

Second, it is also really enough energy to deal with the 15 sea thieves in the new world.

Now Leonardo’s wave can be regarded as off Whitebeard, if Leonardo was the righteous and bright stand of Leonardo in the Edward naval battle, and finally Mitsuki Ota was also rescued,

Whitebeard really has nothing to say if he doesn’t have this face to find Leonardo, then now the godson is being arrested, even if it is the godson on the periphery,

Even Whitebeard himself may not remember having such a godson, but for the sake of the so-called family, for the sake of face,

Whitebeard will definitely come to the rescue this time, and if his godson is caught and Whitebeard is indifferent, then he really doesn’t have to mess around.

And their navy is also for the sake of face, for the position of the fourth admiral, and definitely can’t let Whitebeard save people,

It is even necessary to forcefully drive Whitebeard back to the New World, perhaps only in this way can combat the soaring arrogance of the pirates and let the five old stars see their navy’s determination.

So now the problem is, with the number of navies in their current headquarters plus Chambord, it is obviously impossible to smash Whitebeard and their ten pirate groups, but if the navy sent abroad is taken back and let the pirates of the great voyage ignore Whitebeard, it is even more impossible,

The devil knows how many human tragedies will occur during this time on the Great Voyage, which is completely contrary to the justice that their navy insists on.

“…… Inform Karp to come back, according to Renly’s confession, the Roger Pirates have been disbanded,

Roger didn’t know where, and it wasn’t a way to let him look for it aimlessly, in the period before Whitebeard set out,

Let the red dog, the yellow ape and Kuzan increase the cleaning efforts, and try to bring the carnival as much as possible,

The pirates around the Queen City and the Water Capital clean up and return to the headquarters. ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru said after a long thought.

Leaving the pirates in the first half alone is obviously impossible, and in the past two years, their navy has chased Roger and the golden lion to capture Balorick Ledfield in order to restore confidence in their navy around the world, if they really let those people leave it alone,

They did it all for two years.

However, although the Whitebeard Pirate Group is strong, it will not let the full strength of their navy resist, the Whitebeard Pirate Group seems to be strong and strong,

But the one who really got on the table was the son of the captain of the team of Whitebeard, and the rest of the people were just a group of rabble, after all, Whitebeard collected his son and never looked at this son,

Anyway, he didn’t have his own.

So as long as a few main forces and Whitebeard follow the line to drag him down, and the rest of the people are desperately Whitebeard’s uneven godsons, she really doesn’t believe that this son in Chambord is fate,

The other sons are not dead in the eyes of Whitebeard?

And the ability of the three natural systems to clear the army just now, let them brush more performance.

Their combat power here was originally enough to pick a whitebeard, but thinking of the destructive power of whitebeard’s fruit, Lieutenant General Tsuru felt that it was better to summon Karp back to be more stable for the sake of safety…


Sengoku thought about it and nodded, this is not a way to do it.

“Just follow the method Xiaohe said, after the Warring States go back, inform the red dog, the yellow ape and Kuzan.”

Steel bone Kong also nodded, red dog, yellow ape and Kuzan are all candidates for the next general,

Needless to say, they are also going to fight with Whitebeard this time, and the innate advantage of the three nature departments in Qing soldiers is too great.

“This is your good citizen… Bah! Resident card, be a good person after going out, don’t come in,

This money gives you self-defense, and that’s all that can help you… Look at you, mixed for decades,

In addition to the name, he is also a poor bastard, it costs a woman’s money to buy a set, and you are also a pirate when others mix pirates,

It’s rare to see you like this in ten years, and I have a navy that is richer than you, a sea thief…”

At the door of the Chambord Navy Dying Detention Center, Leonardo handed Renly to the door who was about to be released from the cage and re-made him, handed him a small red book and a bundle of Bailey,

It can be regarded as some rewards for this sea thief who is ready to change his mind and become a man again.

To be honest, I used to often hear that among the 803 Four Pirates, the life of the Roger Pirate Group was the most difficult and poor, and sometimes he often did some black things for daily expenses,

He didn’t quite believe it before, after all, Barorick Ledfield alone in the West Sea kind of uninhabited island where birds don’t poop can make a big villa to maintain the little white face, even if Roger is poor, even if he is poor, even if he is difficult, it will not even be difficult to spend daily expenses, right?

Look at the golden lion at the peak of the people, how dashing? The white-bearded people also follow a large group of godsons to enjoy life carefree.

But after three days of fighting with Renly, he finally knew the reason, the top four of Roger’s Pirates Group are indeed the top four,

But poverty is also really poor, the reason is very simple, they are all chased by Karp.

That’s right!

Although Karp has not been able to chase Roger for so many years, it is really sad that the Roger Pirate Group has been chased by Karp over the years, first of all, they are a group of principled pirate groups,

Do not dare to those who violate the law and discipline, their economic resources are mainly to rob the rich and help the poor on the sea, and eat black and black,

In this way, although the money comes quickly, it also spends money quickly, not to mention that every time they try to escape Karp’s capture,

On that broken ship that has been driven for decades and has no money to repair and maintain, it is equipped with the latest thrusters, and the price of that thing is ridiculously expensive, not to mention that it is quite fuel-consuming…

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