sports supervillain

348. A Comeback Is Expected

Ye Fei was like a car speeding at full speed, rolling towards James, and it couldn't be stopped at all.

Even if James reacted immediately and made a resisting action.

But Ye Fei, like that unreasonable locomotive, knocked James away abruptly.


After being hit by Ye Fei, it was stronger than James's center of gravity instantly became unstable, and he fell to the ground.

He was actually knocked to the ground by Ye Fei.

This scene amazed the fans.

None of them expected that Ye Fei would be so terrifying, and his impact would be so violent. Ye Fei followed up with an extremely flashy dunk, and none of them responded.

It was because the collision with Ye Fei was too shocking.

In the impression of many fans, only James knocked other players off their backs, but they have never seen anyone knock James to the ground.

This guy is too scary!

The fans were extremely shocked and waited for a while before reacting, cheering and admiring Ye Fei's wonderful performance. twenty three

"How dare you believe it, Ye Fei knocked James to the ground in a daze, this explosive force and impact force is too strong, even James can't stand it???"

"Knocked over to the ground, Ye Fei is really cruel. He is recognized by the league. He is the most dominant young insider at the basket. He is even better than Howard at the top. After all, Howard back then couldn't knock James down. overturned.

"Violence, real TM violence, Ye Fei interprets the aesthetics of violence to the extreme, problems that can be solved with the body, that's not a problem, even the number one player in the league can't withstand Ye Fei's collision, Ye Fei is probably not a monster!"

"He fell to the ground, the player with the best physical fitness? James, the number one player in the league? Hehe, he is a piece of trash in front of Ye Fei.

"Who else dares to say that James is better than Ye Fei, stand up for me and see how embarrassed James is now."

"One-on-one, even James can't defend Ye Fei, who will dare to let Ye Fei single in the future?"

"Ye Fei's body is really freaking horrible! Even James can knock it over, it's so fucking incomprehensible!"

This collision directly refreshes people's perception of Ye Fei.

He's not as good as he looks.

But it is much more powerful than it looks.

Even James, who fell on the ground, looked at Ye Fei in disbelief.

He was knocked to the ground by Ye Fei?

Is it already so unbearable?

Are you really old?

James even doubted himself a little, but fortunately his teammates came over and pulled him up, rekindling his fighting spirit.

But after all, he is not a player like Kobe. After encountering this situation, if it is Kobe, he will definitely fight you to the end.

At this time, James only thinks of his teammates.

When it was the Cavaliers' turn to attack, James did not continue to single-play Ye Fei with the ball, but asked his teammates to cover him, so as to throw off the defense and shoot a mid-range jumper.

The goal was scored.

But the atmosphere of the Cavaliers home fans is not high, just a few applause.

James was completely overwhelmed by Ye Fei.

Even if James is the king of this city, in the hearts of many Cavaliers fans, James is their hero.

But after these few rounds, Ye Fei has already pulled James off the altar.

In their hearts, James was no longer that invincible existence, and Ye Fei took his place and started the runaway mode.

James can't stand up to Ye Fei one-on-one. Whether it is Love or Thompson, their defense is so vulnerable in front of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei began to overwhelm the inside, scoring 6 points in a row, chasing the score to 101 to 104, forcing the Cavaliers to request a timeout.

Seeing such a ferocious Ye Fei, the Lakers players all felt that there was hope for a comeback, and all of them played 12 points.

But the Cavaliers didn't plan to let it go.

The Cavaliers start with the offense.

James no longer wants to prove himself blindly. He attacks from the outside with the ball, attracts the Lakers to defend, and then gives the ball to Irving who cuts the ball.

There was a loophole in the Lakers' defense, Irving made a layup, and the Cavaliers stabilized the situation on the court.

Back on the defensive end, the Cavaliers made a change.

Let Thompson defend Ye Fei, the defense shrinks inside and outside, and James stares at Ye Fei from the sidelines.

As soon as the ball was in Ye Fei's hands, his help defense came over immediately.

If it's one-on-one, Ye Fei is worthwhile, even if it's one-on-two, Ye Fei is not afraid of other players.

But with James and Thompson, Ye Fei is really not sure.

He can play, but he will play very reluctantly. Ye Fei didn't force himself, and he led the ball out.

After Rondo got the ball, he immediately found Casspi who ran out of the open space, and when he arrived, he caught the ball and shot it.


This ball is short.

Ye Fei really wanted to get the rebound, but Thompson, Lefka, and James took the rebound steadily and didn't give Ye Fei any chance.

There is not much time left in the game, and the Cavaliers are not in a hurry.

Irving pressed the offensive rhythm outside and waited until the last 10 seconds before launching the attack.

Originally, Irving wanted to use Love's cover to find space to shoot, but the Lakers' defense was in place, and they made up for it at the first time, but facing Casspi's defense, Irving shot a three-pointer

Hit again!

109 to 101, the Cavaliers led the Lakers by 8 points, Irving's performance ignited the enthusiasm of the fans.

567 Ye Fei is very powerful, but Owen is not bad either.

This is his 30th point of the game.

Irving felt pretty good today.

When everyone thought that Ye Fei would stand up to save the team, Irving stood up, let the Cavaliers fans sweep away the haze, and cheered wildly for the home team players.

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, the Cavaliers still shrank inside, not giving Ye Fei an easy shot.

Just let the Lakers shoot three-pointers.

Kobe didn't feel good today, and Casspi was average.

As for Rondo, the Cavaliers can put him at least one meter away.

But in the face of the Cavaliers' double-team, Ye Fei could only pass the ball out, and Casspi had a chance, but the Cavaliers' defense rushed quickly, and he passed the ball to Kobe.

Bryant catches the ball and shoots, and his shots are quite decisive.

But the ball still didn't go in.

The rebound fell into the hands of Love, and he passed the ball very quickly, throwing the ball directly to Irving who was running at the front.

There are more than 3 minutes and 40 seconds left in the game, and the goal is still scored by the opponent, and the Lakers will collapse.

Owen's speed is very fast, and he rushed to the frontcourt.

Rondo behind him couldn't catch up at all.

Irving jumped lightly and used a beautiful layup to end the offense. .

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