sports supervillain

313. Loss Due To Suspension

That's next month's NBA All-Star Weekend.

The NBA All-Star voting activity has already started, and Ye Fei, with his outstanding performance, began to rush forward. With the strong support of domestic fans, he launched an impact towards the title of NBA All-Star Voting King.

Even if this incident happened, Ye Fei's votes won't have much impact, it still remains high, and there are still many fans who voted for him.

After the voting activities in the first two stages, Ye Fei only ranked fourth after Kobe, James, and Curry.

But the gap between Ye Fei and the previous few is not too big, and he has every chance to become the NBA All-Star vote leader this season.

If Ye Fei is suspended for 25 games, then he will definitely miss the All-Star Game.

This is definitely a big loss for the 2016 NBA All-Stars. Moreover, Ye Fei will become the first player in NBA history to miss the NBA All-Star Game due to suspension.

As soon as the league's punishment came out, it didn't have any impact on Ye Fei's fans, but instead made them take action thoroughly.

Originally, in the last year of Kobe's NBA career, making him the NBA All-Star vote leader at 23 was definitely a very meaningful thing for many Comey. Many NBA All-Stars canvassed for Kobe and wanted to fulfill him.

But now Ye Fei fans, and many Chinese fans are not happy.

Why did you suspend Ye Fei for so many games?

Don't you know that next month is the Spring Festival?

Many domestic fans have already bought tickets to the American Empire, booked All-Star tickets, and some Lakers game tickets.

It’s for Ye Fei, if you don’t let Ye Fei play, isn’t that a waste of their expressions?

Therefore, Ye Fei fans and many domestic fans stood up to protest this punishment.

At the same time, some thoughtful fans unite domestic fans, and they want to do something big.

It is to make Ye Fei the number one voter in this year's NBA All-Star.

The ticket king is unable to appear due to the suspension, so where does the alliance face?

Everyone knows that when Yao Ming was at his peak, he was the NBA All-Star vote leader. A large part of the reason is that the number of domestic fans is large, and a population of more than one billion is not just a decoration.

It is undoubtedly our Great China that has an absolute advantage over people.

Even Yi Jianlian back then, although he didn't have the chance to participate in the NBA All-Star Game, his vote count could crush most NBA All-Star players.

Therefore, driven by domestic fans, as well as Ye Fei fans, people saw a terrible thing.

In less than three days, Ye Fei topped the All-Star voting list.

He became the vote king.

This is definitely the most embarrassing thing for the top executives of the NBA league. He has just suspended Ye Fei, and he has become the NBA All-Star voter.

But this is no loss for the alliance.

After all, whether Ye Fei will be allowed to appear in the All-Star Game in the end is not decided by the fans, and their votes only account for 50% of the weight.

For the selection of starting players, the media accounted for 25%, and the players accounted for 25%.

At that time, the league has every opportunity to start with these two areas, making it impossible for Ye Fei to play in the All-Star Game.

However, if Ye Fei did not play in the All-Star Game, the loss would not be small.

Even after Ye Fei became the NBA All-Star vote leader, the frenzy of ticket refunds did not stop.

In the NBA All-Star Game, there were so many players to see, but there were still many fans who returned their tickets one after another.

They came to see the All-Stars because they wanted to see Ye Fei.

After all, in all the previous All-Star games, domestic players did not perform too well.

Dayao is the kind of player who plays soy sauce, usually going up and going through the motions.

He couldn't play the highly entertaining All-Star Game.

But Ye Fei is different. He plays games more often than the NBA All-Star Weekend Slam Dunk Contest. In the NBA All-Star Game, I just want to see whether the Feike combination between him and Kobe can be staged. The OK combination of Kobe and O'Neal The story of winning the MVP together.

But if Ye Fei doesn't come, then there's nothing to see.

As far as Kobe and Duncan are worth watching, James is already tired of watching, and Curry reluctantly takes a look.

As for the other All-Stars, I don't know that the domestic fans are so crazy.

Many domestic fans have refunded their tickets to the All-Star game, which does not have much impact on the NBA. After all, many fans in their country are hard to find a ticket, and they will definitely support their domestic stars.

But the loss caused by Ye Fei is more than that.

After all, this year's All-Star Rookie Challenge will definitely have a place for Ye Fei. He is now the most popular player for the best rookie, and his statistics have crushed all rookies in the first and second grades. If he does not come to the Rookie Challenge, it is estimated that the US Empire The fans are not willing to join in.

And everyone knows that when people in China go out to travel, they are crazy about shopping.

It will bring a good sales boom for NBA peripheral products.

This can be seen as a real benefit.

The NBA executives still don't care.

But they need to understand that before the All-Star Weekend, it is the Chinese New Year.

February 7th is New Year's Eve, and many fans in China are already on holiday.

843 They can come to the United States to watch the Lakers game in advance, and many fans have booked tickets for the game between the Spurs and the Lakers.

That game was held in the San Antonio Spurs, because everyone knows that the Spurs are a traditional strong team in the league.

There are also many fans in Tianchao, and many fans come to see Ye Fei, and along with the Spurs star and the Spurs.

If Ye Fei is suspended, then there is nothing to watch.

Many domestic fans began to refund tickets, which triggered a frenzy of refunds.

Especially for many Lakers away games, ticket refunds are very serious.

During the suspension period, the Spurs, who played against the Lakers twice, were undoubtedly the team that suffered the most losses.

Despite their arena attendance, it has always been pretty good.

But because of Ye Fei, the tickets for these two games were sold out, but now the ticket prices have plummeted.

It was supposed to make a fortune, but the cooked duck just flew away.

The same encounter with them is the next Lakers opponent, the Rockets. Since the Yao Mai era, the attendance rate of the Toyota Center Arena has not been high.

It was hard to have a game and all the tickets were sold out, but now all of them have been returned.

Even if it is a price reduction and a big promotion, the tickets will not be sold.

That's all white money.

Damn suspension, hateful league. .

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