Chapter 0172: The price of the accident with the goods brought by the general is too high!!

“Whew! Good risk…”

At the highest level of the world government, the five old guys saw the prompt of the steel bone facing the Warring States, and the change in the expression of the Warring States to finally calm down and nodded slightly, and they all breathed a big sigh of relief and spread out on the sofa.

Of course, there are only two of these dolls, it is impossible for all five of them to have a share, these two dolls are actually the goods of a fat old man with a birthmark on the brain door.

Before ordering a doll to smash and expose the big sword boy who was looking for his own person to compare the sword in front of people, and exploded in place with the Warring States, they didn’t react much, after all, this thing has two or three in Mary Joa’s many Draco homes, but I feel that the taste of this kid in the Warring States is different from ordinary people, and he likes it so big! Target……

But when the four people saw that the reaction was a little busy, holding the teacup, their hands were shaking, they immediately reacted and understood the seriousness of the matter, should these two dolls be customized by this guy?

At will, they thought of a few years ago, when the golden lion robbed the sky gold, there was a guy who immediately talked about the dolls made at a large price, but this guy was almost angry to death, and he wanted to personally bring the golden lion back as a human stick.

But some time ago, in the new world there was also a batch of heavenly gold robbed, according to 17, there were many dolls bought by Draco in that batch, they wanted to come to this guy so much love dolls, this guy’s goods are estimated to be in this batch of heavenly gold, are ready to comfort this guy, but this guy actually didn’t care made them a little surprised, and thought that this guy finally returned to normal and liked the real thing

Only now did they know that this guy still hasn’t changed at all, and he is still the girlish heart who likes dolls, but this guy no longer uses heavenly gold to bring goods, but has long asked the admiral to help him bring goods, no wonder this guy looked indifferent at that time.

However, when they learned the truth, they panicked.

This guy in the Warring States is usually very reliable, his mouth is also very tight, and he is also very smart, in exchange for the usually cool-headed Warring States, they are not worried at all, after all, they grasp the economic lifeline of the navy in their hands, and the Warring States are called wise generals naturally not brainless people, who know what to say and what not to say.

But now the Warring States that have exploded in place is not easy to say, after all, people are angry, and the words they say are often not over the brain, he is really worried that the Warring States suddenly came to a sentence that this thing is five old stars…

Then this guy is going to be exposed, once this guy is exposed.

The five of them have always been grasshoppers in the same boat, both prosperous and damaged, if this guy loses face, won’t the four of them also lose face together?

They hadn’t tried this kind of thing for hundreds of years, but they couldn’t forget that feeling.

So the main thing now is to let Sengoku calm down before he leaks his mouth, and then let him fight all this alone!

But the problem is that now that the Warring States have gone up, the normal way is to calm him down for lunch in a short time, and the longer this time drags on, the greater the risk of exposure.

In the end, the fat old man gritted his teeth and stomped his foot, they were licked by Leonardo’s kid before, and they were tripled on the basis of agreeing to increase the funding!

No, he pays for it himself, and the problem of money being resolute is not a problem, as long as he does not lose face!

Hearing the words of this fat old man, the other four naturally didn’t have anything to say, and they all agreed to this method, and even the golden retriever old man was more hypocritical and said that the money was not enough for me here… But seeing the fat old man’s stupid eyes, the words are generally hypocritical…

Think of a way, the fat old man also didn’t say a word and hurriedly called, originally he was directly called the Warring States private phone worm, so the most convenient and will not be reminiscent of him, but after two consecutive calls and no one answered, I knew that the private phone worm that was fighting with Whitebeard Warring States is estimated to have been bombarded a long time ago, and can only retreat to call Steel Bone Kong, although this may make Steel Bone Kong guess something, but Steel Bone Kong is his own person, and after two years, as soon as the term of the first brother of the Navy arrives, he will come to Mary Joa as an official master, There is no need to worry that he will pass it on, and although the steel bone is not as witty as the Warring States, it can still be clearly distinguished from what should be said and what should not be said.

When they finished the call, they were still not at ease, and they pressed tightly against the white talk

The bearded and fierce Sengoku, when they saw the Warring States calm down, they breathed a sigh of relief, this level has finally passed!

“I see that in the future, your goods will still follow the heavenly gold, although there is a risk of being robbed, but let the admiral help you bring the goods, the price is too great!”

The old man with the knife couldn’t help but wipe the fine sweat on his head and began to feel sorry for the fat old man.

Twice the naval expenditure, although half of it is from the world government’s finances, but the other half needs this guy to pay for it, he knows that this guy has also made a lot of money over the years, and the wealth is just a number, but it is not a small amount to feed half of the navy by himself, and it is still a small amount to give money every year, even if this guy’s value is extremely reduced, if it comes once, the navy will be raised by him after applying directly, which is too high a price.

The money was used to make that thing, and if it was reclaimed to the sea, it would fill the whole new world…

In the end, he is a good brother for so many years, and the old man with the knife does not want him to break the fortune again, so he can’t help but persuade.

“Yes, although it is safe for the admiral to bring the goods, the price is too high…!”

Others also nodded and persuaded…



“Whitebeard! These sons of yours are almost gone, won’t you retreat? ”

On the other side, at the justice gate of the naval headquarters, after two more rounds of confrontation with Whitebeard, he pointed to Whitebeard’s godsons who were turned over and said to Whitebeard.

For the sake of the navy, the warring countries who silently resisted all this thought that after their navy funds doubled, finally did not have to live in a bitter life, even to pay the younger brother overtime pay carefully, the psychology is also a little better, if just for the five old stars to let him be this pot, he will definitely not agree.

But for the sake of the Navy, who has trained him for many years, and the Navy that has raised him for many years, he will carry it, but it is a pity that this pot did not fall on Karp, anyway, there have been too many pots on Karp over the years, and it is not bad for this mouthful…

After calming down, the Warring States and Whitebeard fought for another two rounds, and found that even if Whitebeard returned to the new world in the end, the losses of their navy were very large, and they would not be able to face the violent pirates at that time, as for the difficulty of forcibly stroking Whitebeard and his son, even if he teamed up with Karp and Marshal Air to surround Whitebeard, but Whitebeard’s destructive power is not blown, when the time comes to desperately Whitebeard, the devil knows what will be done, The battle of the Valley of the Gods made their navy low for more than ten years, but they didn’t want to come again.

So the best way is to let Whitebeard take the initiative to retreat is the most appropriate, fight until now, the five old stars should also be able to see the ‘determination’ of their navy…

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