sports supervillain

199. Still Not Coming To Defend Me?

Ibaka couldn't guard against Ye Fei at all, and Kevin Durant's face became even uglier.

And after Ye Fei scored a goal, he showed a smug smile and said jokingly to Durant: "Aren't you going to guard me?"

Du Er Er did not respond.

If Ye Fei can make a shot, he can return one. When it comes to shooting, Kevin Durant has never been afraid of anyone. He still doesn’t believe that he can’t beat Ye Fei?

When it was the Thunder's turn to attack, Kevin Durant pulled out to ask for the ball again, but Kobe defended him.

Although Durant has an excellent height and arm length advantage, as a pitcher, Kobe knows how to limit the performance of a pitcher.

Kobe is very tight, giving Durant enough physical confrontation. His physical confrontation is not a strong point. After frequent physical confrontation, it will make him unable to shoot.

But Durant has been in the league for so long, and he has seen all kinds of defenses.

There is still an advantage in playing Kobe. In the end, he just relied on his height and arm length to pull one on Kobe's head, and he also made a ~ ball.

The fans at the scene began to boil, and the leading star played a strong response, which is undoubtedly what they want to see the most.

After all, Ye Fei's reputation in the league is not very good.

Before the game, he stabbed him hard with the eternal pain in Durant's heart. Now on the court, Durant's strong response is undoubtedly a great joy.

It would be best for Durant to knock Ye Fei down directly.

But unfortunately, they would never see such a scene. Ye Fei didn't pay attention to Ibaka's defense at all.

The Lakers' offense, after Kobe took the ball, found Ye Fei again who mentioned the high post.

The ball was handed over to Ye Fei, and everyone else pulled away.

Ibaka's ball was the same as Kobe's, pressing close to Ye Fei and confronting Ye Fei.

But his body can't put too much pressure on Ye Fei, with a little push, Ye Fei can knock him away.

Ibaka couldn't defend against the hard push with his back and the hard top with his strength.

When other Thunder teammates wanted to step forward to double-team, Ye Fei turned around suddenly, rolled over and leaned back, and shot a mid-range jumper.

Another goal from Ye Fei!

The restless atmosphere at the scene instantly sank, and the Thunder fans became tense.

Ye Fei is too fierce.

As soon as he came up, he scored three goals in a row, and Ibaka behind him couldn't stand it at all, and some fans began to scold him.

"What kind of rubbish? Can't it be prevented?"

"Sergi is such a piece of rubbish, with 12 million a year, why can't he guard ten players whose annual salary is less than 3 million?"

"What the hell are you defending? Are you defending with your eyes? You can't stand it?"

"Kevin, kill this guy, I hate him!"

"Fuck him! Can't prevent him from fouling? Eat farts behind others?"

"It's really rubbish, if you can't guard against it, get out, and change to someone who can guard against it!"

Ibaka was helpless.

It's not that he doesn't want to defend, it's that there's really no way to defend. After Ye Fei pushes him away, it's impossible to rush to defend.

This move is Barkley's classic trick, which was able to defeat many players in the league.

Ye Fei is more powerful, and he has no pressure to beat Ibaka.

After Ye Fei made the shot, he smiled jokingly again, looked at Durant and said, "Don't you come to guard me? I'm going to blow up your teammates. Look at your fans.

You have already concealed his performance, why don't you come to rescue him?"

Durant ignored Ye Fei, but said to Ibaka with a straight face: "You will seriously guard him later and push him out, understand?"

Ibaka rolled his eyes.

I don't know how to guard against Ye Fei, so I want you to teach me?

If I could push him, I would have pushed him to the other half.

I also guard him, but I just can't guard him, what can I do?

Ibaka was already upset, but Ye Fei didn't mind adding fuel to the fire.

"I understand your pain. You have really tried your best. Your teammates don't hurt their backs even if they stand up and talk. If my teammates say this about me, I will definitely let him defend himself. Don't worry, I will abuse you a little bit later."

Ibaka said angrily: "Don't be arrogant, I still have a trick I haven't used yet, you won't be able to laugh later.

Ye Fei retreated while spouting trash talk, all eyes on Durant.

If Kobe can't defend against this shot, he doesn't mind taking the first shot to clean him up.

Kobe had already gone berserk after being scored twice by the opponent. This goal made Kevin Durant very uncomfortable and almost missed the ball.

...asking for flowers...

In the end, relying on his height advantage, he pulled out his hand dryly, and Kobe missed the shot.

But under Kobe's defense, Kevin Durant's shot finally hit the basket.

Ye Fei stuck in the position, easily accepted the rebound, and did not forget to tease Durant.

"You are really inferior. Your third brother, James Harden, was able to compete with me for 4 consecutive rounds, but you couldn't make it through the third round. You are so rubbish. You have the nerve to say that you are outstanding. Can you show some face? "

Durant is a little embarrassed, but he will not give in.

But Durant can really bear it.

He can pretend not to hear Ye Fei's various trash talk.

You can ignore me for the trash talk, but I'm going to beat up your teammates, I don't think you can keep calm?

Handing the ball to his teammates, the Lakers organized a new round of offense. Ye Fei didn't play singles with the ball on the outside, but pulled it out to cover for his teammates, and then used his teammates to cover to escape.

This is a new tactic for the Lakers.

A mid-range shooting tactic specially prepared for Ye Fei.

The Thunder players didn't even have time to react, Ye Fei had already opened up, received the ball further at the top of the arc, and quickly pulled up the shot. Ibaka didn't even have time to block the ball, so he could only watch Ye Fei make the shot.

No defense, isn't it a point for Ye Fei?

Ye Fei is not polite, and he hits the ball steadily.

Another goal!

Kevin Durant on the side, his lungs were about to explode, how did his teammates defend?

Look at how I defended against Kobe, I didn't give him a chance.

But what's the use?

My teammates couldn't guard against Ye Fei at all, let him shoot as he made, and this game was a hammer.

Durant was irritable.

Ye Fei still didn't forget to say: "Aren't you here to defend me? I'm a little embarrassed!"

Durant was more irritable.

But what made him even more irritated was still behind. When it was the Thunder's turn to attack, Westbrook took the ball across the half court, ignored his request for the ball, didn't even look at him, and used the cover of his teammates to kill the basket with the ball.

Even if his teammates don't give the ball, what else can he use to beat Ye Fei Zhang?

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