sports supervillain

376. The Game Will Become Very Interesting

When Ye Fei said full firepower, he meant more on the defensive end. After all, in the previous games, the defenses of both sides were very lax, and no one would defend with all their strength.

Of course Ye Fei wouldn't do that either.

But at the critical moment of the final decisive victory, everyone will seriously defend.

In fact, in many cases, it is more about defense than offense that determines the outcome of a game.

So a championship team must have defense.

And defense is undoubtedly what Ye Fei is best at.

A large part of Ye Fei's dominance in the interior is reflected in Ye Fei's defense, especially his unsolvable shot-blocking ability, which no one dares to ignore easily.

It was the Eastern All-Star team's turn to attack, and the ball revolved around Wade and James. Even if the two parted ways now, they had a good understanding.

James suddenly started an air cut, throwing off the defending players, and Wade knew how to pass without looking at anyone.

Get the ball right - into James' hands.

The basket is empty.

James strode forward and flew towards the basket, wanting to make a wonderful split dunk.

He didn't realize the danger was coming.


Ye Fei, who came from one side to assist in the defense, jumped forward, ready to cap the basketball in James' hands with his right hand, and slapped the ball away.

The ball was unexpected and caught off guard.

Even James didn't expect that Ye Fei's defense would come so fast, and his blocks would be so unsolvable.

There are not many players in the league who can block their own ball in this situation.

But Ye Fei did it!

And not this one yet.

Two rounds later, James and Wade once again formed a tacit connection.

James once again held the ball to kill the basket, Anthony pulled Ye Fei out a little, and the basket was already free. This is an excellent dunk opportunity, how could James let it go?

After jumping high, it was an extremely ferocious tomahawk-style dunk, smashing the ball into the basket.

He was already on guard against Ye Fei's block for this shot.

But he still didn't expect that Ye Fei's block shot would be so incomprehensible. Just when he sent the ball near the basket, Ye Fei's pair of powerful big hands pressed hard on the ball, making him move. no.

A battle of strength, how can he be Ye Fei's match?


The ball was slapped and flew by Ye Fei.

It was another wonderful block, which made James quite helpless.

Ye Fei took off quickly, grabbed the ball away, and then launched a quick counterattack. Curry advanced with the ball, followed by Ye Fei.

"Mengshen" did not greedy for merit, but played with Ye Fei.

After an extremely coquettish dribble, he passed the ball without looking at others, and handed it to Ye Fei who followed up in the middle.

Ye Fei hit the basket with the ball, and when he jumped up, he made a brutal dunk.

Even though James was chasing closely behind Ye Fei, he was a step too late, and his block didn't work, as Ye Fei dunked the ball in to help the Western Conference All-Stars, within three points.

Ye Fei also increased his score to 28 points, the same as Kobe.

The game got pretty interesting.

There are almost 4 minutes left, the point difference between the two sides is not big, and there are many players with the same score.

Westbrook, Kobe and Ye Fei all have a chance to win the MVP.

But Coach Kerr didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and put Westbrook back on the court, so that the three players who had the most chance to compete for the MVP were all on the court.

Once the Western All-Star team wins the game, the MVP competition will undoubtedly be the biggest attraction.

At present, the score of the three is the same, although Ye Fei's data is more gorgeous, but if at the last moment, Westbrook or Kobe suddenly go crazy, brush up their own score and hit a key goal, then the final MVP is very likely to be the two of them one of the people.

The combination on the court is also quite interesting, Westbrook plus Durant, the "Thunder Twin Stars" combination, Kobe and Ye Fei, the Lakers' new and old duo, plus Curry, the Warriors star.

Anyone will decide who the final MVP trophy belongs to.

But if you want to get the MVP, you want to win the game.

Westbrook, who returned to the field, didn't think so much. After coming up, he took away Curry's ball and directly shot three points from the outside.

The ball is missed.

Fortunately, the rebound fell into Ye Fei's hands, which did not give the opponent a chance to increase the score.

Ye Fei took the ball under the basket, and the All-Star players in the Eastern Conference came to help defend him at the first time, so as not to give him a chance to force the basket.

...asking for flowers...

Ye Fei made a wonderful pass, which will be delivered to Kobe.

The latter made a steady three-pointer from outside the three-point line, tying the score.

This goal ignited the passion of the fans at the scene.

Kobe is still Kobe.

It's still the familiar smell.

At critical moments, Kobe has never let the fans down, and Kobe's performance has made many "Comits" go crazy.

Section boss will always be section boss.

But the game isn't over yet.

Looking back, in this game, Paul George, who performed extremely well, stood up again.

Although he missed the ball in the first few shots, this fatal three-pointer helped the Eastern All-Star team to overtake the score.

It was his 38th point of the game.

It is also the highest score so far.

He is also full of desire for MVP. A player without team honor can only strive for such personal honor.

But Ye Fei did not agree.

Back to the offensive end.

Westbrook played singles with the ball on the outside again. He wanted to do it by himself and did not choose to pass the ball.

But Paul George's defense left him with nothing to do, and in the end he could only choose a mid-range jumper, which he was not good at.

The ball bounced out of the frame again.

Crucial rebound.

It's Ye Fei again.

He jumped high from the crowd, and grabbed the ball against two people. After getting the ball, he didn't pass it out, and went straight to the basket.

Facing the defense of the two people again, he launched his own attack.

James jumped up to block the shot.

Anthony Ye Fei jumped up to block the shot.

The two best defensive players in the East All-Star team tried their best to block Ye Fei, but they still couldn't defend.

Under the defense of the two, Ye Fei sent the ball to the basket extremely tough.


The referee blows the whistle and the score is 2+1.

An extremely crucial, extremely tough goal, Ye Fei's performance made the opponent desperate.

The extra penalty is a steady hit.

Ye Fei also scored his 31st point of the game.

The two sides fought 188 to 188, breaking the scoring record in the NBA All-Star Game with 2 minutes and 36 seconds left in the game.

The game is going to be very interesting. .

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