sports supervillain

1287. Surfing Expert

As a famous surfing destination in the world, Hawaii has countless surfing enthusiasts who come here to challenge themselves every year. Enjoy the thrill of fighting against the waves, experience the thrill of galloping on the waves, chase the waves, and conquer nature.

They had so much fun, Ye Fei wanted to try it out.

Ye Fei decided to show his cards, and he wanted to tell people about his talent as an all-around athlete.

Although he has never been exposed to this sport before, Ye Fei just observed it a little bit, and then studied briefly with the trainer next to him. Ye Fei gradually mastered this sport.

Taking the short board used by beginners, Ye Fei lay prone on the skateboard and rushed straight into the rough waves.

After several attempts, Ye Fei is like a fish in water, like a tiger returning to the mountain. He can already shuttle freely in the waves, and even perform some fancy moves on the skateboard.

Morris, the trainer of "September 13" with Ye Fei on the side, was dumbfounded. He had never seen a player with such outstanding talent and so fast to get started.


Morris covered his head with his hands, looked at Ye Fei who was having a great time playing on the waves, and shouted involuntarily: "My God, I haven't seen it in the industry for more than 20 years. A beginner can do it like this." High talent, able to get started so quickly. If I didn't know that you have never learned to surf, I really can't believe that you would be a beginner.

When Ye Fei made a lap and returned to the shore, Morris gave a thumbs up: "I know you play basketball well, but I didn't expect you to be so good at surfing. If you didn't know that you were an NBA championship team, Los Angeles The absolute core of the Lakers, I want to pull you to surf."


I just wanted to experience the fun of the game, a little surfing, and Ye Fei played freely.

It's time to show off what it means to be a real surfer.

Let him take a look at Ye Fei's strength as a super surfer.

after all.

Ye Fei is a man with a system, and he spends millions of charm points in exchange for a [God-level Zhonglang Tianren skill.

With skills in hand, I have the world.

After digesting the improvement brought by [God-level surfer] skills, Ye Fei threw the longboard to Morris: "Here, give me another one, this is not fun to play."

Morris gave a thumbs up: "Excellent, you can change boards so quickly for surfing, your athletic talent is extremely enviable. Wait, I will find you a more suitable new board."

After waiting for a while, Morris brought a short board of good quality and prepared to give it to Ye Fei, but Ye Fei looked disgusted.



Morris looked shocked: "The one I gave you is the best short board. I am still reluctant to take out this board, but you still despise it?"

Ye Fei didn't speak, and silently pointed to the gun plate placed on the wall. Novice surfers generally use long boards over 9 feet, or soft boards with strong dynamic mobility. Mature technology, veteran surfer, using a short board under 7 feet.

Hawaiian surfers generally use narrower and longer gun boards. This type of surfboard is more suitable for the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands, blown by the North Pacific Ocean, up to 4 meters

Even waves reaching more than 8 meters.

Under the impact of huge waves, surfers can slide 800 meters on the waves, but the gun board is more difficult to control. Morris had never seen a newcomer who had just learned to surf, would pick a gun to play, trying to challenge the giant mark in Hawaii.

Although countless surfing enthusiasts came to Hawaii for the huge waves, Morris asked suspiciously: "Are you sure? This is not a surfboard that ordinary surfers can control.

"Do not talk nonsense."

Ye Fei said impatiently: "I'm not an ordinary surfer, I'm a master surfer. I can't even conquer the huge waves, I'm an ass. Don't you know that I grew up by the sea? Life depends on Lang, hurry up and give me a board, follow me to see how I show."

Morris is not the kind of twitchy, hesitant person who took two gun boards backhand: "Come on, I really can't believe that you can control this kind of surfboard and play it well."

The two held a gun board each, and headed towards the huge waves.

Near the raging waves, Morris was still lying on the gun board, but Ye Fei seized the opportunity, stood up with the opportunity, and rushed towards the waves. Following the impact of the waves, Ye Fei pulled Morris away in an instant, just as a huge wave rushed towards him.

Ye Fei didn't panic at all, took advantage of the trend, pulled the gun board, jumped up, and completed a 360-degree turn in the air. Ye Fei landed steadily on the wave, and continued to slide forward steadily, already preparing for the next move. prepared.

Seeing this scene, Morris opened his mouth wide. If it wasn't for a mouthful of salty seawater pouring into his wide open mouth, choking Morris was extremely uncomfortable. He might have been in the non-still picture for several minutes.


Spitting out the seawater from the corner of his mouth, Morris said a little speechlessly: "Do you want to be so strong? I feel that I have been surfing for more than 20 years, and it seems to be a waste of time! I didn't know how to do it successfully, but he actually showed off. , haven't played yet?!"

Just as Morris was about to finish his exclamation, when he caught up with Ye Fei, he saw Ye Fei showing off again against the oncoming waves, perfectly demonstrating his prowess as a surfer.

With excellent physical talent and perfect control over the body, coupled with Ye Fei's newly acquired [God-Level Surfing Master] skill, Ye Fei grabbed the gun board and directly performed a beautiful somersault in the air, drawing a Beautiful arc.

The people who were surfing next to him focused all their eyes on Ye Fei, and sighed again and again, feeling incredible.

"What a dazzling somersault, beautiful! You can actually perform such beautiful movements, what a powerful surfer."

"How can he make such powerful movements? I just saw that he seems to have a 360-degree turn at 0.8 in the air. His strong control ability is better than all the surfers I know.

"Kyle, where did you find such a powerful player? I just saw him come here with Kyle. He has great skills, and he can enter the top three in the competition."

"It seems that he is still a novice. I saw Kyle teaching him some simple movements just now, about an hour ago."

"Damn it, you won't tell me that he just studied for less than an hour? How is that possible? He's bragging and doesn't write drafts?"

"It's amazing. I'll ask Kyle later and I'll know. Quick, look over there. He's actually playing new moves again. It's so cool!"

Accidentally, Ye Fei became the most beautiful cub in the surfing area in Hawaii. .

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