sports supervillain

209. The Two Of You Still Want To Make You Go Around

Of course Ye Fei knows what Faried’s words mean. In the last game between the Thunder and the Lakers, he gave some hints to other teams. To restrain Ye Fei, he will definitely use two people to defend.

One defended behind him, and the other defended at any time to block Ye Fei's shot.

The Nuggets replaced the tall insider Lovergne who did not move so fast, and replaced Nikola Jokic to target Ye Fei.

Sure enough, it was the Lakers' turn to attack. Although Faried was behind him to defend, Jokic has been waiting beside Ye Fei.

"Two people to defend me? Two people are useless, I will still play you around.

Ye Fei took the initiative to ask for the ball to attack,

Faried posted it at the first time, Ye Fei didn't make any extra moves, he pushed up a little, found the shooting space he wanted, turned over and shot a jumper.

Even though Faried knew that Ye Fei's first attack would be a fake move, he still rushed forward.

Jokic next to him also made up for it, and the blocks of the two of them hit the air.

With Ye Fei's ball, the two of them were playing around.

He was completely at a loss, and Jokic was even more confused. Faried asked, "What's going on?"

Faried finally accepted this fact.

"His first shot was a shot fake, we'll just wait for his second shot."

Jokic nodded.

Faried is full of confidence, and the two of them will definitely be able to defend Ye Fei.

Therefore, when Ye Fei took the ball out of the open space again, Faried rushed to the direction of Ye Fei's first shot, and Jokic stared at the position of Ye Fei's second shot.

He saw where Ye Fei's second shot was, but Ye Fei's movements were too fast, the lightning-fast fake shot, and the lightning-fast shot, there was no time to block the shot.

By the time Jokic rushed over, the ball had already flown to the basket.

Ye Fei played the two of them again.

They can see Ye Fei Yangyan's tricky projection, but it is too difficult to prevent it.

Faried gritted his teeth and said to Jokic: "Let's prevent him from coming out for the second time.

Jokic nodded dully.

Like Faried, he wanted to guard against Ye Fei. After all, the No. 1 pick and No. 1 pick in this year's rookie class were humiliated by Ye Fei in various ways. If he could restrain Ye Fei, wouldn't he be the leader of this year's rookies, his status in the team, and his reputation in the league would all be greatly improved.

The two of them had already made up their minds, and they would face Ye Fei's second shot in the next round, and even took off ahead of time, waiting for Ye Fei in the air.

Kobe was happy to hand the ball into Ye Fei's hands, seeing that the opponent couldn't guard Ye Fei's shot.

In the next round, Ye Fei had one against two, and Jokic came over in one step.

Ye Fei didn't choose to pass the ball, it wasn't a good shot choice, but Ye Fei made sure to make it.

Turning over and jumping backward, it's still the same action.

Faried and Jokic were ready to wait, but they finally found out that they were being played ruthlessly by Ye Fei.

He shot directly after jumping up, and did not use Yang Yan projection.

Therefore, the two defended aggressively, and once again came to nothing.

Another goal.

Ye Fei smiled jokingly from Faried: "How does it feel to be teased? I'm two of you, and I'll play you around. Do you believe it now? If you don't believe me, please continue to try."

Do not believe a hammer.

Ye Fei is just a monster.

Can you really guess the shooting movements accurately?

If so, what else to do?

I can only use the ultimate trick, not giving Ye Fei the chance to catch the ball, without the ball in hand, he will definitely not be able to shoot.

Another is not to give Ye Fei a chance to make a move.

As long as the ball is in his hands, the two of them will wrap up and hold him down, not giving him room to make a move.

Anyway, it is to try our best to restrain Ye Fei, and let others do whatever they want.

In the current Lakers team, he alone is the biggest threat, even more troublesome than Kobe.

The Denver Nuggets started the ultimate defensive mode against Ye Fei, with two people beside Ye Fei at any time, cutting off the passing route and restricting his shots.

Do your best to prevent it, the effect is there.

But it can't be put down like this for the whole game, and Ye Fei doesn't mean that there is no change, he won't stand still on the court.

And this game, Bryant's state is also good.

Two people defended against Ye Fei, the remaining three points defended against four, and there was a runaway Kobe, how could they defend against it?

Ye Fei pulled it out, and the entire inside space belonged to Kobe. He used his technique and speed to repeatedly hit the inside to cause damage.

The Denver Nuggets lost sight of the other, and in the end both ends failed to defend.

Ye Fei seized the opportunity and made an outside shot. Yang Yan's shot combined with the king of the mid-range shot, it was impossible to guard against it.

Ye Fei's mid-range shot was even more unsolvable than before, making Faried and Jokic playfully confused.

I wanted to rely on the advantages of the home court to catch the Lakers by surprise, but I didn't expect that Ye Fei and Kobe would be so fierce when they first came up, they turned their backs and beat the Nuggets all over the head.


Although Ye Fei played around with his opponents, Kobe was also full of firepower.

But that was when both were on the court, and when Ye Fei was off the court and Bryant led the team alone, the problem came to light.

You don't need to focus on Ye Fei, you can focus on Kobe.

Under the defense of two people, Kobe's shooting rate is definitely not high, but if he leaves it to his teammates, no one will be able to live up to it. In many cases, it is better to do it alone.

The Nuggets' bench lineup is fully capable of crushing the Lakers.

Without the Ye Fei restriction, Jokic and Randy Foye showed their power inside, while Button fired from the outside.

While the Lakers Ye Fei and Kobe were resting off the court, they played waves of offensive climaxes and overtook the score.

At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers still trailed by 4 points 30-34.

By the time Ye Fei came back, the score had become 40-50, and the Lakers were already 10 points behind their opponents.

Of course, after Ye Fei returned to the court, it was obviously impossible for the opponent to widen the point difference, but the Nuggets players found their status during this period of time.

To win this game, we can only rely on the performance of Ye Fei and Kobe.


Ye Fei let out a long sigh and wanted to come out to save the world again.

Very annoying.

It seemed that he was destined to be a hero. .

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