sports supervillain

273. Thunder's Three-Man Defense Tactic

With 200 points of stamina, Ye Fei has been in full fire mode from the very beginning of the game.

With ZONE skills, at the last moment, Ye Fei had absolute confidence to accept the game.

Although Ye Fei was upset with the two, he didn't have time to scold them in front of the media.

Ye Fei rushed to the arena just before the start of the game.

The Staples Arena is full, with superstars gathering on the sidelines, and it is still the most popular arena in the NBA.

Although Ye Fei has not yet helped the Lakers win the NBA championship, he has not yet started to create a new Zijin Dynasty.

But his arrival made this city see hope again.

The hot ball market is the best illustration.

Before every NBA game starts, there will be an entrance ceremony.

The away players are introduced first, and then the home players are introduced.

But away players are generally just introduced casually, unless some superstars.

The introduction of the home players will be extremely formal and grand, especially the starting players. And the last one to appear on the stage must be the star of the team.

When Kobe was around, he would be the last one to appear on the stage. 610 But today, Ye Fei will be the last to appear.

All the Lakers players have already played, and the DJ shouted loudly: "Let us welcome, player No. 00, Ye-fei!"

Ye Fei ran into the stadium from the player tunnel, and there was a deafening shout at the scene, the voice was no better than when Kobe played.

This made Russell very unhappy.

He always thought that besides Kobe, he would be the well-deserved core of the team.

But it's clear that Ye Fei is now the star of this Lakers team.

Ye Fei waved to the fans, walked towards his teammates, gave them high fives, and made various unique gestures.

Finally standing in the center of the court, Ye Fei stretched out his hand to signal to all the players to come over, gather together, and raised their right hands together.

Ye Fei shouted: "The Lakers!"

"Must win!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

They all regard Ye Fei as the core of the team, and so do the fans at the scene.

But Russell, who was sitting on the sidelines, was quite unconvinced.

Why is all the limelight going to be Ye Fei's?

I can (cdfi) be the No. 2 pick.

No. 2 show!

And Ye Fei is just an undrafted rookie, why give him so much authority, if he trains himself with all his strength, he will definitely be no worse than him.

I am Kobe's successor.


I'm better than Kobe.

Russell didn't accept Ye Fei at all, he had to rely on his own performance to change the team's management's perception of him.

All this is just what he thinks.

Everyone can tell that Ye Fei is not only stronger than him, but also not even a little bit stronger. The two are not at the same level at all.

It can be seen from the game.

Ye Fei let you understand what absolute dominance is.

Game start.

Ye Fei easily helped the Lakers win the jump ball. The first attack of the game was initiated by the Lakers.

In this game, the Thunder were well prepared. Ibaka still defended Ye Fei, but instead of double-teaming Durant, he let Adams assist in the defense.

Ye Fei got the ball in the low post, and as soon as he pushed Ibaka away, Adams came to help defend.

One hit two.

Ye Fei is also sure, now that he is physically fit, he dares to use his skills frequently at the basket, hold the ball and turn around, just wanting to hit a dunk.

But at this moment, Durant slashed from a diagonal stab and slapped the ball in Ye Fei's hand.

What the hell!

Ye Fei's goal was almost blocked by the opponent. Ye Fei was in the air, and quickly threw the ball to his teammates with both hands.

Clarkson didn't waste the open opportunity and shot directly from outside the three-point line.


This ball strikes iron.

But it doesn't matter, Ye Fei uses the rebound point predictor to stop the point in advance, get stuck in the position first, and take the rebound off Ibaka's head.

Ye Fei was not in a hurry to attack, and after handing over the ball, he got stuck again and asked for the ball.

Lu Wei handed the ball to Ye Fei, and the others pulled away. Ye Fei played one-on-one under the basket.

The defense of the two still did not trap Ye Fei, he found the shooting space again, turned around and prepared to hook.


A figure flies over from behind [Durant blocks the ball in Ye Fei's hand again.

The three teamed up to block the shot, and there was no room for a shot. Ye Fei passed the ball again.

Lu Wei took the ball and dribbled it, and pulled out from outside the three-point line.

This goal was not scored.

Ibaka teamed up with Adams to receive the rebound.

For two consecutive rounds, Ye Fei couldn't attack, and the Thunder's defense was quite successful.

Durant was so excited, he patted his chest and shouted at Ye Fei: "Rookie, did you see our defense? Do you dare to shoot in front of me? I will fly your shooting cap away!"

Three people defend against one, you fucking have the guts to play tricks on me?

Ye Fei said with contempt: "Have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by me? One-on-one, I can blow you up with one hand, believe it or not? But don't be arrogant, I don't pay attention to the three of you." Li, in the next round, I will make you desperate."

Durant didn't take Ye Fei's words seriously at all.

He has confidence in this set of defense.

Moreover, they did not rely on defense to win this game. For this Thunder team, offense is their strongest weapon.

What's more, the Lakers' defense is so bad.

Ibacara came out and screened for Westbrook. Westbrook threw off Clarkson's defense and faced Larry Nance, a small chance to play big.

Westbrook stopped and started quickly, accelerated and changed direction, stopped and shot a jumper.

The ball goes into the net hollow, 2EBO.

The Thunder scored first.

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei had no chance in the two inside singles in the last round. TNT's commentator Reggie Miller said worriedly: "In this game, the Thunder used two inside teams to double-team, Kevin assisted in the defense, and the three combined The defensive strategy, completely restraining Ye in the last round, is obviously well prepared, and it is difficult for Ye to break through their defense." 1

Kenny Smith continued: "That's right, Serge and Steven can stand up to Ye and not give him a chance to charge up, and Kevin can use his height and length to block Ye's shot, and the three of them jointly defend. Almost blocked all of Ye Fei's shot space, he can only pass the ball to his teammates."

They thought it was difficult for Ye Fei to break through the Thunder's three-man defense tactic.

But can the Thunder really guard Ye Fei?

Ye Fei doesn't think so. .

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