sports supervillain

200. If You Come, You Will Also Be Killed

Ye Fei's attention was on Durant, and he didn't pay attention to Westbrook, allowing the latter to easily drive to the basket, facing the defense of the two Lakers players, and put the ball into the basket.

Finally gave a strong response.

Let the Thunder fans at the scene set off the blue ocean again.

With Westbrook's goal, the Thunder will bite the score, but Kevin Durant is not happy.

Since on the offensive end, being gank by Westbrook, Durant can only focus on defense.

Ibaka can't guard Ye Fei, so let me do it.

Originally, I wanted Ibaka to consume Ye Fei, but it was obviously useless. In this case, I might as well let myself do it.

So, when it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Durant yelled at Ibaka: "Get out of the way, I'll do it!"

It was obvious that Durant was "zero two seven" with anger, but he didn't dare to trouble Ye Fei, but vented him on his teammates. Ibaka is eager to let Durant defend Ye Fei. His defense against Ye Fei is completely looking for abuse. Let Durant experience that feeling of despair.

Durant took the initiative to find Ye Fei: "Boy, I will prevent you from crying, and I will prevent you from breaking down.

Of course Ye Fei would not let him down, and took the initiative to get in position and ask for the ball.

"Just you, it still won't work, if you come, you will be shot!"

Durant behind him defended extremely hard, pressing close to him, and didn't want to catch the ball for Ye Fei.

But he couldn't do it, Ye Fei had to make way for a little force.

Ye Fei successfully got the ball, and the game became very interesting. The two finally had to collide head-on, tit for tat. Thunder fans, cheer for Durant, hoping that he can limit Ye Fei.

Facing Durant's defense, Ye Fei pretended to be careless.

"You want to guard me so much? But you just can't guard, I'm going to vote!"

Ye Fei faked a shot and instantly shook Durant, but saw Ye Fei laugh jokingly.

"Fake, this time it's real, watch the game!"

Ye Fei hit Durant by surprise, pulled up and threw it, Durant came over to defend, but he was still a step too slow, and this time he shot back.

Thunder fans are almost desperate, why is Ye Fei so invincible, even Durant can't defend?

Although the ball was missed, Durant's defense was still very good, and Ye Fei couldn't help but praise him: "You almost blocked me, try harder next time."

Durant almost went berserk.

But there is no way, Ye Fei is slightly disadvantaged in height, but his wingspan is better than Durant's, and his bounce is invincible, jumping high, it is difficult for Durant to touch. The bullet speed is still very fast, and under Ye Fei's psychological warfare and fake action tactics, Durant has no time to react.

But Ye Fei has to admit that his defense still has a lot of influence on his skills as the king of mid-range shooting, but it's not a big problem.

The Thunder's attack, Westbrook still didn't look for Durant, and used Adams' cover to go straight to the basket.

This time Ye Fei didn't give him a chance to play wild, and he made up the defense in time, nailing Westbrook's shot to the backboard.

In the Lakers' offense, the ball is still transmitted from the outside, and Kobe doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to attack.

Finally the ball came to Ye Fei's hands again.

Durant defended against Ye Fei, and the Thunder players were still very confident. No one made up for it, and it was a one-on-one situation.

Ye Fei repeated the old trick, and Durant didn't get what he wanted.

"Don't play fake, it's useless, I will guard you down."

Ye Fei said disdainfully: "Really? Watching the ball!"

Almost without any warning, Ye Fei pulled up suddenly, Durant reacted quickly, pulled up with Ye Fei, and was about to block Ye Fei's shot.

But who would have thought that Ye Fei didn't shoot the ball this time, he pulled the ball down, flicked it with one hand, and handed it to Kobe who made an air cut.

The latter caught the ball and stopped suddenly, threw off the defending Ibaka, jumped up and made a steady hit.

"Sorry, I'm passing the ball this time, and my teammates have a better chance."

It was hard to see a chance to block Ye Fei's shot, but he didn't expect that Ye Fei was playing with himself.

This is more exasperating than taking a shot.

Durant gritted his teeth in hatred.

"You boy wait for me."

Ye Fei shook his head again and again: "You really can't do it, no wonder you haven't won the title of NBA's first small forward after so many years, your golf quotient is not good, and you even have some problems with your IQ... Can't guard me, isn't it? Angry? You will be even angrier later!"

Scoring five goals in a row, the sudden pass caught Durant off guard.

In the next game, Ye Fei suddenly restrained himself and had more offensive opportunities with Kobe.

Ibaka couldn't keep up with Ye Fei's defense speed, and he couldn't help it when he met Kobe. Durant was getting more and more unhappy with him.

But is Ye Fei really not voting?

Not really.

He finds a good opportunity and will definitely make a move.

When Ye Fei turned on this mode, Durant had nothing to do. He didn't know when Ye Fei would make a move, and his defense was useless at all.

Taking advantage of Durant's distraction, Ye Fei immediately stole one on Durant's head.

This goal is still scored.

After the opening, Ye Fei hit all of the first six shots.

Neither Kevin Durant nor Ibaka can guard Ye Fei.

This made Coach Donovan very confused.

After a timeout was called, they still couldn't stand Ye Fei's indiscriminate bombardment. Durant is considered the Thunder's best player in defense against outside shooters.

In the expectation of many fans, Durant finally blocked Ye Fei's momentum.

Ye Fei shot for the seventh time, and finally shot out of the frame under his defense.

Lei Ting finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But the rhythm of the game is still in the hands of the Lakers 4.5.

And it seemed like they could relax for a long time, after all, Ye Fei had already rested, and this evildoer finally had no way to have fun.

Under the leadership of Gemini, Thunder finally started to gain momentum and slowly caught up with the score.

But Ye Fei never tells lies.

If you say you want to vote for Durant, then you will definitely vote for Durant.

In the second quarter, Ye Fei took the initiative to ask for the ball as soon as he came up, and it was Durant who defended him behind him.

During Ye Fei's rest period, he regained his confidence.

"Boy, do you dare to shoot in front of me? I will sing you!"

Ye Fei smiled lightly: "If you defend against my ball, you will float up. Do you think I'm just kidding you when I say I'll blow you up? I'm going to start a show!"

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