sports supervillain

312. Who Dares To Punish Ye Fei Heavily?

It is acceptable for the fans to give Ye Fei some punishment. After all, his behavior violated sportsmanship and also violated the regulations of the league.

But you want to severely punish Ye Fei, have you asked Ye Fei fans for their opinions?

As soon as the news came out, the Internet exploded completely.

"Has the top executives of the league been kicked by the donkey? You suspended Ye Fei, what are we going to see? The next game between the Lakers and the Rockets, I will go for Ye Fei. Are you forcing me to refund the ticket?"

"What are you thinking about? I see that the Lakers will have more home games in the future, and they have bought tickets for the Lakers. Do you want to punish Ye Fei severely? How many games will you be suspended? I will ask you a question."

As many games as you are suspended, I will refund the tickets for as many games as possible. "

"For our Chinese fans, especially those not in Los Angeles, what we are waiting for is Ye Fei's guest "623" game. The Lakers come to Portland up to three times a season. I managed to get a ticket. You Don't tell me that you are going to ban Ye Fei from the exhibition."

"Garbage Alliance, Dogecoin President, who gave you the courage to severely punish Ye Fei? Don't you know who the instigator of this incident is? First, you have to train your group of referees, and then you come to trouble Ye Fei."

"Just as long as you are happy, it is best to suspend 82 games, and then we will see how much you have lost. After waiting for so many years, we finally waited for a super sharp Chinese player, and finally waited for a passionate player, let us return to 90 A player from the era, you still want to punish him severely?"

"Is the current game good? What's the point? Look at the number one player in the league. What kind of basketball is he playing? Do you think it's fun to shoot three-pointers blindly? Then what kind of games will you play in the future? It depends on who has a good three-pointer." That's fine, it's better if you hit another five-pointer, and then make all the inside players unemployed.

"I want to see who dares to punish Ye Fei severely. As a Ye Fei fan, I am the first to stand up against you. Let us support Ye Fei together."

Maybe even the top executives of the NBA league can't think of it, and they haven't made a penalty yet.

It angered Ye Fei's fans, and there are also domestic fans who support Ye Fei.

After all, he is the most passionate player in the league today. His playing style is very pleasing to the fans. They like to watch Ye Fei fight passionately in the paint with the opponent's big man, and then destroy the opponent's defense with violent dunks.

In today's era when the form of grouping is becoming more and more fierce, a lone hero like Ye Fei is the existence that people want to see. In today's league, apart from Duncan, Kobe, and Carter who have not retired in the 90s, who can make people occasionally see that kind of blood, who else can do it?

Whether it is James, the number one player in the NBA, or Curry, who may become the number one player in the future.

There is no such shadow in them, so more and more people like to watch Ye Fei play.

The fans didn't want to see Ye Fei being punished heavily, and they all started to stand up and support Ye Fei.

And this matter, the real culprit is not Ye Fei.

Through the various slow-motion replays after the game, you can clearly see that Ye Fei did not violate the NBA rules during the game, and even the two actions that injured the opponent were not a problem.

So why punish Ye Fei heavily?

It makes no sense at all.

But Ye Fei's behavior has angered the league, and now Ye Fei's fans have stood up again to challenge the dignity of the league.

Everyone knows that the blame is not on Ye Fei, but if you blame the referees and Jazz players, isn't this a slap in the face of the league?

How could they swallow this breath?

Who knows if the fans who stand up to support Ye Fei are causing trouble behind the scenes.

If this incident becomes a major issue or a trivial matter, Ye Fei is willing to apologize, and the Lakers don't be so aggressive, Rao Ye Feima will not be a problem.

It's not that they don't know how much benefit Ye Fei can bring to this alliance.

Don't say anything, just look at the ticket sales of the Los Angeles Lakers home court to know how much influence Ye Fei has.

Also, the Anta Group, which signed a contract with Ye Fei, is now almost earning back the ticket price, and let them open up the market for Anta in the NBA. Many players are ready to sign with Anta. Thompson, the head player of the Warriors, has been won by Anta, and they have a bright future in the NBA.

The benefits brought by Ye Fei are obvious to all...

If he misses one game, it will have an impact on the entire NBA.

Now Ye Fei's power is no less than those superstars.

But because of this, the NBA management must punish Ye Fei severely. If they don’t bother him now, if he grows up again in the future, who can control him?

It is necessary to sound the alarm for Ye Fei and let him know that the NBA is something he cannot afford to mess with, and the dignity of the league cannot be violated.

After some discussions, finally on the second day after the incident, the NBA officially announced the result of the additional penalty.

Jazz player Hood was suspended for 17 games and fined $1,572.69 million.

Lyles was suspended for 10 games and fined more than $80,000.

Neto was suspended for eight games and fined more than $70,000.

Jazz fans also did not escape punishment. Some were banned by the league to watch NBA games live, while others were fined.

Of course, this incident happened at the Jazz's home court, and they also couldn't hide it.

After the game, they also wanted to pass the responsibility to Ye Fei and the referee, so they were fined millions of dollars.

As a direct participant in this incident, Clarkson was suspended for 12 games and fined more than 100,000 US dollars.

Although the Lakers were victims in this incident, their behavior still angered the league.

Same as 0.0 to get a hefty fine.

As the protagonist of this matter, Ye Fei certainly did not escape punishment.

But no one expected that the league would punish Ye Fei severely.

The penalty given to Ye Fei is a 25-game suspension, a fine of $300,000, and full medical expenses for Jazz players and Jazz fans.

When the result of this punishment came out, Ye Fei couldn't believe it.

It was really unexpected that he really dared to suspend so many games.

As for those fines, Ye Fei didn't care at all. Even if the Lakers didn't help him pay, he could afford the money, and even Clarkson's loss would be borne by him.

But the 25-game suspension is really terrible.

The next period of time is an extremely important period, and he is related to a major event. .

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