sports supervillain

1400. That Man

Either we don't play, since we want to play, we must play big ones.

If they don't know how to flatter them, they have to ask Ye Fei to come up with a song, and Ye Fei will definitely let them all fall for him.

Seeing Ye Fei come back, everyone present became very excited.

The atmosphere was heightened, and Ye Fei had to come up with a song before they would let it go. And they have never heard Ye Fei sing, or seen Ye Fei dance seriously

Sometimes in the locker room, or on the bus to win the championship, or even on the court, being caught by teammates to dance with a wave of demons is obviously not counted.

I didn’t forget Coral who was tricked by Ye Fei. After singing the song "Missing You and Missing You", she immediately followed up with a line: "Ye Fei, I think you want you to come to this song too. You can’t refuse this time. I didn’t hide just now [You don’t want to go to WC again, do you? Come one!”

The others followed suit and shouted: "Come one! Come one! Come one!"

Ye Fei did not refuse the microphone this time, but he did not step onto the stage to perform immediately.

"You want to listen to my singing. I don't know if you have heard a sentence. Listening to other people's singing requires money, and listening to your singing will kill you. There is a high probability that I will die. You have to be mentally prepared."

"We don't care, we just want to listen to you sing a song. Everyone is yours, so are you afraid that you will die?"

Zhang Manyuan spoke at the first time, and the rest agreed. Ye Fei stood up reluctantly and walked onto the stage slowly.

"Respect is worse than obedience. Since you want to be killed by me, I can only give up my life to accompany the gentleman. Don't laugh if you can't sing well, otherwise I will make you look good tonight."

A meaningful smile suddenly appeared on Ye Fei's face, and then his expression changed, causing all the girls in the audience to have the illusion of being possessed by a heavenly king.

Adjust the microphone a little bit to find out the feeling, and Ye Fei is about to start his performance.

As soon as the prelude came out, all the girls were shocked again.

When Ye Fei's first sound pierced into the eardrums from the air, they were shocked by it at once, and opened their mouths to kneel properly.

"There is a man who loves you

love you with heart

that man loves you

totally in love with you"

Although Ye Fei's noise is not as penetrating and recognizable as The-one's, but Ye Fei's full-scale singing skills allow him to perfectly control the song, and even have some ease.

Ye Fei re-endowed this song with a different charm.

Lin Jie'er, Jessica Jessica, etc., who are the powerful queens in the music and film circles, are all intoxicated by Ye Fei's singing at this moment.

Ye Fei hadn't completely let go of the opening part, as the singing continued, Ye Fei, who gradually found his state, was instantly glamorous, and as the song sang to a climax, Ye Fei instantly captured the hearts of many beauties.

"how long will it take

how long and how hurt

you just heard what he didn't say

strong like a lie

it's just a disguise

He just wants a chance to be loved by you..."

Zhang Manyuan, Coral and others undoubtedly felt the deepest, because Ye Fei sang Chinese all the way, and they could understand every word and every sentence of Ye Fei, singing with emotion.

They had never heard Ye Fei sing, but just this time, they fell in love deeply.

Because a domestic program once made this song popular, they were lucky enough to listen to it. At this time, they even felt that Ye Fei's singing was slightly better than the popular The-one.

I don't care anyway.

My husband sings the best.

Ye Fei deliberately chose this song to sing, and also chose the version of The-one, because there is a part later, sung in Chinese.

"how long will it take

how much longing

you just looked back to him

stick beside him

smile like a lie

is the bare minimum to pretend

Tears can only be hidden"

After Ye Fei sang the previous part, all the girls on the field clapped their hands involuntarily, as if they were cheering for Ye Fei next to the Staples Center Arena, and even a little bit excited.

"Wow, Ye Fei Ouba is so handsome, you sing really well!"

Lin Jieer took the initiative to offer her blown kisses. She was completely intoxicated by Ye Fei's singing. Although he knew a little Chinese, he didn't fully understand Ye Fei's singing, but Ye Fei sang every word and every note. , she was overwhelmed by it, she really never thought that Ye Fei's singing would be so beautiful.

"The Voice of Nature, does your country have this word? Ye Fei Ouba, you are a big liar, you can sing so well, but you say you can't sing, begging for punishment."

Jessica Jessica gave her thumbs up and praised Ye Fei wildly.

Kwon Yuri agreed deeply: "Unbelievable, is this what he said he can't sing? He is much better than some boy group boys who say they can sing, dance, and rap. The key basketball is still so good. It's your favorite Ouba, I even like him a little bit, his singing voice is so beautiful, and he sings really nicely."

Ye Fei's show isn't over yet.

The original The-one ignited the emotions of countless fans, and sang in Korean in the second half. At that time, it was on the domestic variety show stage, and many fans didn't understand Korean at all, but The-one's singing still brought them a lot of sympathy, and even ignited their emotions.






As soon as Ye Fei sang this part, Kim Taeyeon and the others seemed to be entangled. As natives who grew up speaking Korean, Ye Fei's singing can be said to hit the heart.

Ye Fei, who has not yet mastered the Dzogchen state of Korean, has some blunt articulation, but still sings very well.

At the beginning of The-one, the Chinese singing was more or less tasteless, but Ye Fei's singing, even Zhang Manyuan and Coral, who didn't understand Korean very well, were intoxicated by it, following the rhythm of the music, Gently beat the beat.





Ye Fei's singing gradually reached its climax, and his emotions were fully mobilized. With full firepower, Ye Fei showed his 120% state, and perfectly performed this touching love song.

Kim Taeyeon, who had heard this song, hummed along with Ye Fei's rhythm in a low voice, and they were completely intoxicated.

Ye Fei's singing this time brought them an experience beyond imagination. They really didn't expect that Ye Fei's singing could be so perfect.

Especially when Ye Fei's singing reached the final climax to the end, they were completely conquered. .

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