sports supervillain

554. Rosen's Ruin

In the long river of history, we have seen the tragic fate of many literati.

It actually makes sense.

A formidable character master, he can write the dead into the living, and the white into the black. If people don't understand the reasoning, they have to be confused by them. In the end, they feel that what they wrote is clear and well-founded, and they have to accept it.

In fact, many things are not what you see in the text.

For example, the incident written by Rosen, many people who don't know the truth. Seeing Luo Sen use the tone of aggrieved daughter-in-law who was being bullied, crying like complaining, talking like he didn't do anything, but Ye Fei beat him up. In addition to all kinds of accusations of Ye Fei's bad behavior, coupled with his bad behavior in the NBA, many melon fans believe it is true.

On the Internet, some unidentified trolls immediately stood up, stood up for Lawson, and angrily denounced Ye Fei.

"Dang it, I just led the team to create history, and I don't know who I am?! To be the first player in the history of the Chinese men's basketball team, this quality will destroy me sooner or later.

"I just want to ask, the relevant leaders of a certain association, do your faces hurt? The core of the men's basketball team you are touting is nothing more than a villain."

"Hitting people on 257 is really too much, and the relevant departments must severely punish them.

"Is it true that if you lead the team to create history, can you be helpless? He still looks down on the reporters and the media, and beats people. With such low quality, he can still be the future core of the men's basketball team? Eat shit!"

"I've never seen a player with such a bad character. It's a shame for our country. No matter how good the ball is, it doesn't matter how good it is. You can't even do it?!"

"Strongly demand that Ye Fei be expelled from the national team and let him apologize to the media. He owes Rosen a big debt of regret."

How many sailors and trolls are mixed in, let's ignore it for now. Lawson's series of operations really made him a little angry, and at the same time pushed Ye Fei to the forefront.

There are many people who are popular.

As a public figure, Ye Fei's words and deeds will be magnified by those who care. Under the impetus of some people, it was only a small matter, but it instantly caused a frenzy.

Under Rosen's well-organized description, with carefully processed pictures and carefully edited videos. Most people feel that things seem to be true.

Rosen is the biggest grievance.

There are more and more voices criticizing Ye Fei. Although there are many fans who stand up to support Ye Fei, under the tide, their support is instantly slapped into the deep sea.

All of a sudden, there was an uproar. After the matter spread, many relevant departments all got involved.

Ye Fei didn't shake at all.

It's just that he didn't understand why Rosen insisted on the original

Is it bad to live?

Why do you have to choose self-destruct?

Could it be that Lawson naively thought that Ye Fei could be brought down just by showing off a few articles? Did he think highly of himself, or did he look down on Ye Fei too much?

Ye Fei didn't want to pay attention to this kind of scum, but he insisted on hitting the gun, so why didn't Ye Fei help him.

The relevant person in charge of the team asked Ye Fei to ignore it, they will take care of this matter.

Ye Fei just snorted coldly, still going his own way.

He got it from Zhang Manyuan, and posted the video taken in the locker room, together with the photo of himself so tired on the sidelines, on Twitter, with a few lines of text behind it.

"I admit that my temper is not very good, but I really want to beat you. The clearer is clearer, the video screen will tell you the answer. I fought until I was tired and paralyzed on the ground. Rest, don't want to be interviewed, isn't that too much?! It seems that next time I'd better do it, so that I won't be splashed with unwarranted sewage.

That short video alone is enough to ruin Rosen's reputation.

Accompanied by Ye Fei's text "He has fallen into the abyss. (bdab)

Originally, the guns were fired against Ye Fei, but when Ye Fei came out to clarify everything, they turned their guns around instantly, and the flames sprayed towards Lawson.

"Dogecoin editor, what kind of spam website, you dare to release articles that smear me Ye Shen, are you looking for death?! Suggest the relevant state departments to take down the website.

"No wonder Ye Fei wanted to beat you up, I couldn't help but do it. Ye Fei tried his best at the last moment, and you didn't see it when he collapsed on the ground. You didn't see it. It's a face for you to accept the interview, and you think he's playing a big game. You fucking point B Is the face okay?!"

"Trash, God Ye is an existence you can evaluate? Where did you get the courage to interview Ye Fei, don't let me see you, and hit you every time I see you."

"It turns out that this is the case. I almost misunderstood my idol. He only tells stories all day long. He is a keyboard man who tells the world, and now he wants to murder me, God Ye. Are you out of your wits? Kill him!" Damn you!"

"Does anyone know his address? Tell me the address of a certain wave's company, and I'll block it at the door. If I don't fuck you, I'm sorry, God Ye."

"Take me from upstairs. This dog is often a black star on the Internet. Now you want to gain a sense of presence? I will help you, and the medical expenses have been saved for you. You are waiting to go to the hospital to lie in bed for ten days and a half months. "

The fans completely exploded and stood up one after another to put pressure on the relevant departments.

Ye Fei is winning glory for the country in the Olympic Games, but he is slandered by villains, can they just sit back and watch?

Of course not.

The relevant departments immediately intervened. On the Internet, not even a single word of the article written by Rosen could be found, and all the bad comments related to it were deleted.

The instigator of the incident, Rosen, went to some departments to drink tea and came back.

Not even losing his job, this road was completely blocked, and his reputation was ruined.

When he was carrying his belongings and leaving the office building, a group of crazy fans rushed over, grabbed him and beat him up.

The security guard was at the door, but he remained indifferent. He was really afraid that Rosen would kill him.

Hurrying up to pull away the furious fans, Rosen was sent to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment. It is estimated that within two or three months, he would not be able to walk out of the hospital gate.

At this point, the matter finally came to an end, but many fans felt that.

Ye Fei has gone too far.

But it never occurred to me that Ye Fei tweeted about this matter: "You don't like me, you can hate me as much as you want. But when I don't like you, when I beat you, you don't like me Don't run away. That's right, my qualities are poor, I'm just a villain, what can you do with me?!"

so cool!

This is the temperament that a super villain should have, so what if you offend the reporters and the media, just do it if you don't accept it. .

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