sports supervillain

1285. Hundreds Of Beauty Gathered Together

The Los Angeles Lakers can play without anyone, except Ye Fei. The rest of the players want to leave, but Ye Fei will never force them to stay. If they are willing to stay, Ye Fei has to consider whether to keep them.

In competitive events, don't think that winning three consecutive championships or five consecutive championships is very stable. People change, players change. With the improvement of fame and strength, they are affected by the outside world, or because their internal status is affected, their mentality gradually changes, and they will gradually become parallel importers.

If these players continue to stay in the team, they can only drag the team back. Ye Fei has always believed that, except for some players who cannot be replaced, the rest of the players must be replaced in due course to add fresh blood so that the team can continue to win.

At present, Ye Fei has not expressed his opinion on whether the Los Angeles Lakers players will stay or not, but for some players, Ye Fei will give the team some suggestions.

As for the fact that they wanted big-name players to help him, Ye Fei felt that it was unnecessary. Even if there are players who take the initiative to shoot, Ye Fei still depends on his own mood, whether he wants to take him to the championship.

This year's offseason, the Los Angeles Lakers must have a lot of action. Because some teams will poach some players. There will also be players who want to leave the Los Angeles Lakers

Look for a big contract. Or there may be players who want to join the Los Angeles Lakers. Those things will be left to Jenny Buss and the others for the time being.

If there are certain players joining or leaving that Ye Fei is not happy to see, Ye Fei will give some advice in due course.


At this stage, Ye Fei needs to take care of the things at hand. After spending three days, Ye Fei finally finished all kinds of filming, as well as the activities he was going to participate in here, which belongs to Ye Fei's offseason and is about to start.

On the last day of Ye Fei's event, he finally waited for the surprise arranged by Jenny Bass.

"Come on, I'll take you to Hawaii for vacation. Everything has been arranged for you. You will have a good time there for a week."

The state of Hawaii belongs to the only weekly archipelago of the US empire, consisting of 132 islands in the central Pacific Ocean. The climate is pleasant, the scenery is charming, and the sandalwood tree in the state capital is a famous tourist attraction. The most desirable is undoubtedly Waikiki Beach.

Sun and sea, beach and beauty, an extremely romantic combination of hues. Waikiki Beach is sunny and sunny all year round. It is suitable for most water sports. You can enjoy swimming in the embrace of the ocean. People can surf, dive, boat and fish here. Countless tourists go there.

Jenny Bass rented a seaside villa for Ye Fei, and opened the window to feel the cool and warm sea breeze blowing in front of her.

Ye Fei's trip to Hawaii will definitely not be just a vacation. He believes that the surprise given by Jenny Buss will not be so boring.

Aunt Jenny did not disappoint.

The two were honest and honest, and while enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window, Jenny Bass whispered in Ye Fei's ear: "The surprise I prepared for you will come later, the first batch will be about 30 people, and then They will come one after another, no less than three digits, you can enjoy yourself here, have a pleasant holiday week."

Ye Fei didn't expect that Jenny Buss would surprise her so much, and her little brother already had the urge to rebel.

"And don't worry, I've arranged all your itineraries. You came to Hawaii for closed special training. You can cooperate later. I arranged for the staff to shoot some videos. Your little women, I will help you Calm down."

So steady.

Auntie is really kind, and Ye Fei's worries were solved by the way, and Ye Fei thanked her so much that Jenny Buss packed up her things.

"I'm going on vacation at a nearby villa. You can enjoy your next visual feast. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me. I'll wait for your call. I'll go there first. I understand what you mean, and I will arrange it right away. (cded) "

Jenny Buss waves goodbye.

Not long after, staff came to make arrangements, and then a group of young and beautiful performers entered Ye Fei's villa and began their performance. They come from all walks of life, there are beautiful stewardesses, enchanting nurses, sassy policemen, and well-behaved maids

It was the first time for Ye Fei to feel that the feast gathered by Baimei and their performances, Ye Fei was a little overwhelmed, and it took almost a week to barely digest it.

The surprise that Jenny Bass prepared for Ye Fei was deeply loved by Ye Fei.

He stayed in his own villa and didn't go out for five days and five nights. On the sixth day, some beauties who were still unwilling to leave took a cruise ship with Ye Fei and spent a day and a night at sea

On the seventh day, Ye Fei returned to the shore. After recording the training video, they were still reluctant to leave, and they were convinced.

Jenny Buss cooperates, Ye Fei performs perfectly, but he is not in a hurry to return to Los Angeles.

The scenery of the Hawaiian Islands is charming, and he still wants to play here for a few days, a real vacation.

Ye Fei is not coveting those beauties in bikinis on the beach, he simply likes to lie on the beach and sunbathe.

The happy time is short-lived. Before Ye Fei has had enough fun, the first bad news comes.

"Ye, I have something to tell you."

Ye Fei was approached by Jenny Buss: "Yi, I told me before that he might leave the NBA next season, and he wants to return to China to play games. I have persuaded him to think about it, but these two days, Bringing this up again, I'd like to hear your opinion.

Ye Fei was a little surprised, he never imagined that the first person who wanted to leave the team would be Brother Lian.

Jenny Bass meant that Ye Fei understood. After thinking about it for a while, Ye Fei replied: "I'll talk to him first to see what he thinks. I will respect my elder brother's choice. If we can't reach an agreement, Just hang out with each other."


Jenny Bass continued: "That's what I thought too, but I think you probably don't need to talk to him because he's already on his way here. He's coming over for a holiday and training for a few days, and he said to me , I will come to talk to you.

It is in line with Lian Ge's work style.

Ye Fei felt a little bit regretful, he still wanted to work with Brother Lian to create the Zijin Dynasty that belongs to the glory of our people.

Since Brother Lian wants to go back, he must have his own ideas, and Ye Fei respects his choice.

Jenny Bass had just chatted with Ye Fei about this, when he saw the message from Brother Lian.

Ye Fei was on the beach, and after a short wait, he saw Brother Lian and his sister-in-law coming over, looking very loving. .

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