sports supervillain

1296. Road Crazy Tour Guide Di Lieba

Most of the domestic variety shows have scripts, just a little fun to watch. Variety shows have to be watched by Sun Country. Some of the variety shows they hold are called variety shows, and they can even be called large-scale social death scenes.

Ye Fei, as the hottest basketball player in the NBA and the most popular domestic basketball player, is destined to have many variety shows, and I want Ye Fei to participate.

after all.

God Ye's handsome appearance is right there, and he can instantly kill all the fresh meat in the entertainment industry just by relying on his handsome appearance. Coupled with Ye Fei's unbelievable popularity, it's not too much money to invite Ye Fei to a variety show.

In fact, Ye Fei didn't intend to participate in such a variety show, but the organizer has business contacts with Michelle Lam's family, and also helped to promote the products represented by Ye Fei, so he could only happily go.

It just so happened that this time their filming location was arranged in Suzhou, the location of Ye Fei's last stop.

This year Ye Fei is going to participate in a reality show ————— "Extreme Challenge".

"Extreme Challenge" has a large-scale inspirational experience reality show produced by Dragon TV. Each episode joins different guests for open outdoor challenge sports. The participating guests must personally participate in some challenges close to life, and they will have tasks.

While completing tasks, they also have to watch out for backstabs from competing guests, and the show is kind of interesting.


Ye Fei doesn't feel any challenges. In this 060 program, he and Di Lieba are in a group and need to complete some express deliveries. Although the program crew deliberately made things difficult for Ye Fei and put on a huge disguise on him, Ye Fei, who is outstanding in charm, was still recognized, and he basically did not encounter any major difficulties.


With Ye Fei's ability, even if he is not given a bicycle, he can handle a short distance of a few kilometers by himself.

Ye Fei didn't even need Di Lieba to go out, leaving her in place to take care of it, Ye Fei could handle it all by himself. Ye Fei, who finished delivering the courier, was stunned because he was stuffed with drinks by the fans, and he didn't forget to bring a copy for Di Lieba.

While the other guests were still working hard to complete the task, the two rested aside.

Di Lieba is currently the most popular young student born in the 90s in China. With her outstanding appearance and excellent acting skills, she has captured ten fans.

And in private, she is a bit naive, which Ye Fei finds interesting.

The two chatted very happily, and the naughty two even went to make trouble for other guests. The two who had a tacit understanding actually gave people a sense of CP.

The recording of the program went very smoothly and ended one day earlier than expected.

It just so happened that Di Lieba was free, so Ye Fei took the initiative to invite: "Why don't you take a walk with me tomorrow, the garden here. It's my first time here, can you be my tour guide?"

"Okay, no problem, I'll call you tomorrow."

After getting along with Ye Fei for a day, Di Lieba felt very comfortable and agreed. Ye Fei actually believed that Di Lieba would be a qualified tour guide. He completely forgot why he was and left her alone, alone. All deliveries have been made.

Di Lieba obviously took this matter to heart, Ye Fei also wanted to wake up earlier and go to the hotel where he lived to wait for her in advance.

Unexpectedly, she was earlier than herself, so she brought Ye Fei a copy of the local special breakfast, glutinous rice balls and pan-fried buns, which tasted great, and Ye Fei gave her thumbs up.

"I just said it was delicious, did I lie to you?"

Ye Fei praised: "That's right, it seems that you have studied food, the taste is really good, I like it very much.


As soon as food was mentioned, Fatty immediately became interested, and he talked endlessly, introducing various delicacies to Ye Fei.


She has not forgotten today's task.

Di Lieba is really unqualified as a tour guide.

The drivers (cdei) sent them near the destination, and Di Lieba was still able to drive in the opposite direction. Fortunately, Ye Fei responded in a timely manner, otherwise they would have to travel a long, unjustified way

Perhaps the mistake just now caused Di Lieba to feel a little guilty. When she entered the garden area, she volunteered again.

Not for a while.

Under her guidance, Ye Fei circled a scenic spot for a few times, and Ye Fei suddenly realized: "Are you a road idiot?"

Fatty smiled awkwardly.


Ye Fei used the last touch to kill: "Today I will be your tour guide, let's go!"

Di Lieba asked with some guilt: "Am I a bit stupid?"

Ye Fei shook his head lightly.

"I don't think so, I think you're cute. Besides, you're so beautiful and outstanding. If you don't have a little bit of Xiaolu, how can you let others live?"

Ye Fei comforted her with words.

Di Lieba, who had recovered from her emotions, became active again, and accompanied Ye Fei to enjoy the unique and unique garden scenery that is second to none in China and even in the world.

Today is a happy day with Lu Chi's tour guide Di Lieba.

To express her gratitude to Lu Chi's tour guide, Ye Fei took her to a unique Suzhou restaurant for a sumptuous dinner.

Knowing that Ye Fei will hold a fan event in Suzhou tomorrow, Di Lieba thought of watching it live, and Ye Fei would definitely help her make arrangements.

In case she misses tomorrow's event, Ye Fei helped her arrange a room at her hotel.

As Ye Fei in Suzhou, the last stop in China, domestic fans gave him an extremely unforgettable experience.

More fans arrived in Suzhou to participate in offline activities than any previous stop. Although the organizer temporarily added a lot of seats, it was still unable to meet the needs of the fans. As a result, Di Lieba, who was among the fans, failed to Recognized by fans.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely hot.

Especially after learning that the fans who sent out that tweet from Ye Fei even shouted loudly at the scene: "God Ye, I will lie flat and take me to win ten championships?"


The fans are just kidding.

Because it was the last stop, Ye Fei tried his best to meet the demands of the fans, and specially added some interactive sessions with the fans.

Seeing that Di Lieba wanted his entire set of autographed gift boxes, Ye Fei asked the staff to hide one set, and Ye Fei gave away all the rest that could be given away, attracting fans present

Exclaimed again and again.

This is the end of Ye Fei's domestic tour this year.

Seeking some more benefits for fans, and finally giving away the jersey she wore today, Ye Fei drew a successful conclusion to this event.

Ye Fei left the event site, found Di Lieba, and gave him the gift she had already prepared.

He is going to draw an incomparably beautiful and perfect ending to his domestic trip with Lu Chi's tour guide Di Lieba tonight. .

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