sports supervillain

377. The Choice Of The Last Ball

And the game is more interesting.

In the later round, neither side scored.

But in the next round, the Eastern All-Star team made a fatal mistake and the pass was cut off by Westbrook.

Westbrook, who got the ball, had no teammates in his eyes.

He dribbled the ball in one go, drove straight in, and headed towards the basket.

The rushing Westbrook is definitely the most terrifying existence among the defenders.

Therefore, DeRozan, who followed the defense, couldn't defend at all.

You can only chase after him.

Westbrook, who threw off the defense, was unstoppable, and he was about to dunk angrily when he pulled it up, but James' chasing defense made him change his mind instantly.

But how does James let him get his wish?

He didn't eat his fake moves, but Westbrook was also crazy "one four seven". Facing James' defense, he still had an extremely tough posture, looking for confrontation in the air, and even when he lost his balance, he still sent the ball to the basket basket.

Goal in, whistle blows, 2+1!

Another extremely exciting 2+1.

Westbrook played the ball really tough. He deserves to be the most physically fit defender. With such a fierce defense from James, he can still score the ball.

There are indeed two brushes.

Additional penalty hit.

Westbrook scored his 31st point in the game. Now that the three players have the same score, everyone has a chance to win the MVP of the game.

At present, the Western All-Star team leads the opponent by 3 points, and there are 1 minute and 06 seconds left before the end of the game.

Both sides still have a chance.

Although Westbrook relied on a tough layup to help the Western All-Stars take the lead, for the Eastern All-Stars, they did not want to give up.

Especially Paul George.

James is actually not in a good state today. He didn't play so tightly at the beginning, but now he can't get back to his state.

And he didn't score much, so he had no chance to win the MVP.

So, at the end of the game, they decided to give Paul George a show.

Everyone pulls away.

Paul George holds the ball on the perimeter and beats Durant.

For this ball, Paul George found a teammate to cover and asked Curry to come over and switch defenses. Facing Curry, Paul George has an absolute height advantage.

As soon as the cover came out, Paul George immediately pulled it up and threw it.

Directly ignore Curry's defense.

Even if Durant made it up again, it still didn't seal it.

Paul George made a three-pointer.

Still in!

Today he was as confused as if he was on the hook, how to make a shot, and the Western All-Star team's defense was already quite good, but they still couldn't defend.

Roger George was really fierce today.

The Eastern All-Star team once again tied the score.

Forced the Western Conference All-Star team to request a timeout and set the next attack.

Coach Cole must have hit the ball in and let Ye Fei handle it. After fighting Ye Fei twice, he already knew how incomprehensible Ye Fei was.

He is definitely one of the most trustworthy players in the final stage of the game. Even if Curry is on the court with Ye Fei, he is more willing to trust Ye Fei.

After all, the closer to the basket, the higher the shooting rate, and Ye Fei's unsolvable dominance, even if there is no way to score the ball, there is still a chance to cause the opponent to foul.

Pause back.

Curry first dribbled the ball on the outside to press the time, and there were still 10 seconds left in the attack time.

The ball goes to inside Ye Fei.

After taking the ball, he immediately turned around and attacked, without giving the opponent a chance to help defend. After Ye Fei pushed Anthony back, he scored a layup.

193 to 191, the Western All-Star team once again overtook the score.

At the same time, Ye Fei's score also surpassed Westbrook's 31 points, becoming the player with the highest score in the Western All-Star team.

There is still time.

With the last 34 seconds left in the game, both sides have at least one chance to attack.

Although the Eastern All-Star team had the ball in Paul George's hands this time, it wasn't him who made the last shot.

Just let him attract the defense and hand it over to the more stable James.

crucial moment.

James finally stood up.

He also wants to win the game, use his powerful impact, against Leonard's defense, and send the ball to the basket.

The two sides once again tied.

This game is getting more and more interesting.

The fans at the scene couldn't contain their inner excitement, and they all stood up to watch the game.

James' performance is as solid as ever...

Once he is charged, no one can defend him except Ye Fei.

The Eastern All-Star team only spent 22 seconds on this attack, leaving the Western All-Star team for the final 12 seconds.

It is undoubtedly the most correct choice to hand over the last attack to Ye Fei.

After all, it is more certain to play two points than three points, but the opponent will definitely double-team Ye Fei inside.

At present, both Westbrook and Kobe still have the opportunity to hit the MVP, it depends on how Coach Kerr arranges.

"The ball is handed over to Ye, and the others pull away to seek open opportunities. When encountering double-teams, Ye remembers to pass the ball. Of course, you can also do it yourself."

None of the players expected that Coach Kerr would trust Ye Fei so much.

But the tactics arranged by the coach must be played according to this arrangement.

After returning to the field.

Durant sent the ball to Curry, but he didn't pass the ball to Ye Fei immediately because there were players around him.

Ye Fei stuck James on top defense and reached out for the ball. Curry didn't hesitate and handed the ball in immediately.

Post-up with the ball.

The defense of the Eastern All-Star team rushed over immediately.

There are the last 6 seconds left in the time.

James and Anthony came together to double-team Ye Fei.

Actually this ball.

Even if they double-team, Ye Fei can still come strong, against the defense of the two, and send 5.5 balls to the basket.

I saw him turn around abruptly, and then leaped high.

Force the opponent's defense and come towards Ye Fei together.

Everyone thought that Ye Fei had to score the goal by himself, as long as the goal was scored [then the MVP must belong to Ye Fei.

What choice will he make at the last ball?

Does Ye Fei want to come by herself?

After all, he was the man who threatened to win the MVP, how could he let go of such an opportunity?

The Eastern All-Star players all rushed to defend Ye Fei.

James, in particular, defended extraordinarily hard. He didn't allow Ye Fei to become the one who killed Billian.

Ye Fei, who jumped in the air, faced with their crazy defense, what kind of choice should he make?

He made a surprising choice. .

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