sports supervillain

1297. Next Stop Happiness

Di Lieba's schedule is a bit tight, and the two don't have much time to bring them together again. Early the next morning, Ye Fei personally sent her to catch the plane, bid farewell to Fatty, who was cute and cute, but sexy and charming.

Ye Fei has to hurry up and rush to Shanghai to become a qualified master of time management, to go to his sweet date with Zhang Tianai, and to accompany Song Qian and others. The schedule is so full that it is almost overturned.

Ye Fei never tires of wandering among the beauties.

After dealing with domestic affairs, Ye Fei has to rush to her next stop, happiness.

The second stop of Ye Fei's Asian tour is to a magical country --- Bangzi Country.

Ye Fei couldn't wait, because someone was waiting to act like a baby and said to him: ?????..."

There is no need for Ye Fei to be magnanimous when dealing with the fans and fans of this country. He does not refuse the arrangement of the organizers, and he repeatedly criticizes, asking them to arrange for him the best hotel and the best food, otherwise he will not participate in their event. Activity.

Hearing what Ye Fei said, the organizers wanted to resist at first, and when they saw Ye Fei carrying the bag, they were ready to leave, and hurriedly apologized, but they could only receive Ye Fei with the highest standard.

People from certain countries, if you talk nicely to him, he won’t talk to you, and he will even try to make an inch of it. When he sees something good in your house, he will try to take it for himself.


Ye Fei doesn't have much affection for these people in their country. If you get rid of that part, you will be cute

In fact, Ye Fei was quite reluctant in his heart, and went to Bangzi Country to engage in activities. But to be able to cut some leeks to earn their money, Ye Fei didn't resist so much in his heart.

Ye Fei came here not simply to make money, Ye Fei came with the purpose of saving them here, young and powerful beauty stars.

We all know how chaotic the entertainment circle in Bangzi Country is. Ye Fei has his own entertainment company. He can't let these young and beautiful stars be harmed by all the goddamn greasy uncles. Even if they are harmed, they can only be harmed by Ye Fei came.

Those who were rescued would only be grateful to Ye Fei.

Knowing that Ye Fei has settled in the hotel, Lin Waner, Zheng Xiujing, Kim Tae Hee and others immediately rushed over to express their gratitude.

This is the beginning of Ye Fei's happiness at this station.

The event was actually only one day, and Ye Fei came early in order to take care of the other party with good food and drink, but he could borrow the place of production they provided to receive beautiful stars who came to express their gratitude.


Ye Fei will go out and play around at night, looking for new targets. During this period of time, Ye Fei has really benefited a lot, because of the abnormal development of the entertainment industry in their country, there are countless beauties waiting for Ye Fei to save them.

Really can't bear to see them living in dire straits, Ye Fei can only sacrifice herself to help them complete the redemption.

Bangzi Country has always been arrogant and conceited. In fact, their country's basketball level is really a bit unsightly. Their league's All-Star-level slam dunk contest is just like a joke.

Ye Fei really couldn't accept their ignorance, so they made a big show at the event, dunking with various difficulties, scoring wonderful goals, refreshing their understanding of basketball.


What surprised Ye Fei the most was that not long after the event ended, he actually saw such news from their country's media.

"The No. 1 player in the NBA, Ye Fei, is actually Chinese!"

"Ye Fei plays so well, he is definitely a player of our country"

"NBA triple crown player Ye Fei, like us to eat kimchi, he is our country's player"

"Only our country can train players like Ye, I implore the National Sports Bureau to plan it"

Ye Fei felt helpless.

At the event site, the staff asked him to taste it. Ye Fei reluctantly tried their unique kimchi. It was much worse than the sour pickles made in some cities in southern my country. It happened to be caught by the media shop.


Once when he was having dinner with a rescued beauty star, they forced him to take a photo. They only ate kimchi twice in total, and they actually said that they love kimchi with their countrymen.

No wonder their plastic surgery technology is so superb.

Ye Fei really admired it.

Originally, he planned to leave Bangzi Country after finishing the event, but Ye Fei estimated to postpone it for three days. He wanted to take this opportunity to save some beautiful stars as a reward for their shamelessness.

...asking for flowers.


Ye Fei will also help arrange the itinerary for some beautiful stars who she has searched for but failed to save in time.

Go back to Los Angeles and save them again.

If it wasn't for the tight schedule, Ye Fei would definitely have stayed here for a few more days, so they wouldn't want it.

Ye Fei's next stop of happiness is Sun Country.

For the itinerary of this event, because Maya Gonghe strongly requested, Ye Fei cooperated with her. Having experienced the exotic customs of the Bangzi Country, Ye Fei also wanted to try the unique taste of the Sun Country.

Because she can always get first-hand reports about Ye Fei, Gonghe Maya's status in the circle has risen, which has really brought her a lot of convenience. willing.


The women of the Sun Country are always gentle, virtuous and obedient, and Maya Miyagawa will never refuse Ye Fei's request, and even took the initiative to help Ye Fei find a suitable target.

How could Ye Fei refuse her kindness?

After leaving the Bangzi Kingdom, Ye Fei rushed to the Sun Kingdom, and Gonghe Maya made all the arrangements.

On the first day Ye Fei arrived, he felt the unique maid service from their country.

Well aware of Ye Fei's habits, Miyagawa Maya has arranged a full schedule for Ye Fei's one-week itinerary in their country. She also intends to create a beautiful encounter between Ye Fei and Hua Ze Coriander.

The time of happiness is always short, and in the blink of an eye, August is coming, and Ye Fei has to speed up her schedule.

The new NBA season will start on October 19th, and there will be preseason arrangements in early October. Ye Fei does not need to train, but he must join the team during the preseason.

During the offseason of the Los Angeles Lakers, there were many personnel changes. In the preseason, Ye Fei had to work with the new players, aiming for his new championship trophy.

The three consecutive championships are just the beginning, the five consecutive championships are not over yet, and the ten consecutive championships may be the final result.


Ye Fei has to work hard to go to her next stop of happiness.

There are several countries in Europe that invite Ye Fei to participate in activities, and he certainly cannot refuse.

Ye Fei can only go one stop after another, heading towards his own journey of happiness. .

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