sports supervillain

1402. Little Mustang

Compared with Ye Fei, a player with excellent physical talent, dance can be easily mastered. Therefore, people like Dwight Howard, Lebron James and others who have talents in this area often show off their dance steps, which are not too sharp, but they can still be seen.

Ye Fei also redeemed an extremely sharp dance skill package from the system. He believed that not a few of the girls present could be his opponents tonight.

Lin Jie'er saw Ye Fei's sharp, elegant, handsome and flexible dance steps, and the impulse to fight dances, and she immediately got on top, and she took the initiative to attack.

With a flick of his right hand on his head, Lin Wan'er's dancing posture is very seductive in line with the swing of his body. After finding the feeling, Lin Wan'er danced to his heart's content, showing all his life's learning, one set of dance moves after another , instantly attracted bursts of applause from the girls.

"Beautiful, play sister, great!"

"This little waist is really twisted, it's okay, little Liu'er! Sister loves you.

"That's right, I danced very nicely, I have to show Ye Fei Ouba the strength of our girl group, we lost a bit in singing just now, we must get back this time.

"Must, play baby, I'll top you, come on!"

Although dancing is not the area that Lin Jieer is good at, but as a member of the girl group, she has more or less dance skills. Moreover, Lin Jie'er has far more stage experience than Ye Fei. She is bound to win this round, so she has to have some personal interaction with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei does not refuse anyone who comes, and she has filled up the attributes of her dancing skills, just waiting for this moment.

Facing Lin Wan'er's attack again and again, Ye Fei can respond to each of her interactive and extremely beautiful dance moves with the most powerful and gorgeous dance moves. She wanted to tease Ye Fei, but Ye Fei teased Lin Jieer unnecessarily.

Meeting a sharp dance master like Ye Fei, her potential was fully stimulated, and her firepower was fully fired, but she was still defeated.

Originally they all applauded Lin Wan'er, but seeing the situation was not good, Jung Soo-yeon took the initiative to attack, twisted her sexy waist, and took beautiful dance steps, just right to replace Lin Wan'er who was still gradually falling into the wind.

Compared to Lin Wan'er, Jessica Jessica's dancing talent is even better.

Ye Fei and Lin Wan'er's dance fight had already mobilized their emotions, and Jung Soo-yeon's hips and hips were dancing like a galloping wild horse.

Her dance moves are a bit wilder than Lin Wan's, especially when she has torn off her coat and only wears sexy clothes, her dance moves are not too wild.

"Wow! Awesome! Jessica, what a dance!"

"Little Mustang, show it off, show Ye Fei Ouba, your little twerk, twitch.

"The action of undressing is super rustic, so wild! So cool! Jessica, come on!"

"Come, follow the rhythm, swing together, and dance with the sun!"

"Beautiful! We must put pressure on us, we can't lose in this fight!"


As if anyone could not, Ye Fei took over Jung Soo-yeon's big move, stepped on the beat of the music, and danced again. Thomas, who was on the ground with one hand, spun around and turned his back to the girls. Ye Fei jumped up beautifully on the spot and turned around, putting his hand on his coat.

At the same time as the person turned around, the jacket flew up into the air. The perfect figure, half-covered, trembling body, and the muscles brought up, immediately conquered the girls present. Zheng Xiuyan, who was still in the state of fighting dance, couldn't help delaying her movements. a bit.

Ye Fei's moves are so cool!

so handsome!

so tempting!

What dance is there? When Ye Fei took the initiative to interact with her, Jessica just wanted to hide in Ye Fei's arms and let him dance with her. She just wanted to quietly feel the strong male hormones coming from Ye Fei. And his strong and powerful muscles.

After Ye Fei came on stage, the atmosphere of the dance party was a bit wrong.

As he continued to interact with Lin Wan'er and Jung Soo-yeon, the girls next to him couldn't stand it anymore. Especially when Jung Soo Yeon falls into Ye Fei's embrace, how can they still sit still?

(cdeb) showed off their dance moves one after another, while saving Jung Soo-yeon, he became the one who fell.

The atmosphere on the field was instantly pushed to its climax.


Facing Asian dance king Nicola Ye Fei, the girls still lost a bit, until a little wild horse appeared in the crowd again, and the situation changed slightly.

The little wild horse in the dance world once fainted for dancing practice, was sent to the hospital for treatment, and was once persuaded to quit by his own team.

Later, with his own efforts, he returned to the fans' field of vision. With his first mini-album "BUBBLEPOP" and the title song "BubblePop", he became an instant hit.

Singing is not Kim Hyuna's best field, her dancing is the sharp weapon for Kim Hyuna to gain a large number of fans.

Especially on the stage, the wild dance can make countless fans fall in love with it.

Prom today.

Kim Hyuna didn't want to be so eye-catching. There are so many older sisters and seniors around. As a newcomer, she was introduced by Lin Wan'er and others. She wanted to keep a low profile and leave a good impression on Ye Fei.

But when they were all defeated by Ye Fei's dance, Kim Hyun-ah, known as the "Little Mustang" in the dance world, after being encouraged by her sisters, she had to show her own signature skills

When the small electric motor started, even Ye Fei couldn't help clapping his hands.

The little wild horse in the dance world has earned its reputation.

The very rhythmic and rhythmic swing, combined with Ueno's full-bodied movements, is captivating and captivating.

Zhang Manyuan and Coral even covered their faces excitedly, they were very envious, they had never experienced such a close-up, such a wild dance, such a contagious dance, they could not help but sway to the rhythm of Kim Hyuna .

"Sister Xuanya, I'm relying on you today! Awesome!"

"Come on! Little Mustang! Twist and rock!"

"Hahaha, Ye Fei Ouba, have you met your opponent? Look at our little wild horse, conquer you!"

"I can't lose this time, I have to win Ye Fei Oppa! Hyuna, come on!"

"As expected of a little wild horse in the dance world, the moves are really exciting, even a girl like me is excited to see it.


Ye Fei felt a lot of pressure when meeting a contestant like Kim Hyuna, who was extremely talented in dancing, and who worked hard to reach the full score the day after tomorrow.


No matter how wild the horse is tonight, Ye Fei will tame her.

This round.

Never lose!.

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