sports supervillain

1292. Unexpected First Encounter

"In vain I believed you so much, but you lied to me. You said that the restaurant with the most chain stores is not a high-end restaurant at all. You treat me to so many things, and the total cost is less than a few dozen dollars. Lie to me, this time I won't be fooled by you again."

James Harden refused verbally, and now he recalled the expression of the staff holding back their laughter, and he was furious. He thought it would cost a lot of money for Ye Fei to take him to a big meal, and he still felt a little guilty. When he asked to eat at the Shaxian Hotel again, James Harden choked back his anger after the staff explained to him.

Ye Fei actually wanted to fool himself, traveling so far to find food, the air ticket is probably more expensive than the meal.

James Harden will definitely not be fooled this time.

Ye Fei sent James Harden a series of question marks, coupled with a black question mark face expression: "You are poisonous, so I will ask you, is the food you eat delicious? Isn't the scenery I show you beautiful? ?Is what I treat you worth money worth?"

"And you can't blame me for this. The main reason is that our country is too powerful. The living standard is so good, the consumption level is so low, and the food is so cheap. You can't blame me. And the expensive ones don't necessarily have this kind of delicious food. I'm used to eating big fish Big meat, why don't you change some small vegetables?"

Ye Fei is persuasive: "Let me tell you, there are more delicacies here, and they are absolutely delicious. The delicacies and beautiful scenery here are definitely suitable for you. They are very hot, super spicy."

There is another sentence, Ye Fei did not tell James Harden that the food may be so spicy that his ass blossoms.

"you sure?"

James Harden asked: "Don't lie to me this time, I'll book a ticket right away, wait for me!"

Ye Fei smiled slightly, I still don't understand your pee sex, so I can handle it to your death. The second day after Ye Fei arrived in Wudu, James Harden hurried over.

"Brother, did you agree to take me to eat delicious food and see the hot scenery? Go, go, go, you can-don't lie to me this time.

There are many beautiful scenery in the foggy city, and beauties are everywhere, but when walking in the foggy city, you have to find an old driver to lead the way, otherwise it is very likely that you are downstairs and the person you are looking for is upstairs. Although one is downstairs and one is upstairs, you may not be able to see it.

The beautiful landscapes on the street instantly dispelled James Harden's resentment.

"How? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

James Harden nodded again and again: "The boss is the boss. You really didn't lie to me. I will follow you whatever you ask me to do in the future. I am a little hungry. Take me to eat some delicious food. Hurry up! Since you brought me Once, I am only interested in the cuisine of your country now, please arrange it for me as soon as possible."

"no problem"

Ye Fei waved his hand and took James Harden: "Go, I'll take you to eat hot pot."

This time there was no one else James Harden, and Ye Fei took him to an authentic Wudu hot pot restaurant that was very well-known in the local area, had a high level, and was often visited by celebrities.

Those who can go to this kind of place, there will be many celebrities and ladies, and when they walk into the hot pot restaurant, James Harden can't help humming cheerful songs.

At first, I was not used to this kind of hot and spicy food, but I couldn't help seeing Ye Fei eating it. James Harden, who was so hot that he was sweating profusely, also ate with Ye Fei. He was sweating profusely when he ate, so hot that he grinned, frequently poured himself iced drinks, and kept grabbing food from Ye Fei.

"Come on, try this, you'll be satisfied, it's absolutely delicious."

Ye Fei handed James Harden a bowl of hot hot pot soup. The staff at the side wanted to remind him, but Ye Fei stared back.

Picking up the bowl, James Harden gulped it down, Ye Fei almost couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Ye Fei did not expect that this bowl of soup would be so effective.

Not long after, James Harden couldn't hold back and hurried to the toilet, Ye Fei finally burst out laughing.

But he seems to go a little long at a time.

There seemed to be something wrong outside, Ye Fei motioned to the staff to go out and have a look.

James Harden really caused some problems.

He, his staff and bodyguards were confronting another group of people, and the staff of the hot pot restaurant were mediating on the sidelines, so Ye Fei could only walk quickly.

"what's going on?"

Ye Fei brought out his aura, and the onlookers involuntarily gave up their positions. Ye Fei walked in and gradually understood the whole story.

...asking for flowers......

James Harden saw a very attractive girl, and he wanted to approach her. The opponent may be a big star, the bodyguards came out to stop him, and had some physical contact with James Harden.

Just after drinking a bowl of hot pot soup base, James Harden was a little angry, so he argued with them, and the staff from both sides joined in again, and the scene got a little out of control.

The appearance of Ye Fei.

Immediately stunned the scene here, someone next to him recognized Ye Fei.

"It turned out that God Ye and Harden were eating hot pot here again. I said why Harden suddenly appeared here. It's okay, it's okay, everything that should be left is gone, and I was prevented from going to God Ye to ask for an autograph."

The person in charge of the hot pot restaurant spoke, and the rest gradually dispersed. Ye Fei's fans, like him, were waiting for Ye Fei's signature.

"I know you, NBA Los Angeles Lakers player, Ye Shen, the best basketball player in our country."

The heroine on the other side of the accident said slowly, "Ye Fei set his sights on her. Her stunning appearance fits James Harden's aesthetics very well. No wonder he wants to strike up a conversation."

"This is Zhang Tianai, she is eating hot pot here, Harden seems to have disturbed him, so his bodyguard pushed Harden away.

Ye Fei expressed his understanding and motioned him to solve it.

Communicate with James Harden and ask him to apologize to Zhang Tianai, and the matter is basically over.

After signaling James Harden to return to the private room, Ye Fei met the requirements of recognizing his fans, patiently took photos with them, and signed their autographs.

Ye Fei picked up a bottle of wine, took the initiative to come to the private room where Zhang Tianai was, motioned to the person in charge of the hotpot restaurant, and knocked on the door.

"For my friend's offense, I'm here to apologize to him, please don't mind, I will respect you first."

Ye Fei used the most usual apology gesture in our country to help James Harden apologize and resolve the final crisis.

He brought the people here, Ye Fei didn't want to cause any unpleasant things to follow.

"I really know you, my name is Zhang Tianai, and I'm an actor."

Zhang Tianai picked up the wine glass in his hand and touched it with Ye Fei: "It's okay, don't say sorry, God Ye, I've watched you play, you're very handsome."

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