sports supervillain

311. Anger The Alliance, Severely Punish Ye Fei

Ye Fei's words stunned the reporters at the scene.

Is he putting on a trick to die?

The alliance will pay attention to the press conference after the game, and Ye Fei made such a big noise in this game, the members of the alliance have long been watching the situation here.

Ye Fei's answer made them unable to calm down for a moment.

What kind of attitude is he?

"I've said long ago that this kind of player dares to punish him severely without even apologizing. What does he mean by that?"

"If he has a better attitude, I might feel that he can be spared, but you see that his current posture is challenging our entire alliance. Can this make him continue to be so rampant?"

"Where is the prestige of our alliance? Ye's attitude makes me very unhappy.

"If he chooses to apologize and his attitude is a little better, then I can still forgive him, but it is not possible now. We must punish him severely and let him know what the NBA is. 17

"Although he has good football skills, his character is not good. There is no need to offend our domestic fans for him, and he refused to apologize. This is the most intolerable."

"With his attitude, he cannot be spared lightly, but must be severely punished."

President 113 Xiao Hua's expression on the side became increasingly ugly, and he was also a little upset.

But at this moment, Ye Fei changed his words and finally let them breathe a sigh of relief.

"My behavior on the court was really a little impulsive. It was not the most appropriate way to deal with things. I am willing to accept the punishment given to me by the league."

But suddenly, Ye Fei changed the topic.

"I admit all the punishments given by the league, but I think in this game, when the situation has developed to this point, it is impossible to punish me alone, right?"

Ye Fei continued: "And I don't think I'm the culprit. If it wasn't for the other party, who kept bothering me and violating me with vicious fouls, I wouldn't compete with them. Several controversial penalties in the game, yes source of conflict."

The words were not explicit, but the blows were known, and Ye Fei pointed the finger at the referee of this game.

It's fine if you don't apologize, but Ye Fei still questioned the referee's decision after the game. Does he still care about the NBA?

But Ye Fei's aggressive behavior hasn't stopped yet.

He just admitted (cdei) his mistakes a little at the beginning, but he quickly dumped the blame on others.

"It was just an accident to injure two Jazz players. And it was because they were not skilled enough. Why didn't this happen to me in the previous game? They didn't come to provoke me, nothing happened It will happen. If the Jazz players didn't hit me first, do you think I would hit them? They asked for it all. 11

First, throw a heavy pot to the Jazz players and referees.

Next, Ye Fei gave another strong pot to Jazz fans.

"The fans watch the game and watch the game. You can use all kinds of boos and curses to influence the players of the visiting team, but the quality of this kind of fans is really very low. After we were sent off, They also threw water bottles at us, which had a great impact on our safety, do you think I shouldn’t take action to protect myself after they rushed down?”

Eloquently said a paragraph, so that the reporters on the scene did not know how to answer the words.

Ye Fei's skills in throwing pots are so good that they can't do anything else.

But Ye Fei's words, many fans will definitely not buy it, especially Jazz fans.

Therefore, after the post-match interview was released, Jazz fans ran away in an instant.

They threatened to block the Lakers team bus.

But when the bus drove away, they couldn't see Ye Fei, and he left early.

With a dozen or so, Ye Fei can still fight, but facing a group of crazy fans, maybe they still have guns in their hands.

There is no need for Ye Fei to confront them head-on.

Jazz fans are not the only ones who are upset with Ye Fei. Many American fans are very disgusted with Ye Fei's rhetoric.

But the most annoyed, the most angry, is undoubtedly the top management of the NBA league.

Ye Fei is simply messing with things.

He has pissed off the entire NBA.

A group of people were furious, and even Xiao Hua said very angrily: "It's simply unreasonable. There will be such a player. Is he going to anger us all?"

Even Xiao Hua showed signs of going berserk.

How many people can bear it.

But this group of people didn't even have a chance to get angry. Before they could come up with a plan to severely punish Ye Fei, some people stood up and supported Ye Fei.

The first to stand up was Ye Fei's teammate Kobe. No matter what he said, he was Ye Fei's big brother and had to protect his little brother.

This is also what the team meant, so in an interview, he also helped Ye Fei take the blame.

"Ye Zai's behavior was very impulsive. As a teammate, I couldn't stop him. I would like to apologize to everyone for this. But this incident was not caused by him. The players on both sides moved less. The referee can Get the players' emotions under control and there won't be so many things happening."

It's not over yet.

The Lakers players stood up one after another, accusing the fans, players and referees, just to blame Ye Fei. And the Lakers management even went too far and directly appealed the judgment of the referee in the game.

They did not intend to punish Ye Fei, but stood up and defended Ye Fei.

The Lakers management sued the Jazz players and Jazz fans, especially their fans, for throwing water bottles at the Lakers players and chasing and hitting Ye Fei, which had a great impact on the personal safety of the Lakers players.

What Ye Fei said made the team executives furious.

Coupled with the actions of the Lakers players and the management, it made the NBA management even more angry.

The Lakers and Ye Fei have completely pissed them off.

I was very upset.

Therefore, after seeing this series of events, Mr. Xiao Hua, the executive president of the NBA, slapped the table and said angrily: "Ye Fei must be severely punished, as well as this Lakers team.

The boss conveyed the meaning, and the people below must follow suit.

And everyone knows that what Xiao Hua said is to deal with Ye Fei severely.

Immediately, someone from the NBA official expressed such meaning in an interview.

But they didn't expect that President Xiao Hua's words would cause an uproar. .

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