sports supervillain

208. Kagero Projection Teases The Opponent

"Joke, arrogance, you still have the strength to speak hard. After the game starts, I hope you still have the strength to continue spouting trash, otherwise it will be boring for me to keep scolding you.

Faried was unrelenting.

Ye Fei replied disdainfully: "You can only use your mouth to show off, after all, you can't do anything in front of me, come, welcome your new round of humiliation."

"In a dream, you will die in an ugly way. In our competition, let's see who is stronger, and who can only play tricks on the tongue.

Ye Fei just replied: "You are not worthy to be my opponent at all, but I will satisfy your desire for abuse, just enjoy it."

The game kicked off with a trash talk between the two.

The Lakers' starting five remain unchanged: Clarkson, Lou Williams, Kobe Bryant, Larry Nance and Ye Fei.

Compared with the previous round of contest, the Nuggets' lineup has changed.

The starting five are: Jamil Nelson, Gary Harris, Papanicolaou, Faried with Geoffrey Lovergne.

Mudiay missed the game due to injury, leaving Ye Fei with one less rookie to abuse.

· Hickson is also absent due to injury, be regarded as a lucky escape.

Papanicolaou, who was mentioned as the starter, was traded for Lawson. Drunk and drunk driving, Ty Lawson, who has lost control, is no longer the team's future plan.

The Nuggets wanted to strengthen Mudiay, so they traded him away in exchange for an immediate combat power like Papanikolaou.

Compared with the Nuggets they encountered last time, this one is younger and more impactful, and their strength has been slightly improved.

But it didn't affect Ye Fei's strong dominance. From the jump ball, Ye Fei didn't give Faried any chance.

It's just that the Lakers' first attack was not handed over to Ye Fei, and Kobe had to do it himself.

He has played at least 20 games at home for the Nuggets and is already used to the environment here. What kind of environment has never been seen before, how can a small altitude sickness stop his progress?

Ye Fei's recent strong performance has completely stimulated his competitive spirit. In this game, he will take the lead in the charge.

Papanicolaou was very successful in Europe, but after being brought to the NBA by the Rockets, he did not prove his worth.

Like his predecessor, Spanoulis, who is known as the European Kobe, is just as unaccustomed.

Kobe faced his defense and had enough advantages.

A beautiful back turn jumper opened the scoring for the Lakers.

And after coming up, Kobe played (cdca) very aggressively, and compared to the last few games, he had a stronger desire to actively attack.

Ye Fei also didn't grab the ball with him, and silently defended, helping the Lakers to turn away and gradually widen the point difference.

It wasn't until about 4 minutes into the first quarter that Ye Fei took the ball and took the initiative to attack for the first time.

Faried behind him, under the defense of Ye Fei, was extremely uncomfortable and could only spout trash talk.

"I thought you couldn't attack. Don't think that you are the only one who can defend. I can also prevent you from crying. Come on, hit me and see."

Ye Fei gave him a disdainful look.

"Are you ready? I'll take the shot right here, and you just come to defend."

Ye Fei was not lying when he said he shot, Faried had good timing and rushed to block the shot immediately.

Although Ye Fei jumped very high for this ball, Faried did not have a chance to touch the ball.

He also saw an opportunity to block the ball this time.

Doing it in front of me, you really thought it was a half-orc title, a waste of name?

Give me a hat!

Faried waved his right hand, and slammed down the basketball in the air.

The imaginary big hat snapped, but it didn't appear. Instead, I felt that my slap was on the air, and my hand actually passed through the ball.

Are you hallucinating yourself?

Faried missed Ye Fei's ball, and just as he hit the ground, he heard the sound of crisp water splashes. He turned around and saw that Ye Fei had already thrown the ball.

What just happened?

Didn't he cap Ye Fei's shot?

Why shoot on the air?

Faried looked dazed and couldn't believe it.

"Do you think it's unbelievable? This is normal, and the more unbelievable is yet to come. I want to say that you are more trash than before. You told me to shoot, but you still can't guard me

Do you want me to send the ball into your hands so you can guard me?"

Faried didn't know what to say at all.

He's already down.

The game continued. The players of the Denver Nuggets were really fierce at home. Button, who had just played, scored a three-pointer and returned the favor.

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei came out to catch the ball again. Facing Faried's defense, Ye Fei was going to play him again.

"This time I still shoot the same way, you can see clearly, don't let me down, I can't even see you defending, it makes me very boring, I want to shoot!"

Ye Fei raised his hand again.

Faried looked at it very seriously, and this time he was 100% sure, so he shouted.

"Boy, eat a picture of me."

Another slap, towards the place where Ye Fei shot the ball for the first time, and swung down hard.

Finally, Faried found that he slapped the air very sadly, and slapped it down so hard that he didn't even slap a hair.

And Ye Fei made another solid shot.

"That's just my fake action. What are you doing so hard? Is it fun? Please continue later."

Is that Ye Fei's shot fake?

How can this be?!

How can there be such realistic shooting fakes?

Kagero's projection only appeared in Heizi Basketball, even anime enthusiasts can't believe that all this will happen in reality.

But Ye Fei actually completed two Yang Yan projections, which made Faried play around.

"Who are you lying to? It can't be your shot fake, what the hell are you kidding?"

Ye Fei smiled lightly: "Don't you believe me? I'll do it again later to open your eyes."

In the next round, Ye Fei took the initiative to attack with the ball, and still shot in front of Faried.

He saw the real fake again, and his block hit the air again.

Three shots in a row, three such realistic fake moves in a row, he already looked sluggish, and couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

"A fake shot will make you go round and round, how can you defend me?"

Faried said angrily: "Rookie, let me show you how terrifying our devil's home defense is."

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