sports supervillain

274. The Immortal Ye Fei

In the opponent's set at the basket, the three-man defense tactic, relying on Ibaka and Adams to defend, Durant's assistance defense is indeed quite powerful.

But that's just at the basket.

And this set of defensive tactics is not without weaknesses.

Three people defend against one, two people defend against four, no matter what, you have to miss someone.

But Ye Fei doesn't need the help of his teammates, he can make the opponent's defensive tactics useless by himself.

In this round of the Lakers' offense, Ye Fei didn't ask for the ball under the basket, but pulled to the high position to get the ball.

Hold the ball to the left of the free throw line.

In this position, the other Thunder players did not dare to act rashly.

Adams dared not come out to double-team.

As soon as he comes out, the entire basket will be empty.

Ye Fei was one-on-one, and even though Durant was watching from the sidelines, Ye Fei didn't take him seriously at all.

Ibaka was hard-chiseled with his back, and after pushing him away, he turned over and shot a jumper.

Ye Fei's move is well practiced now, Durant rushed over, but was still a step behind, Ye Fei made a mid-range shot, hit it steadily, and instantly resolved the Thunder's three-person defense tactic

The faces of the two commentators are almost swollen from beatings. Ye Fei just finished speaking, and under the defense of the opponent, there is no chance to attack at all.

But before even one round came, Ye Fei scored points in front of the Thunder.

But they can still come back, Smith said embarrassingly: "We have always thought that Ye is invincible at the basket, he will play hard at the basket, but he also has a good mid-range shot, it seems that Ye is still the big player of the Thunder. trouble."

For the Thunder, Ye Fei is indeed a big problem.

And it's a huge hassle.

First of all, their three-person defense tactic cannot continue to work. Secondly, they found that Ye Fei, who seemed to be not so physically fit before, was very active in this game.

In the previous game against the Lakers, Ye Fei has some balls and will not fight so hard.

But in this match, Ye Fei didn't care so much, he came up with full firepower.

This side just made a mid-range shot, and suddenly came back to help defend and rewarded Westbrook who hit the basket with a big cap.

Back on the offensive end, Ye Fei took the initiative to play singles with the ball, and Ibaka behind him tried his best to defend, constantly finding confrontations with Ye Fei to consume Ye Fei's physical energy.

But Ye Fei didn't care at all, he forcefully pushed Ibaka away, and turned over and shot a jumper with no solution.


The ball is still in.

When it was the Thunder's turn to attack, Adams made a position on the inside and gouged Ye Fei hard. Although it didn't work, he still gouged a few times before handing over the ball.

Durant caught the ball and made a 22-foot mid-range jumper.


The goal was missed.

Ye Fei overwhelmed Adams and captured the basketball.

On the defensive end, the Thunder used Ibaka to consume Ye Fei; on the offensive end, the Thunder used Adams to consume Ye Fei.

Their purpose is to exhaust Ye Fei.

As if Ye Fei didn't know, he returned to the offensive end and took the initiative to attack with the ball again.

But this time Durant finally couldn't bear it, and double-teamed him immediately.

Ye Fei didn't choose to force it, but handed the ball over.

At the moment of the ball, Ye Fei accelerated the air cut and rushed to the basket non-stop. Seeing Ye Fei throw off the defense, Huertas handed in the ball.

Ye Fei grabbed the ball with one hand and went straight to the basket. Facing Adams' defense, it was a ruthless dunk.

Completely ignite the passion of the fans on site.

And from this ball, Ye Fei gave people a feeling that he was everywhere.

On the offensive end, Ye Fei is still omnipotent. His teammates don't feel good. Ye Fei supports the offense alone, and he doesn't forget to fight for rebounds inside.

On the defensive end, Ye Fei not only fought Adams on the inside, but also strangled him to death.

From time to time, he suddenly came out and gave Durant or Westbrook a big hat.

Full of presence.

It seems that Ye Fei's figure has never disappeared from people's sight.

Therefore, after this quarter, Ye Fei played for nearly 10 minutes, scored 16 points, 8 rebounds and 3 blocks, exhausting Ibaka and Adams, and even the substitute Kanter was not very comfortable.

But when people saw Ye Fei end, they were not so tired.

After resting for a few minutes off the court, Ye Fei, who returned to the court, turned on again, swiped the presence mode, and crazily appeared in front of people.

Seeing this scene, Coach Donovan was a little dumbfounded.

Although he has only played more than a quarter of the game now, but like Ye Fei, who is in a state of crazily abusing the board to brush and distribute caps, no matter who it is, it will feel exhausted.

...seeking flowers · 0

But Ye Fei, who just rested for a while and returned to the court, was so vigorous.

When did his physical strength become so terrifying?

Several of my inside players seem to consume a lot, how could Ye Fei have no impact at all?

Ye Fei, who returned to the field, seemed to have no effect,

Still very efficient.

Another unstoppable quarter ended, and the three insiders of the Thunder who were resting on the sidelines all began to pant heavily. Ye Fei also seemed to be quite tired, but he seemed to be more relaxed than the three of them.

This TM is really a bit unscientific.

Coach Donovan, however, focused on instructing his players to consume Ye Fei as much energy as possible.

They do the same.

It's doing pretty well.

Ye Fei himself was still desperately wasting his energy. In the game, in order to avoid the three-man defense, he increased a lot of running without the ball.

Ye Fei would never do this in previous games.

Coach Donovan finds it difficult to understand why Ye Fei can run so well and consumes so much energy, as if he can't die.

What shocked him even more was that when Ye Fei came back from the halftime break, Ye Fei once again started the mode with full presence. His physical state [looked no different from the beginning.

Fans are starting to take notice, too.

"Today's Ye Fei seems very excited, no matter how hard he fights, he doesn't feel tired."

"Although in this game, Ye Fei only scored 30 points, 16 rebounds, 6 blocks and 4 assists, but what he did was much more than what the statistics show. He is still very physically fit."

"It's really unscientific. If he was playing in this way before, he would probably be exhausted by now.

"That is, if it weren't for his ubiquitous defense, it is estimated that the Thunder would have widened the gap.

"Thunder is so exhausted, Ye Fei can still play like this? When did he have so much energy?"

"Ye Fei who can't be killed, Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, Lei Ting will suffer again this time."

"It's exhausting but it doesn't work, and it can't be defended. It's such a terrifying Ye Fei. What do you ask others to do?"

The Thunder did look helpless.

If it weren't for their really good offense and the Lakers' players are not strong enough to attack, the point difference would have opened up the king long ago. .

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