sports supervillain

1005. I Have A Showdown

In an exclusive interview before the start of this much-watched WWE match, Ye Fei said in front of the camera: "I have a showdown."

Ye Fei said solemnly, "I'm actually a wrestler, I really didn't lie to you. I didn't say it until today to remind my opponents to pay attention, so that they don't lose too badly tomorrow. Then I'm sorry, there are so many fans who support me.

I almost believe it... I believe you.

Looking at Ye Fei's life history, there is no record of wrestling training, and he has not even participated in a training class for children. You actually told me that you are a master wrestler, are you sure you are not kidding me?

Not to mention wrestling, Ye Fei, you have never even played wrestling, fighting and other sports similar to wrestling. Tell me that you are a wrestling master.

Who believes?

If other people say this sentence, they will definitely not be believed 100%. But it was Ye Fei who said this sentence. Although most of them questioned and doubted, fans who have been following Ye Fei have different opinions.

"Whether you believe it or not, I choose to believe anyway. Tell me, when did Ye Fei ever tell a lie? He pretended to be a force, and in the end you will find that he was not pretending to be a force, he has this strength."

"You may think that Ye Shen is pretending again, but I don't think so. I believe he is a master wrestler. If the tickets are not so expensive now, I really want to buy a ticket and go to the scene Go watch the battle."

"Based on Ye Shen's last words, I believe he will not lie. Although I, Ye Shen, are notorious in the league, but he has never been stingy with us fans, and he will never deceive us. I believe Ye God is a great wrestler."

"To stand out in the wrestling world, at least a few years of training is needed. But I am willing to believe that Ye Shen is the only talent in the world, one or two weeks is enough for him to become a wrestler."

"I believe that Ye Shen is definitely a master wrestler. You don't have to believe it, but you will definitely get slapped in the face. I used to be more handsome than Wu Yanzu, but now my face is as round as Zeng Zhiwei, and I was swollen by Ye Shen."

"666666, big brother upstairs, I will help you if I support the wall. No wonder I always felt a burning pain in my face during that time, do you want to feel it? Anyway, I won't think about it again, Ye Shen, it is definitely a A great wrestler."

Some of Ye Fei's fans still believe in Ye Fei very much. After all, after following Ye Fei for two seasons, the number of times they have been slapped in the face is too numerous to enumerate.

It's just that they don't believe in Ye Fei, and still account for the majority. It's not that there is no such kind of athletic genius, just like the current Lebron James, who used to be able to kill the Quartet in rugby. As for a certain star who is forced to play baseball, it seems that his talent is a bit lacking. Nash is good at basketball, but also good at football.

Basically, NBA stars, besides basketball, the sport they are best at is most likely another ball game. It seems that only "Stone Buddha" Tim Duncan, who was a good swimmer since he was a child, turned to play basketball later. Therefore, NBA stars who are good at playing basketball rarely have a large span of good at sports.

Like Ye Fei said that he is a master wrestler, which really refreshed the cognition of many fans.

However, it seems that Ye Fei can always refresh the fans' perception time and time again.

WWE players are very unhappy.

Dwayne Johnson was the first to stand up.

"I also have a showdown with you. In fact, I am also a good basketball player. After I finish this WWE game, I will go to play in the NBA and lead the team to win the championship. Anyone can brag

You are still a wrestler, can you stop making me laugh?"

The giant Cary also said: "I have spent so many years practicing wrestling skills, and now I dare not say that I am a master wrestler. He is not a professional athlete in our event, so he is not worthy of saying this. Because after he said (cded), he could only get a few more punches."

"Shaquille, I have seen a player who is good at playing basketball and has good wrestling talent. But there is still a huge gap between him and us. How can you say that you are a master. I am very angry now, the two I will make you regret what you said today."

When Brother Daxiu was interviewed, he said this to the camera.

Rotten tomatoes, stinky sweet potatoes, I will watch the game two days later, how crazy you can be.

Anyway, the goal of Ye Fei's remark has basically been achieved.

This WWE match, because of Ye Fei's words, the heat soared again. It seems to have become the most watched game in the entire American Empire, and they really want to know

Ye Fei, who dared to show his cards and say that he is a wrestling master, was lying?

Will he slap himself in the face this time?

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and the long-awaited WWE match was finally about to kick off.

Although they know that Ye Fei, O'Neill, Dashi Johnson and others will appear on the field, they don't know what kind of scene and what kind of fighting method they will show in front of people.

But after the game started, many fans who came to watch the game were still a little disappointed.

Many people came here for Ye Fei. As the biggest player in this match, Ye Fei will definitely make his final appearance.

Therefore, at the beginning of the game, it was Big Show and O'Neill standing on the ring.

According to the script, he spat out some trash talk, Brother Big Show and O'Neill started fighting, and the scene suddenly became hot. Because they didn't see Ye Fei before, some displeased viewers focused their attention on Bi Kiln.

O'Neill's acting talent exploded, and he is really suitable for playing WWE.

O'Neill was beaten violently at first, and O'Neill seemed powerless to fight back, but he suddenly seized the opportunity to fight back and threw Big Show to the ground.

Then, in an extremely exaggerated way, he beat Daxiu on the field. Everyone understands that there is a strong performance component in WWE matches, but the fighting scenes still make people's blood boil.

When O'Neal was playing vigorously, Dwayne Johnson suddenly joined the fight and threw O'Neal to the ground. Cooperating with Daxiu, who was out of breath, the two came to a set of combined punches, which beat O'Neill to death, and they were pressed to the ground by the two and rubbed wildly.

The atmosphere at the scene immediately became lively, and the audience enjoyed watching it very much.

O'Neill's performance is very good, but unfortunately his strength is a bit weak.

However, just when Daxiu and Dwayne Johnson were about to knock O'Neal out of the game, a figure suddenly came. .

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