Chapter 0149: Old Curry Wrote, Directed and Acted!!

Carnival City is located at the first stop of one of the lines of the great shipping route from all over the world, and it is also an international metropolis, and there are many pirates coming and going.

During this time, he was the first time in his life that after seeing the pirate, he didn’t want to go up and kill the other party, but also wanted to quickly kill the other party and go back to sleep.

This time is really tired of the Lady Tai Te!

“What are you talking about, isn’t our navy duty-based to capture pirates and uphold justice, you don’t know how arrogant the peripheral godson of Whitebeard is,

If I don’t him, how can I mess around on the sea in the future, and you may not be able to… I said Senior Akainu,

Brother Yellow Ape said this to Kuzan, don’t you always share the sky with pirates? ”

Leonardo had a question mark on his face, looking up and down at the red dog with a dead face, wanting to see if this guy had been pierced by a human soul.

The red dog was blushed by Leonardo’s old face, but his face was originally dark so he couldn’t see it.

If I also have a Gion to help, my special wife will dare to stroke the white beard…

“Leonardo is right! Our navy is to capture the navy and uphold justice as its duty, these small setbacks are nothing, setbacks will only make us stronger,

You are all the future pillars of the Navy, and in the face of difficulties and setbacks, 093 must have the courage to face hard steel in front! ”

The leading naval giant Tiantuan walked in, and Steel Bone Kong, who was standing in the C position, looked at his love general with a look of satisfaction and said with a smile.


This is the child of a third lieutenant general, and the ideological consciousness language is higher than the wild road!

The Sengoku beside Steel Bone Kong looked at Karp and confirmed their eyes, and then looked at the son of this big brother like a ghost.

This Genima is Big Brother’s own son?

It can’t be that the chromosomes have mutated, but they just look alike, right?


“Brilliant! Marshal, you are better than ten years of reading, I believe that in your wise leadership,

Under the leadership of the Warring States General, our navy will definitely be able to expel the Tatar… Pirates, create brilliance again!! ”

Leonardo slapped his thigh, making the people around him feel painful, and then looked at Ichigo and the Sengoku next door with adoration.

Not only to shoot a brother, but also a future brother, but he will follow the Warring States in the future.

“Ahhh… Well said! The future of the Navy requires this self-confidence! ”

Steel bone empty can’t help but groan, this kid is too special, it’s a pity that the talent is too outstanding,

If in general, he truthfully let this kid be his adjutant…

———This is Big Brother’s own son, that’s right.

Although it was also licked a wave very cool, no wonder Marshal Air liked this kid so much, but Sengoku and Karp were also sure,

This kid is indeed Big Brother’s own child

The maintenance one will not lick so naturally, there are no traces of stage performance…


Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at this future brother-in-law with a smile, although he was young and vigorous and sometimes did things impulsively, but he could do things,

can speak, indeed much stronger than the three of Sakaski, although the three of Sakaski can do things,

But the talking piece is indeed weak…

“According to the sailing speed of the Whitebeard Pirates, it will soon reach the headquarters of the Navy, and this is a good opportunity for our Navy to combat the growing arrogance of the pirates,

Everyone here must do their best, and you can’t let Whitebeard take people away, otherwise those pirates on the sea will be even more arrogant in the future,

For all over the world. ”

It will be an unprecedented disaster!

When all the general-level officers who were still in the headquarters gathered in the office, Steel Bone Kong began to throw chicken soup and BOFF madly below, and there were not many general-level officers who remained in the headquarters,

Counting Leonardo who rushed back, the four of Kuzan, in addition to several vice admirals of the navy’s big treasure purebred giant,

The remaining major generals and lieutenant generals add up to more than twenty full numbers, most of which are major generals, and there are only a few lieutenant generals,

No way, the number of pirates outside is too much, these people are still injured and came back to recuperate when they were stroking pirates outside,

Most of them are recovering from serious illnesses, otherwise the naval headquarters will take turns with the Warring States to sit in the village and guard the house.

If it were other pirates, they naturally didn’t need to bother so much, but the enemy was a whitebeard with amazing destructive power, so he had to do it so slowly,

Already facing the tall and mighty figure of the white-bearded man, even the people of the giant race were a little flustered when they saw it…

“Hey! How did it come to this point? Daddy, the child lives up to your expectations, this stinky boy is now more and more disobedient,

I’ll go down and explain it to you…”

In the residential area of the vice admiral, Old Curry was standing in the front yard with his hands behind his back drinking a small wine, and when he saw that he suddenly noticed that there was still 0.03cm from the gate,

Rubbed up and stepped on a stool placed under a plum blossom tree next to him, above the stool there was also a thumb-thick rope, and there was a desk opposite the cherry blossom tree,

There is a black and white photo of Leonardo’s grandfather on the stage, and at the moment when Leonardo’s left foot just stepped into the door, old Curry immediately had tears in his eyes,

The gloomy eyes put the rope around his neck with a cushion, and silently told his father’s black and white photos, for fear that he would not hear it,

The voice is also mixed with a bit of domineering…

The surrounding mourning music sounded, recreating the scene of hanging on Meishan Mountain.

“Dad, the rope is too thin, do you want to change a thicker one for you,

You have an imperial order, I am not a prince…”

Leonardo did not return to his big villa, Gion transferred Whitebeard’s godson to the headquarters and directly met Chamborda, the situation in Chambord Land is more complicated,

When he comes back, he also has to leave someone to sit in Chambord, so he is not used to the empty big villa, so he simply returns to his father’s mother’s house,

As a result, as soon as I entered the door, I saw the famous scene of Meishan hanged by my father, who wrote and acted and directed himself, looking at the thumb-thin rope, Leonardo’s black line,

Although his father’s strength is not as good as that, he is also a former vice admiral, and he has never heard that such a thin rope can strangle a vice admiral.

This Nima made it clear that it was done for him.

“Hey! When your grandfather came during this time, he gave me a dream, saying that he was sprayed by the ancestors below, saying that he had no way to teach his son,

Let me, an unfilial son, go down and explain to him as soon as possible…”

Old Curry still looked at the black and white photos on the opposite side with tears in his eyes and sighed…

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