sports supervillain

347. I Will Knock You Down

"Use a little force, you almost stopped me just now."

Ye Fei's words undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, completely detonating James' emotions. After glaring at Ye Fei with extremely fierce eyes, he turned around to get the ball.

I'm going to kill this nasty guy.

This is the only monologue in James' mind at the moment.

Ye Fei was so arrogant that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Bringing the ball across half court, James calls Love out to cover and goes straight to Ye Fei.

He obviously wants to single Ye Fei.

And Ye Fei didn't hesitate at all, he came over immediately, looked at James jokingly, and said lightly: "Isn't that one capping enough? Then I'll give you another one."

These words were like a sharp knife, stabbing James' heart precisely again, dripping with blood.

He hated Ye "Eight Four Three" Fei more and more.

James looked serious, and he became very serious. He knew that his body would hardly be able to stand up to Ye Fei. But he still sat with his back first, and it didn't matter if he couldn't stand Ye Fei. James' attack didn't rely solely on this move. He first confronted his body and then turned around quickly, trying to throw Ye Fei away with his speed and agility.

But James never expected that Ye Fei's speed would be so fast.

Blocking his attacking route for the first time, the two got entangled again.

When Ye Fei defended James, he seemed to be able to handle it with ease, and he was still talking trash in his ear.

"Want to pass me with speed? Do you think it's possible? Your body speed is overwhelming, and you don't have any advantage in front of me. Come on, I'll give you another hat."

For a player at James' level, it's not just a few trash words that can affect him.

But Ye Fei's words still made him quite uncomfortable, and the main reason was that Ye Fei was on the defensive end, putting great pressure on him, and he was a little at a loss.

But James still has to force himself, change directions continuously, stop and start quickly, and change the rhythm, and let him get to the basket. But under Ye Fei's defense, he couldn't fully charge up, he could only stand up and hit Ye Fei one.

If he doesn't rush up, the threat at the basket is not great, and Ye Fei has an absolute physical advantage.

James didn't find a good shot for this ball.

Fortunately, he didn't lose his mind. After jumping up, he didn't make a strong attack, but chose to split the ball, find Irving on the outside line, catch the ball and shoot, and Irving hit a three-pointer.

Although the Cavaliers' offense was completed, it was still an assist from James, but in this round, James did not take advantage of it. Instead, under Ye Fei's defense, he almost made a mistake.

James felt even more dull.

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, James went to Ye Fei immediately without saying a word.

"You don't even have the courage to make a move in front of me. How dare you defend me? Shall I give you another one?"

Ye Fei's trash talk was getting sharper and sharper, which made James very uncomfortable, and he wanted to defend Ye Fei even more in this round.

But sometimes, the more you want to achieve something, the more anxious you will be, and the more anxious you are, the more likely you will make mistakes, and in the end things will backfire.

That's the case with James.

He wanted to guard Ye Fei too much, so he stuck quite forward. The moment Ye Fei caught the ball, he turned around quickly and nimbly and slipped past him. James caught up again. Ye Fei was fully activated and took a step directly. Kill towards the basket.

James wanted to stop it, but he couldn't stop it.

I can't even pull it.

Ye Fei rushed up, flew high, and smashed the ball into the basket with a gorgeous one-handed dunk.

The Lakers' attack directly stopped the Cavaliers. Coach Tyronn Lue found that James was in a bad mood and asked him to calm down.

And Coach Mike Brown didn't give much face, and put Ye Fei on the sidelines directly. After the timeout, Ye Fei took a rest off the court.

James wanted to single him out, but he had no chance.

Despite returning to the first attack, James used a brutal dunk to declare his sovereignty.

But in the eyes of the fans, he is no longer the invincible James.

In these few rounds, Ye Fei's performance has completely crushed James. Even if he can instantly kill everyone in the league, he still feels crushed in front of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is just a rookie, but he dares to ride wildly on his head, can James bear it?

He has to find his way back.

Therefore, in the next game, James turned on the runaway mode to help the Cavaliers regain control of the rhythm of the game...

Although Ye Fei did not come back, Kobe stood up.

He didn't perform very well in this game, but he suddenly found his touch and scored 5 goals in a row, helping the Lakers stabilize the situation on the court.

Seeing that the point difference could not be opened, coach Tyronn Lue also asked James to rest, recharge his batteries, and prepare for the final decisive battle.

Therefore, fans are looking forward to the match between James and Ye Fei, but it has not been staged for a long time.

Until the last 7 minutes and 02 seconds left in the game, the duel between the two of them was finally staged again.

James, who was fully rested, went up to Ye Fei directly.

"Boy, you will pay for your arrogance."

Ye Fei smiled slightly: "Are you ready to be abused?"

James said nothing.

"I'm going to knock you over with this ball."

So fucking crazy!

Only he, James, knocked people to the ground. When a rookie dared to speak in front of him, he was looking for death.

James stood firm behind Ye Fei, looking rock solid.

Ye Fei hit the ball first, James was not affected too much, Ye Fei failed to push James away.

This made James' confidence soar, and Chong Tianfei shouted.

"Aren't you going to knock me over? Come on!"

very good.

What is needed is this aura, and Ye Fei will tell him what cruelty is.

He dribbled the ball and bumped it behind him, forcing 5.4 James back.

Sitting on his back several times, knocking James' footsteps into chaos, Ye Fei suddenly jumped up, turned around and tried to pass by James' side.

Will James let Ye Fei succeed?

Move over quickly.

Seeing James' actions, Ye Fei smiled slightly, waiting for this opportunity.

Ye Fei roared angrily.

"Old Man Eats Barbarian King Clash!"

I saw Ye Fei rushing towards James with an extremely violent posture.

With this ball, James didn't fully stand on his heel, and he was within a reasonable collision zone.

Seeing Ye Fei's posture and feeling the pressure from Ye Fei, James' complexion changed, and he thought to himself: This is terrible!

But it was too late to hide. .

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