sports supervillain

1286. Brother Lian's Thoughts

"You go to play for a while, and I will accompany you later.

Carefully helping his wife to take sun protection measures, Brother Lian went to the chair next to Ye Fei and lay down: "You really enjoy it, come to this place for training, fortunately, I can get some light from you, and train here for a few days, Otherwise, I wouldn't envy you to death."

Ye Fei cut to the chase and said, "Have you thought it through?"


Brother Lian responded, and the two fell into a brief silence. After a while, Brother Lian said: "I know my current strength. In this set of Lakers lineup, I can at most take on the role of a substitute player. Playing for about ten minutes, as the team's starter, I'm under a lot of pressure."

Brother Lian has his own pride, even though the media deliberately compared him with Dayao back then, if it wasn't for his self-esteem, he wouldn't feel that he was living in Dayao's shadow, maybe his NBA career would have been smoother .

Sometimes character can determine a person's achievements. The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. When a person's personality is settled, it will be extremely difficult to change it.

What Brother Lian said is not unreasonable. With his current strength, it is too difficult to become the core of the team. He will not become the team's key training target in the future, Jenny Buss and the team's management will think so. Brother Lian has both talent and strength, but it is a pity that he has passed the best age.

"Back in China, I am still the core player of the team, and you know that."

Brother Lian continued to express his feelings. He looked at his daughter-in-law who was playing in the water not far away: "Our roots are not here, and the focus of our family is in China. I want to spend more time with my family. I am not like you Merry, living so chic, I am very dedicated."

With a half-smile look, a little teasing, Ye Fei chuckled. Ye Fei probably knows what Brother Lian is thinking.

I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

After all, he is currently in the national team, and he is still Ye Fei's eldest brother. He doesn't want to live under Ye Fei's protection all the time. Of course he knows that as long as he is willing to follow Ye Fei for as many championships as he wants, Ye Fei will be willing to take him with him, even if he only plays for a few minutes per game and can only wave a towel on the sidelines, Ye Fei will not abandon him.

It is not easy for Lian Ge to play such a role.

"There is no need to make such an early decision. There are still a few months of offseason, so you don't have to think about it. I think you can fight for another two years. Let's start a new financial dynasty together. It's very exciting to think about it. I Respect your choice, it depends on how you think about it, I will always support you."

Ye Fei stretched out his right hand and punched Lian Ge, and then aimed his fist at his chest.

"I understand what you mean."

Lian Ge was thoughtful: "Actually, I want to go back. There is another reason. Next year, the Men's Basketball World Cup will be held at home. You know our current strength. I want to go back to China and see if I can give some help to young players. , I want to make a breakthrough on the stage of the World Cup."

In the Men's Basketball World Championships (now renamed as the Men's Basketball World Cup), the national men's basketball team had the best results, but only reached the quarter-finals.

At the beginning, relying on Wang Shipeng's three-point lore, the men's basketball team escaped danger and broke into the top 16. I thought it would be the beginning of the rise of the men's basketball team, but I never thought that would be the most glorious moment.

In the following years, the men's basketball team fell into a trough. Now it seems that there are always newcomers rising, but no such powerful players appear again.

Lian Ge is gradually entering the end of his career. Next year's Men's Basketball World Cup may be his last chance. Perhaps the men's basketball team will be at its peak in the future. Lian Ge does not want to have any regrets.


It's all because of his heart to serve the country with every fist, and he wants to make his own contribution to the country. Ye Fei can understand Lian Ge's intentions. Although he has not mentioned it all the time, and even has been questioned, he silently resists the pressure on him. He is currently the only reliable inside pillar of the Tianchao men's basketball team.

Going back to China to play and training more with the teammates of the national team may be able to give Ye Fei more support on the field.

Brother Lian's thinking is very simple.

Ye Fei supported him.

Kudos to him too.

Looking at Ye Fei's thumbs up, there was a bitter smile on the corner of Lian Ge's mouth. After chatting a few more words, Ye Fei stood up a little melancholy, and left silently. He didn't want to look at Brother Lian and stuffed himself with dog food.

There is a high probability that Lian Ge will leave the Los Angeles Lakers and become the first person to leave the team this summer.

Ye Fei also wants to make a name for himself in the NBA with players from his own country.

...asking for flowers......

Lian Ge cherishes the motherland and wants to serve the motherland and improve the strength of the men's basketball team. Ye Fei will never stop him. With the power of one person alone, it may not be possible to change the current situation. When more and more people are willing to contribute to the future development of the national men's basketball team like him, the dawn of victory will appear sooner or later.

come on.

Pay tribute to every great man who has made great contributions to the country.

Thank you to the old man who kept us from starving, may your light shine on the earth, and may you be safe in another world.

The current training has no obvious effect on Ye Fei's improvement, but he walked into the training hall silently and vented his anger until he was exhausted.

Lian Ge's departure is a bit sad, but in fact it is more dissatisfaction with the status quo of the men's basketball team.

Accompany Brother Lian in the training hall here in Hawaii, practice together for a few days, and make an appointment to go back to China together.

He still has things to do, Ye Fei decided to stay in Hawaii for a few more days, he wanted to calm down.

After winning three consecutive championships, Ye Fei is basically invincible in the league, and there is no one who can play.

This year's NBA playoffs are enough to explain everything. No matter what kind of player Ye Fei is facing, any player who claims to be the number one in the league in any position will not be able to gain any advantage in the confrontation with Ye Fei. Ye Fei can bully them at will.

If you want to make them round, they have to be round. If you want to beat them into squares, they must be squares.

On both offensive and defensive ends, in one-on-one situations, even one-on-two, or even one-on-three, Ye Fei is sure to deal an extremely heavy blow to the opponent.

Ye Fei's personal strength is beyond doubt.

With his own strength, he can change the trend of the game.

If there weren't some records that hadn't been broken, there wouldn't be much for Ye Fei to cherish in today's NBA league.

Ye Fei is bound to the super villain system in the sports world. Regarding the villain value of the nba league, Ye Fei has searched about the same, so he can consider new fields to flex his muscles.

Looking at the young people on the sea, skateboarding and surfing to their heart's content, Ye Fei couldn't resist the impulse in his heart. .

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