sports supervillain

1004. Personal Guidance From The Great Princess

Who Ye Fei wants to meet, only he and the people he wants to meet know, and the rest will never guess.

But what Ye Fei said really didn't take WWE's masters seriously. How contemptuous is it to say that beating them was just incidental?

Not to mention Dashi Johnson, even Brother Daxiu couldn't sit still.

"Hey, although I am also a Lakers fan, I really like watching you play, Ye. But I don't like to hear what you say. I also want to come to participate in this game. Don't worry, I won't hurt him too much , but I will definitely push you to the ground and rub you crazily, and I will fuck you until you lie down and beg for mercy."

Brother Daxiu's tone was quite arrogant, and when he was being interviewed, he seemed extremely confident. Ye Fei thought that he could really bring some threat to himself. But whether he can play or not is another matter. Because in the end who Ye Fei wants to compete with is up to him and the WWE princess to choose together.

If he wants to be beaten, it depends on whether he is qualified enough.

After all, there are still many people who want to catch Ye Fei's popularity and compete with him.

Cary, the giant of the WWE Alliance, is also eager to try.

"I heard that recently there is a very arrogant kid who wants to fight us, and I am happy to accompany him. You don't need to make a move, I can handle him alone."

have to.

As long as you are happy, anyone who is not afraid of being humiliated can come. Anyway, beating one is beating, beating a group is still beating, it just takes more time.

The flames of war started, coupled with the hype of the WWE alliance, all of a sudden, the matter of Ye Fei going to fight in the WWE became the focus of heated discussions.

"Ye Fei is serious. He actually wants to participate in a WWE match. I thought it was just a joke. The WWE official website gave the exact news that Ye Fei may be on the WWE stage in the next match." .”

"Some people don't understand Ye Fei's thoughts. If you don't play well in the NBA, you will go to WWE to be a human target. Isn't it good to abuse food in the NBA? What if something happens and ruins your career? The gain outweighs the loss, I advise Ye Fei not to participate in the competition."

"Could it be that Ye Fei really thinks that he can bully those big guys in WWE casually? Even though they are a show-type wrestling match, whoever doesn't have a lot of work, maybe you will be the one who loses face in the end."

"Are you looking down on my God Ye so much? I feel that those five scumbags won't be able to jump out a few more. They will definitely not be able to beat me, God Ye. Don't ask me why, just ask me. I am a die-hard fan of Ye Fei. pink.

"I have never seen such an NBA player. Even though it is the offseason, no one else has the right to ask what you do. But if you want to play such a dangerous and exciting project, if you put your career on the line, the loss outweighs the gain. "

"Could it be that Ye Fei went back to China and got the blessing of mysterious kung fu power. Does he want to show it to us on the WWE stage?"

"Ye Fei's decision was a bit too hasty. O'Neill had to practice for a while before he dared to say that he was going to participate in a WWE match. You haven't even practiced for a few days, and you have to go up to PK with others, Ye God, are you right? Too impulsive."

"What's the point of saying so much? Everything will be revealed on the day of the game. I just want to know when the game will start."

The match time is basically finalized, but before the start of the match, Ye Fei still needs to familiarize himself with WWE's game rules and some fighting skills.

Although Stephanie is now the executive vice president of the WWE Alliance, she was also a WWE champion.

Therefore, a week before the start of the competition, Stephanie took the initiative to invite Ye Fei to the competition venue to check it out. Then lead Ye Fei to her private training hall, and signal to the staff to take a day off, where she will explain the rules of the game and some wrestling techniques to Ye Fei alone.

Stephanie underestimated Ye Fei’s strength too much.

If Ye Fei didn't have some ability to press the bottom of the box, Ye Fei would not have joined the WWE competition so easily. As far as Ye Fei's current level is concerned, his wrestling skills are higher than any wrestler in WWE. Ye Fei deliberately hides his clumsiness, and accepts Stephanie's personal teaching with peace of mind.

Regarding things like WWE competition rules, it can be done in less than two hours. But the two wrestling together stayed in the ring for at least four hours.

"The two of us fought so fiercely that you exhausted a lot of energy. I'll let you relax."

Stephanie winked.

She made a phone call and several young and beautiful massage ladies came in and gave Ye Fei a good "relaxation" for a long time in the room.

It wasn't until very late that Ye Fei left Stephanie's private training hall refreshed.

When the two met for the first time, Ye Fei thought it was pretty good. In the next WWE match, I still have to treat it well.

Originally wanted to crush and beat Ye Fei all the way, so I decided to cooperate with them and play a little show effect.

After all, Stephanie promised Ye Fei that she would arrange a more fun meeting after the game.

Time passed day by day, and the time for Ye Fei to participate in the WWE match was getting closer and closer. Ye Fei, who was always very active, suddenly became very low-key. If it weren't for the WWE alliance, which has been vigorously promoting, perhaps many people would have forgotten that Ye Fei is the protagonist of WWE's next performance.

Because during this period of time, none of the WWE players who clamored to teach Ye Fei a lesson were not idle.

They showed off their daily training content on social platforms one after another, and every time they expressed their crazy thoughts that they wanted to teach Ye Fei a lesson.

Even Shaquille O'Neal, who was supposed to stand on the same front with Ye Fei, joined their camp, saying that he would have a good fight with Ye Fei in the WWE match.

The joining of Ye Fei is enough to make this (good) WWE performance full of highlights and stars.

But with the joining of famous players who have dominated the WWE alliance, this WWE match has become the most watched and most anticipated match in the WWE alliance

In the past, the live tickets of the WWE League were less than 800 US dollars. But the tickets for this game, even if Stephanie intends to increase the price, it is still hard to get one.

After scalpers who saw business opportunities joined, the price of a ticket was at least $1,000 or more. As the game approached, the price of tickets continued to soar, and Stephanie was dumbfounded to see such a rapid rise in ticket prices.

It is worthwhile to bet everything on your personal guidance, just for the ticket sponsor, even if you give Ye Fei 80% of the profit, it is enough to make her crazy.

And before the game started, Ye Fei also helped this game, earning a lot of attention. .

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