sports supervillain

1293. We Will Meet Again


Ye Fei felt a little regretful. Before entering the private room, he didn't have a mobile phone to search her personal information. He could only exchange a few words and deal with the aftermath. Ye Fei had finished everything, so he was about to bid farewell and leave.

"When we meet again in the future, I will invite you to dinner again and express my apologies. I have paid for this table for you today. You can continue to order what you want to eat. I will pay the bill together later. Goodbye."

Zhang Tianai stood up and shook hands with Ye Fei to bid farewell: "Don't be so polite, it made me a little embarrassed, we are also at fault. But I believe in fate, we will meet again

When the time comes, I will treat you to dinner, God Ye, remember to reward your face. "

Ye Fei smiled and nodded in agreement. Not long after he left, Zhang Tianai was teased by her best friend.

Ye Fei didn't care about Zhang Tianai's words, he still had to appease James "May 47" Harden. He was a little unhappy about the conflict just now, so Ye Fei had to take him to do some pleasant things.

"Let's go, I'll take you to 857! Forget about that beautiful girl just now, there will be a lot of beautiful women waiting for you in the bar."

To be honest.

Even Ye Fei couldn't forget Zhang Tianai's beautiful face, crushing countless beautiful girls.

It's a pity that I have to accompany James Harden today, otherwise Ye Fei would definitely want to play with her. Some regretted calling Harden over to play, but if he hadn't come, how could he have had an unexpected first encounter with Zhang Tianai. I also have to thank Brother Deng, who must be clearly arranged tonight.

There is no doubt that there are beautiful women in the fog, and there are all beautiful and beautiful girls in the bar.

James Harden, who had a great time, swept away the haze.

Ye Fei has an event tomorrow, so he can't hang out with James Harden until dawn. Finding his target, Ye Fei left the field early.

He specifically ordered the staff to keep an eye on James Harden and not let him do anything else.

The basketball atmosphere in Wudu may not be as strong as that in Shanghai.


The fans in Wudu City were extremely enthusiastic, just like the authentic hot pot here, they almost sent James Harden to the hospital.

Fortunately, Ye Fei was merciful and didn't follow my brother Dan, adding two bottles of Red Star Erguotou to the hot pot soup base.

The event went smoothly as always, Ye Fei still loves his fans very much, basically he will satisfy any request.

When Ye Fei buried himself in signing autographs for the fans, he suddenly heard a familiar voice ringing in his ears.

"God Ye, can you sign your name for me?"

Looking up, under the thick camouflage, it really is that face that is all over the world: "I said yesterday that we will meet again, I didn't lie to you, did I? It's whether you can, give Your little fan, how about signing a name?"

Holding a Los Angeles Lakers jersey in his hand, Zhang Tianai looked at him meaningfully.

"If you want an autograph? I can do it for you yesterday. There is no need to come to the scene. Here, the autograph you want.

Signaling the staff to bring the signature suit gift box she had prepared, Ye Fei handed one to Zhang Tianai, and before she could speak, Ye Fei gave the other several to her friends.

"Do you want to come to the field and play a few games with me?"

Ye Fei sent out the invitation, Zhang Tianai was a little moved, but finally held back: "I won't go, why not let my friend go up and experience it."


"Okay, you wait here first, after finishing the activity, I will treat you to dinner."

Zhang Tianai gestured ok, and Ye Fei went on with his own business.

Ye Fei really didn't expect that what Zhang Tianai said yesterday was not a joke. He even thought that when Zhang Tianai said that he was his fan, it might just be a compliment to him, but she actually came to the scene to support him, how could Ye Fei miss this great opportunity.

The event lasted until 6:00 pm, Ye Fei was busy for most of the day and was really a bit tired.

He refused the dinner Anta arranged for him, and found Zhang Tianai who had been waiting for him for a long time.


Ye Fei took her together: "I made an appointment for this meal yesterday, and I have to arrange it. I'm really a little embarrassed, Xiao Dengdeng is a bit too much, but it may all be because you are too beautiful, and he may fall in love with you involuntarily." .”


Zhang Tianai fought back: "Then are you surprised by my appearance? Do you like me?"


Ye Fei will still be teased back, how can he not fight back: "How can I not be moved by such a beauty who looks like a fairy. Otherwise, do you think I will treat you to dinner tonight? I like you more than just you Your beauty, I also fall in love with your talent..."

Ye Fei continued: "I like the TV series you starred in very much. The role of Zhang Pengpeng is amazing."

"I'm different."

Zhang Tianai said with a smile: "Actually, I don't understand the NBA at all, and I just go for you. So I don't know Harden at all. Although I watched you play against him, I really don't remember him, so yesterday It’s really embarrassing to make such a fuss.”

Poor Denden.

One sincere heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch.


As if comparing yourself to something kinda bad.

"I know."

Ye Fei pretended to be deep: "In fact, sometimes, when I look at myself in the mirror, I fall in love with myself a little bit. If being handsome is a crime, with my appearance, it is not enough to be pulled out and shot ten times.

"You are so narcissistic."

Zhang Tianai made a disgusted expression, but it had a special charm.

"Let's go, let's find something to eat first. After a busy day, I feel a little hungry. What do you want to eat?"

It doesn't matter what you eat with the people you like.

Ye Fei never imagined that there would be other gains from his trip to Wudu.

He has Harden to thank.

Xiao Dengdeng is really his lucky star. When he meets him next season, Ye Fei must show mercy.

Although the Fog City event 0.9 ended early, Ye Fei was not in a hurry to leave.

Zhang Tianai has filming activities here, and Ye Fei visits the set during the day. When she is free, I will play with her in Wudu and taste various delicacies in Wudu.

The unique Wudu hot pot is of course the first choice.

Ye Fei will not be as weak as James Harden. After almost a week, he has recovered a bit, and he is a little bit pale when he smells hot pot. Even when the staff introduces him to some delicacies, he chooses to stay away.

After staying in the foggy city for a week, Ye Fei has to rush to the next destination, the relatively famous basketball city in China——Pengcheng.

He also has an event there.

And in the next two weeks, Ye Fei will have a lot of activities, and she has to participate in some domestic variety shows, so the schedule is quite busy.

Thinking of his lucky star, James Harden, Ye Fei immediately sent him a message. .

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