Chapter 0192: Roger: Is the bullet arranged?!!

“But… There is a question here, the positions of the three admirals of the navy have already been divided, if a senior admiral is added, what should his position be? ”

At this time, the bearded old man also spoke, he agreed with the little friend’s point of view that the green fox’s coffee position is still smaller, although every time they blow them, they are very happy, but this from the mouth of people in different coffee positions, the effect is still different, just like the Warring States this time, obviously blowing is not as beautiful as the green fox, then this sincerity is because the Warring States coffee position is large, so it sounds particularly comfortable to them.

Adding the position of the general is not a problem, the most important thing is the position of the newly added general, the issue of power, in this regard, they are also thinking about this time, but they have not yet come up with a good way, the positions and powers of the three major admirals in the past have been divided, just like a piece of cake itself has been perfectly divided into three parts, and now it suddenly becomes four, then it has to be divided again.

But there is too much time at the critical time, and it is not easy to operate!

The former 17 navy generals clearly divided the division of labor and did not interfere with each other, one was responsible for the new world, one was responsible for the first half of the great voyage, and the other sat in the navy headquarters to deal with urgent matters, such as Draco being beaten or something.

Even if there are only two three generals in the previous Navy, but although Karp is a vice admiral, it can be used as a general, so over the years, because the division of labor is very clear, it is no problem to have one or two less generals, but suddenly one more general position comes out, then it is a little troublesome.

The most important thing is to have a reason to convince the navy below, after all, the three major admirals of the navy have been deeply entrenched for many years, and suddenly adding a position of a general will inevitably make the navy below have ideas, when those people think that the navy is the back garden of their five old stars, it is not good to add a few generals.

They also want face…

“…… Since the Roger Pirates found the final island of Ralph Drew, the sea has stormed away, in this situation, a new world is coming, there are many daring pirates, so the safety of Draco is also precious, and the new general’s responsibility is to be responsible for the safety of Chambord and Mary Joa. ”

The golden-haired old man rolled his eyes twice and suggested.

“Hmm… This is a good idea. ”

“No comment.”



The other four also nodded, so that it would not affect the original duties of the three major generals, and there was also enough reason to hold that kid to the top.

The reason for being in charge of Chambord and Mary Joa’s safety is good enough, right? The salary is set by them, and it is not too much to get a big future to be in charge of the global economic center of Chambord and Mary Joa, the highest center of power in the world, right?

“Wow! This guy in the Warring States is really endless, just say two sentences casually. ”

“Made, the time is almost up, it’s not finished yet, why so much nonsense…”

The scene of Rogue Town, may be the first time that such a formal appearance in the people of the world, the Warring States held back a few all-night opening remarks a little much, twenty minutes passed, the navy uncles and pirates listening below were drowsy, the navy uncles were nothing, after all, it was their boss who spoke above, so they had to bear it in secret, and the boss’s face could not be helped.

But the pirates just can’t bear it, they are pirates, and the Warring States are not their boss, why should they give him face?

Again, they came to face the saint, and they did not come to see the Navy meeting, “Roger is here!” ”

Just when these pirates began to complain, the crowd thought that they could not find out

The navy dragon set who arrived at the household registration suddenly pointed to the direction of a street entrance behind and shouted, and the people in the entire square quieted down to look in the direction of the street entrance, and the voice of the Warring States was also interrupted, looking at the pirate who interrupted his speech very unpleasantly, and then gave the yellow ape a look, and the yellow ape nodded slightly in understanding.

Made, don’t you see that labor and management are talenting? At this time, destroy the atmosphere that labor and management have been hard to create, you especially don’t want to mix!

But seeing the figure at the entrance of the street, and then looking at the time on hand, time seems to really begin, only then gladly put away the speech that has not been read for a large part of the text, not speaking, or is it important to deal with Roger’s affairs now, that pirate Karami is cleaning him up afterwards, let him see how serious it is to interrupt the admiral’s speech…

At this time, the eyes of the world are on the domineering figure that appeared at the entrance of the street, although wearing handcuffs and leg irons, but still does not affect his image of the great shore of all pirate psychology, Roger grinned and walked with a firm step with a firm step to lead the two naval juniors step by step in the crowd, wherever they went, whether it was the naval uncle or the Mr. pirates, they retreated to make way for a road, as if this was a good road from Roger on the road…

With every step Roger takes, everyone’s little hearts beat with his steps, a king of the era, after decades across the sea, finally climbed to the top and sat on the Iron Throne and held the MVP trophy… Bah! Find the legendary OnePiece.

In the past, this thing only existed in 697 stories and fairy tales, but now it has been really found by Roger, then it shows that OnePiece really exists, and everyone knows that as long as this king dies, the sea will really enter a new era of dominance, and the whitebeard who lives in a couple has no ambition to be the king, but there is this group of careerists below.

Charlotte Fat, Kaido-sensei, Terence, Bundy. The Wald brothers, as well as those so-and-so in the new world, new pirates who have just debuted…

Time passed little by little, and when Roger came to the highest part of the execution table, he saw the Navy beautiful host standing aside with a microphone, and looked at the envoy without a trace.

Roger: Are the bullets arranged?

Leonardo blinked slightly: Enough tube…

After receiving the confirmed look from the host of the Navy Pretty Boy, he breathed a slight sigh of relief, he didn’t get any benefits for his hometown for decades after his debut, and he finally did it once before he died…

Immediately Roger sat on the execution table with a very free butt, looking at the people below who came to see him off, there were enemies, there were ‘friends’ who had been flattened by him over the years, and there were many young people who had never met…

And the pirates below also quietly looked at Roger above.

Quietly, quietly…

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