sports supervillain

1403. Take Down The Mustang


You should drink the strongest wine, ride the wildest horse, and sleep with the most beautiful woman.

A beautiful and wild woman like Kim Hyuna arouses Ye Fei's infinite desire to conquer. If you want to win such a woman, you must defeat him in the aspect she is most proud of.

There is no retreat to speak of.

When encountering a wild horse in the dance world, Ye Fei can only dance with wilder dances than her.

It's no wonder that the body has been developed to the limit, no matter the body's flexibility, or explosive power, or even coordination, Ye Fei has reached an unparalleled state. And with the support of super strong core strength, Ye Fei can be as wild as he wants.

bring it on.

Look at my electric scooter!

The two small motorcycles rotating at high speeds all turned the accelerator to the extreme. While dancing, the two gradually leaned together, creating extremely violent sparks.

No one wants to lose, and everyone wants to win the other side.

Kim Hyuna represents the hope of the whole village. They were supposed to be the most beautiful girl tonight, but they were shown by Ye Fei one after another. Ye Fei seemed to be the most beautiful girl in the audience.

At this time, Ye Fei only had the word "conquer" in his mind, and he only wanted to conquer Kim Hyun-ah, a little wild horse in the dance world.

With such a powerful body dance, think about how much enjoyment the two can bring when they communicate in depth.

Kim Hyuna made an effort, and Ye Fei followed suit. Both of them showed what they had learned all their lives. The two were extremely exciting, and the dazzling fight dance once again attracted everyone on the sidelines to exclaim.

"Wow! You're so strong, sister Hyuna, come on, you've met your opponent!"

"As expected of my Ye Fei Ouba, this dance is really exciting and awesome! Sister Xuanya, I believe in you, let's dance!"

"Continue to play music, continue to dance! Sister Xuanya, finally met her opponent, a wild horse in the dance world, can't lose!"

"Conquer Ye Fei Ouba, sister Hyuna, come on!"

"It turns out that the big boss hidden among us is actually Ye Fei Ouba. He is good at singing and dancing, and he can also play basketball. With such a handsome appearance, he is already fully capable of making his debut. It doesn't matter if he can rap or not.

"Light it up, light it up, fight dance has reached the most critical moment, Sister Xuan Ya, come on!"

As members of the same female camp, they want to cheer for their little sister in their hearts, hoping that she can win back.


They may be disappointed again.

Kim Hyuna, who was able to fight with Ye FeiBattle, with the frequent high-intensity dance moves, under the protracted battle of attrition, Kim Hyuna was a bit exhausted, and she gradually couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

In fact, if Ye Fei wants to beat Kim Hyuna, he just needs to speed up the tempo a bit.

However, Ye Fei suddenly slowed down, intending to follow Kim Hyuna's dance steps and rhythm, from the fierce and wild fighting dance at the beginning to the interactive dance between the two.

The body gradually approaching, gradually sparking hot sparks, fiery body, restless soul, interweaving the best dance steps of the perfect fusion of soul and body, the two rubbed against each other, with an interactive dance, from the incomparable comparison at the beginning Fighting, turned into mutual blending love and killing each other, and in the end only affection remained.

The person on the sidelines who originally cheered for Kim Hyuna silently clapped rhythmically for the two.

When the live music stopped, Kim Hyuna threw herself into Ye Fei's arms and hugged Ye Fei tightly. She couldn't extricate herself and was completely immersed in the dance just now.

The person who was so strong that he was trained to enter the hospital was completely melted at this moment, he just wanted to hide in that gentle harbor, and he didn't want to escape.

Hyuna Kim, who tried to defeat Ye Fei in a dance fight, is already a wild horse in the dance world.

"Wow, that's awesome! You dance really well, as expected of sister HyunA, she has unparalleled dancing talent.

"Thank you for your dance! It's really enjoyable to watch! Ye Fei Ouba's dance is also amazing."

"I never imagined that Ye Fei Ouba would be able to perform together with Sister HyunA, such a beautiful and powerful dance, you guys are really amazing.

"But this time we seem to have lost, the hateful Ye Fei Ouba, who still hides so many skills, I thought he was a good basketball player, but I didn't expect him to sing and dance so well, he is indeed my favorite man.

"This time, it's not just as simple as losing the game, we may even lose everyone. Sister Xuanya, Ye Fei Oppa's embrace is so warm, are you still reluctant to get up? It seems that tonight, our sister Xuanya It's going to fall."

Hearing the ridicule from her sisters, Kim Hyuna hurriedly fled from Ye Fei's arms, her face was blushing, in fact, even she herself didn't know why she fell into Ye Fei's arms so involuntarily.

...asking for flowers...

What can I do.

The Lun family just enjoyed it.

Kim Hyuna could only use Ye Fei's previous routine, pretending to go to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

As soon as she left, Ye Fei became the most cared for by all the girls, Jung Soo Yeon immediately took Kim Hyun A's place: "Ye Fei Oppa, I also want to dance with you, and finally fall into your arms.

With a slightly coquettish tone, I added: "You can't refuse."

Ye Fei could only give up resistance.

The music started again.

Then play music, then dance, follow the beat of the music, and sway again.

The passionate dance between Ye Fei and Kim Hyuna, as well as the final tender ending, have already pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

The energetic dances were staged one after another, and the atmosphere was getting hotter and hotter, so we could only pursue cooler attire.

The coolness brought by taking off the shackles is far less than the warming up brought by the fusion of hot bodies. They are swaying in the middle of the dance floor and fall into an unsolvable cycle.

Dryness——pursuit of coolness———still heat——continue to reduce the bondage———resevere heat

But such repeated cycles brought undoubtedly the ultimate enjoyment of the body. After wave after wave, everyone gradually sank into this atmosphere. Ye Fei started his own journey, taking them down one by one.

The one Ye Fei wants to win the most is undoubtedly that little wild horse in the dance world.

He took the initiative to invite Kim Hyuna to dance with him, and the two danced to the rhythm again, dancing close to each other, around Kim Hyuna's left and right, Ye Fei blew gently on his earlobe, Kim Hyuna could only fall in love with it again.

"I heard that the girl you practice dancing has a very flexible body and can easily play a split pony. Do you know how to split a pony?"

Facing Ye Fei's question, Kim Hyuna blushed slightly: "Of course, I can do it horizontally or vertically. You can put it in any way you want. Where do you want to see me perform? Ye Fei Oppa, I will satisfy you tonight." .”

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Ye Fei's mouth.

Tonight, this wild horse will definitely be taken down by himself.

This feeling is great. .

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