sports supervillain

1401. The Man Called God Is Not Simple





Ye Fei's singing was at its best again, and all the girls off the stage couldn't hold it back, and they reached the G point in one fell swoop. Ye Fei set them all on fire, Ye Fei was that man, the man they wanted, if there was no one beside them, they would all want to throw themselves into that warm embrace.

The song "That Man" by The-one is about a man's most persistent waiting for love and the woman he likes.

Ye Fei's interpretation is about the man's deepest love, the deepest, deepest and hottest love for the women present.

Smell moved, listened to tears.

Especially in the last part, Ye Fei sang sincerely, reaching the softest part of their hearts, bringing the strongest resonance.







Even Lin Wan'er and Kim Tae-yeon, who often performed on stage and even caused such a strong reaction at one time, when Ye Fei sang the last sentence, improvised, blurted out, completely detonating their tear glands.

"I love you..……"

After a silence, they wiped away their tears and gave bursts of applause. Zhang Manyuan, who reacted the fastest, picked up a bouquet of flowers and rushed to Ye Fei: "God Ye Ge, I will be your fan from now on, you look so handsome when you sing, love, love, I love you!" There is absolutely no way to save it. Huahua is for you, God Ye!"

The girls who gradually came to their senses gave Ye Fei their applause and immediately joined the crusade.

"It turns out that you are hiding something deep, and you still have such great singing skills, so you just don't want to show it to us, right?"

Lin Jie'er fell into Ye Fei's arms and acted like a baby: "Ye Fei Ouba, you lie, your singing is worse than many professional ones, even I am a little ashamed. It's all because you just want to play basketball, if you With this good looks, coupled with this singing voice, if you practice a little bit and don't beat all the fresh meat, then I will definitely be your number one fangirl々.

"Oh, it seems like you are a fan girl, Ye Fei Ouba, your singing is so beautiful, so awesome!"

Jung Soo-yeon held Ye Fei's arm and took a group photo for Ye Fei. Unfortunately, I listened too seriously just now and didn't have time to record the video. Otherwise, just because of Ye Fei's singing, countless talent scouts would come to knock on Ye Fei's song all night Door.

"It's great, it sings better than the predecessor The-one. I like it better, Ye Fei Ouba's version, it's very tasteful, and it sings very, very well. I doubt you have practiced it before. Say it quickly, Are you a trainee from our Korean Empire?"

Kim Taeyeon made some jokes and was directly despised by Ye Fei's middle finger.

"Cut, singing is such a trivial matter, and you don't even have to pinch it with your hands. I have ensnared you too deeply. With my singing skills, if I show my hand casually, your little tears will flow down. If I seriously write a song , can you stand it? I'm just doing it for your own good."

Ye Fei put on a handsome pose on purpose.

"Take a fight, sisters, let's go together!"

Under the leadership of Kim Taeyeon, the girls surrounded Ye Fei, but whether they were attacking Ye Fei, or Ye Fei was attacking them, was somewhat unclear.

With Xiaolu playing, Ye Fei couldn't rest on the sidelines, and all the beauties forced Ye Fei to play another song.

Pick any song "BaBY" at random, and Ye Fei showed off his English songs in a small way, which amazed everyone present.

at last.

Zhang Manyuan gave an extremely incisive summary: "A man who is called a god is not simple."

Ye Fei smiled slightly.

He also hides a unique trick, which has not been revealed for the time being. Once shown, they will see the unique charm of singing, dancing, Rap and basketball boys.

The girls continued to plead, but Ye Fei didn't continue to sing, he was already satisfied.

Because he knows that there will be more exciting performances later, dedicated to himself.

Sing a song for a while, play for a while, everyone consumes a little energy, and once again have the strength to continue fighting. Therefore, a new round of attacks on the food on the table was launched again.

Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night.

After a short break, the show continued.

As professional hosts Zhang Manyuan and Coral, they had already made arrangements, interspersed with some interesting games, which brought the atmosphere of the scene again.


For everyone present, what they are most looking forward to is undoubtedly the main event of tonight—the carnival dance party.

Ye Fei exchanged the Dance King skill pack before, no doubt waiting for this time, and amazed everyone present.

at first.

Ye Fei didn't take the initiative, and even refused their invitation: ...々I was too tired from singing just now, I need to take a break, you choose the speed.

They still don't know Ye Fei's little thoughts.

Kim Taeyeon and others came with all kinds of very tempting dance costumes. Even Zhang Manyuan and Coral have well-prepared dance clothes. As an LSP, Ye Fei, how could she miss such an excellent opportunity to appreciate it?

As the music sounded, all the girls showed their strengths and showed all they had learned throughout their life.

Especially the members of Girls' Generation who have professional studies, their dances can make people's blood boil as much as they want.

If Ye Fei hadn't been well-informed and battle-tested, he couldn't help standing up and swinging with them.


Even so, when Ye Fei played the second dance music, he finally did not suppress his emotions. When the dance music gradually reached its climax, Ye Fei grabbed his coat, tossed it into the air, and then stepped forward. With incomparably gorgeous footsteps, he entered the dance floor.

The man who is called a god, (Mo Li Zhao) is definitely not simple.

Ye Fei wants them to understand that Ye Fei is not only the god of the basketball court, but also the god of singing, he is also the god of dancing.

The debut player who likes to sing, dance, rap and play basketball can only be a trainee.

Just Ye Fei's singing, just Ye Fei's dance steps, no matter how unbearable they are, they will become the gods of trainees.

Because when Ye Fei took the first dance step, it instantly detonated the emotions of all the girls present. Some people couldn't help but stop their dance steps and covered their mouths with their hands, feeling very incredible.

"Wow, Yeh, your dance moves are so cool!"

"Such a handsome dance, this dance step, this turn around, so handsome! Such a hot dance step!"

"My God Ye, handsome and beautiful! Your dancing is so beautiful! It's unbelievable.

"OH——! My-God! You are in my heart, God forever! Yeh! I love you!"

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