sports supervillain

1399. Come One

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong..."

As soon as Ye Fei opened the door, a salute was sprayed in his face. Even though he reacted immediately and flashed sideways, he still couldn't escape this wave of attack.

"Haha, I just said Ye Fei Ouba, it is impossible to escape our attack, so happy."

Wearing a red cheongsam, Lin Wan'er happily threw away the salute barrel in his hand, and rushed in cheeringly, but was stopped by Ye Fei, who slapped her hips with his big hand as a punishment.

"How dare you sneak attack me, you are a bit skinny, little play, I must teach you a lesson."

Before the words fell, Ye Fei slapped her with a palm, and Lin Waner couldn't control herself, so she quickly hugged Ye Fei and acted like a baby: "Ye Fei Ouba, the Lun family knew it was wrong, please let me go, I will take care of you next time." Never dare again.

Lin Wan'er got Ye Fei's forgiveness for the warm lips offered unsolicited, but when facing Ye Fei "Two Four Seven", Lin Wan'er was not willing to stop at nothing.

But Jung Soo-yeon took the initiative to separate the two of them, she pulled Lin Wan'er away: "You have really thought about it, I said why you rushed in first, you have already thought about everything. Let go, Ye Fei Ouba, he is ours ,Long time no see, Ye Fei Ouba, I miss you so much."

With a light kiss and a warm embrace, Jung Soo-yeon let go of Ye Fei and took out the gift she had prepared.

"Ye Fei Ouba, this is a gift I carefully prepared for you, Happy-Christmas-Eve!"

After receiving the gift from Jung Soo-yeon, Ye Fei showed a bright smile as warm as the winter sun: "Thank you, dear, Happy-Christmas-Eve! I have prepared a surprise for you tonight."

Jung Soo-yeon was captured by Ye Fei in an instant, and several people who came with her came forward one by one to greet Ye Fei. There are people Ye Fei knows, and some people haven't met yet, but they will definitely get to know each other tonight, and even communicate with each other on a deeper level.

The guests arrived one after another, and the big round table in the villa was full of people, and it was very lively.

The most comforting thing is the fireworks in the world. Especially the delicacies served to you with your loved ones have a unique flavor.

A table full of dishes, full of color, fragrance and taste, will whet your appetite just by looking at it.


As for the prayer ceremony before dinner, Ye Fei let them handle it, he didn't have this kind of belief. Promising young people in the 21st century living under the light of my China will not believe in the so-called God and Jesus.

Ye Fei, who was hungry, just wanted to eat, and he wanted to watch a big show quickly.

"Happy-Christmas-Eve! Chess!"

The guests were enjoying themselves with the interlacing of toasts and dendrobiums, and the atmosphere gradually heated up as the alcohol was consumed. How can such a happy festival be without music and dance?

In addition, these beauties present here are either top traffic queens from the entertainment industry, or talented host reporters, and they more or less hide some special skills.

After Lin Wan'er and others came over, they brought the staff and set up the stage for tonight's performance.

After a chorus of "All-I-Want-for-Christmas-Is-You", Lin Wan'er and others took the initiative to perform themselves and carefully prepared the show for Ye Fei.

Everyone ate about the same. At this time, while enjoying the performance, chatting and laughing, the air was full of joy and joy, a peaceful and joyful atmosphere

"Play, you sing really well, I love you!"

Ye Fei suddenly expressed his love with his heart, Lin Wan'er blushed and ran down the stage, and gave Ye Fei a sweet kiss.

Encouraged, they performed harder and harder one by one.

Ye Fei enjoyed it and enjoyed their song and dance performance. Countless fans may not be able to enjoy benefits that they can spend money on, but Ye Fei can enjoy them close at hand, which is very pleasant.

"I think as the owner here, Ye Fei Ouba, you can't just watch us perform, we also want to see you come, do you think it's okay?"

The playful Lin Wan'er found Ye Fei with a microphone, and suddenly made a backstab, which caught Ye Fei a little off guard.

Fortunately, Ye Fei had his own anti-armor, so he didn't get the first wave of critical damage. He quickly waved his hand and said, "This is your strength, just like on the basketball court, you can just enjoy my performance. Singing, dancing, etc. Kind of, I really can't play, you come, you come."

Ye Fei really didn't lie.

In fact, many black stars in the NBA have outstanding basketball talents. Players like O'Neal, James, etc. can also show off their good dance skills, and their funny talent is so high that even Ye Fei has to give them crazy praise.....

Ye Fei is talented in basketball, so he beat them all.

It's just that Ye Fei's dancing and singing talents are really inferior. Maybe this is what they call, God opened a door for you, and may close a window for you.

In fact, Ye Fei has tried it, although it is not good enough [but it is not unrefined.


He ruthlessly rejected the invitations of Lin Wan'er and the other women, but Ye Fei never expected that he could escape once, but he couldn't escape the entanglement again and again.

Immediately after Lin Wan'er, Kim Taeyeon, who came on stage to sing, walked to Ye Fei's side while singing, and handed the microphone to Ye Fei, trying to bring Ye Fei to sing together.

However, Ye Fei's positioning is really flexible, and he also sent Coral over by the way, perfectly avoiding a wave of damage.


Today, they have to fulfill their wish once. After singing a song, Kim Taeyeon followed Lin Waner's rhythm and found Ye Fei again.

"Ouba, Sarah, hey, I want to hear a song from you."

This time, the rest of the attack speed could keep up, and Coral counterattacked immediately: "Come one, come one!"

"one comes!"

Zhang Manyuan and others immediately followed suit.

Although this time, Ye Fei refused their invitation again and resorted to the trick of urinating, but he knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to escape their entanglement in the end.

We have to figure out a way.

Facing the mirror in the bathroom, Ye Fei suddenly thought 0.9 to a very serious question, he is a systematic man!

Although during this period of time, the system is a bit suspected of diving, and it has been a long time since I have arranged tasks for myself, and I have not brought surprises to myself for a long time, but Ye Fei cannot forget that he still has the system in his hands.

What does it mean to sing a little song?

I want to let you know what a generation of kings is, and show you my ability to sing, dance, rap, and play basketball.

Ye Fei turned on the system silently, filled up the two skills of singing and dancing, and then spent five million charm points to exchange for two super god-level sharp skills.

Because Ye Fei has fully utilized his singing and dancing skills, the system has even unlocked new functions, which can allow Ye Fei to maximize his proficiency in a song in an instant, and even surpass the performances of some kings and queens.

Take it down.


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