sports supervillain

1003. Beating You Is Just Incidentally

"You big guys with simple minds and well-developed limbs, don't jump around one by one. If there are a few who want to be beaten, sign up together, and I will clean up all of you. When your villain god is about to come !"

Ye Fei's arrogant declaration of war immediately aroused countless heated discussions.

"I didn't expect what O'Neal said was true. Ye Fei really wanted to fight in WWE, and I was looking forward to Ye Fei's performance on the WWE stage."

"Can't really play it? Ye Fei, you have to think about it, even though WWE is a performance wrestling match, they are not easy to deal with. Are you sure you can play it?"

"Floating, you are really floating, Ye Shen. I can beat all the scumbags like Daddy Ball, but the WWE masters like Dashi Johnson are different. You may not be able to beat them."

"Cheats are flying, I, Ye Shen, am no longer satisfied with dominating the NBA, do I want to dominate the WWE now?"

"The god of villains is about to rule WWE. I am very much looking forward to God Ye's debut in WWE. Don't be cowardly, just do it, and hammer down all those blatant clowns. I support you, God Ye."

"You scumbags of the WWE League, your god of villains, Ye Fei, will teach you how to be human, waiting to be hammered 23."

"Interesting, it's fun to think about it, an NBA player wants to smash the big guy in WWE, are they considered to be at the same level?"

"Don't be so crazy, Ye Fei, you may not be able to be beaten by others, if you are the one who gets beaten, it would be embarrassing."

The new NBA season has not yet started, the summer league is over, and the preseason has not yet started. Ye Fei suddenly came with such explosive news, which quickly set off a frenzy of heated discussions in the league.

"Ye, you played a bit exciting, I think you should play well. Although I don't think you will lose, I am afraid that you will be injured. You are the absolute core to lead the Lakers to three consecutive championships and start a new dynasty."

Kobe Bryant, Ye Fei's former teammate, immediately replied on Ye Fei's Twitter that he was really worried. General NBA professional players are not allowed to participate in some more exciting sports.

For example, there used to be a Lakers player, Andrew Bynum, who was quite talented, but because of his own strength, he went bungee jumping during his injury, and his career was lost in one jump. After that, taking a shower to injure yourself, playing bowling and knocking yourself out is simply a talent among talents.

Kobe's worries are still well-founded. Many celebrities or NBA players who have a good relationship with Ye Fei hope that Ye Fei will think twice, and it is best not to participate in WWE at this critical juncture. If Ye Fei has already retired, then he can play. The problem is that Ye Fei is still in the golden period of career advancement.

If one is not careful, something goes wrong, and it will affect his career in the next decade or even decades.

But Ye Fei immediately added a sentence.

"Just those scumbags in WWE? Don't say it's a fake fight, even if it's a real fight, I can hang them up and whip them one by one. Don't worry, they have no chance to hurt me. The main reason is that they are too aggressive. I can't stand it. , before the start of the season, give them a blow to vent their anger."

What Ye Fei actually wanted to say was that beating them was just incidental. This WWE match, Ye Fei has a reason to go.

Knowing that Ye Fei is determined to compete in WWE, Shaquille O'Neal wrote on Twitter: "My good brother, looking forward to fighting side by side with you, I am with you, beat them hard, I believe we can win."

O'Neill was very happy.

He has retired, and now he has tried in all aspects. For example, compete with the big eater to see who can eat better. Or challenge Hercules and wrestle with them. "Shark" O'Neill is still very happy to know that Ye Fei, his good brother, wants to go to WWE with him, but what O'Neill didn't expect is that Ye Fei's villain attributes are so buggy.

See O'Neill@自己, Ye Fei will reply as soon as possible.

"My brother Shark, you may have misunderstood me. Even though we may both be on the WWE stage together, it's not me fighting with you. You just watch and if I feel like punching them If it’s not enough, then you can come and challenge me.”

Ye Fei's reply caught Shaq O'Neill off guard.

I regard you as my brother, but you beat up your brother together, it's really too much.

Not a little too much, it should be very much.

Many netizens can't stand it.

"Hahaha, are you going to laugh at me to death so that you can inherit my money? Big shark, big shark, Ye Fei doesn't mean to fight side by side with you, he just wants to beat you up

"I really didn't think of you as my brother. I, Ye Fei, a super villain, would beat up my brothers together, so I asked you if you were afraid?"

"Poor big shark, it seems that he didn't do anything. No, he did. He invited Ye Fei to form a team, and then Ye Fei said that he would beat him together. O'Neal must have a black question mark face at this time."

"Please let go of my cute big shark, he just wants to form a team, why do you even target him, Ye Fei, can you be an individual?"

"The super villain is really extraordinary, and his teammates beat him up together. It's useless for me to recommend you so crazily at the beginning, but now you want to turn around and beat him up together?"

"I really can't stand it. Others O'Neill invited you with good intentions, why did you beat him together? Do you want to beat everyone here? Are you the karate big wet brother?"


Seeing Ye Fei's reply, "Shark" O'Neill could only helplessly put out a row of question marks. He was interested in Ye Fei's strength and wanted to play a WWE game with him.

Now Ye Fei called her to beat him to death.

Seeing Ye Fei's arrogance, Dwayne Johnson of the WWE Alliance couldn't sit still, he was the first to stand up and declare war. Ye Fei ignored him, and now that he finally dared to fight, Dwayne Johnson would definitely not let go of such a good opportunity.

But what he never expected was that Ye Fei would be so arrogant that he didn't take him seriously at all. And he also took the initiative to declare war on other people, do you want to fight all the masters of their WWE alliance together?

Dashi Johnson wrote on the social platform: "You don't need to shoot, I can handle him alone, see how crazy he is, I will hold him on the ground every minute and beg for mercy.

After Ye Fei saw it, he replied casually.

"I'm in WWE, I beat you guys just incidentally, I'm just bored, I want to find something to do, and meet someone by the way."

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