sports supervillain

555. Battle Of Vengeance

Ye Fei's words are always arrogant and domineering, but who dares to say no?

Especially those so-called media reporters who dare not fart. It's okay to piss off other players, but at most they get scolded by their fans. But the end of the provocation may be to go to the hospital to lie down for a while, or worse, to be ruined.

Even if you are dissatisfied with Ye Fei, don't say it.

What's more, at this juncture, provoking Ye Fei~ isn't it courting death?

Ye Fei is the absolute core player of the current Tianchao men's basketball team. With Rosen's case, the relevant media reporters have been warned, how dare they mess around.

The current Ye Fei didn't have time to talk to them. After cleaning up Rosen, he put all his attention on the next match.

The quarter-finals of the men's basketball team at the Rio Olympics have all been played, and the Chinese men's basketball team's opponent in the semi-finals is the powerful Spanish men's basketball team.

This game can be said to be a battle of revenge for the Chinese men's basketball team. In the 2008 Olympic Games, in the quarter-finals at home, the Chinese men's basketball team was reversed by the Spanish men's basketball team at the last moment, and finally missed the semi-finals.

Although the Tianchao men's basketball team has long since changed, there was only Yi Jianlian left in the Tianchao men's basketball team. But in that Spanish men's basketball team, most of the main players are still there.

Domestic fans are well aware that Pau Gasol, who played inextricably with Dayao, Ricky Rubio, the Spanish golden boy who became famous at a young age, "Bomb" Cannavaro and other players are all in the 12-man roster. Still the absolute main force of the team.

The Spanish men's basketball team has been able to stand on the T1 gradient of the world basketball world, and the talent training and reserve work has been done very well. In the 2008 Olympic Games, Spain was also at its peak. Almost ten years later, the youthful young player at that time was able to play his own role.

Although many veterans have left, there are many new stars.

Among the 12-man roster for this Olympic Games, there are seven active NBA players who have played in the NBA and are currently galloping in the European arena. There are a total of ten players

Spain's 12-man squad: Pau Gasol, Jose Calderon, Nikola Mirotic, Ricky Rubio, Sergio Rodriguez, Juan Carlos Navarro, Sergio Rull, Rudy Fernandez, Felipe Reyes, Clavi, Alex Ebrien, Willy Hernangomez.

Among them are many veterans we are familiar with, as well as newcomers such as Mirotic and Hernangomez.

Compared with the lackluster Chinese men's basketball team, the talented Spanish men's basketball team is much stronger. A strong contender for the Olympic gold medal. They can compete with the US men's basketball team

Meeting such a strong opponent in the semifinals is not a good thing for the Tianchao men's basketball team. But with such an arrangement of the competition system, there is no good way to meet the Spanish men's basketball team

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

Counseling before the fight, then there is no need to fight the game at all.

The Tianchao men's basketball team has reached the semi-finals and has exceeded the task. For many players, even the coaching staff, the chances of winning the semi-final against the Spanish men's basketball team are not great. Although in the interview, they stated that they would go all out to win the game, but they obviously lacked confidence.

Only Ye Fei's two simple words in the interview made the domestic fans excited.


In the quarter-finals of the 2008 Olympic Games, it is an indisputable fact that they lost the game at the last moment, no matter whether it was due to lack of strength or stupid coaches.

Ye Fei didn't say that he must win the game, but just the word "revenge" showed his completely different attitude.

What Lawson did really affected Ye Fei's image, but two words were enough for Ye Fei to save everything.

The blood, passion and spirit of never admitting defeat are worthy of the admiration of many fans.

We could lose last time, and we can still lose this time, but our beliefs cannot be changed, we must take revenge, and we must win our opponent once.

The Tianchao men's basketball team advanced strongly to the semi-finals, coupled with Ye Fei's high popularity, this game attracted much attention.

Although the game was played in Rio, on the day of the game, many national flags were flying. The Celestial fans present wore Celestial Red, rendering a sea of ​​red.

"Come on, Team China! Come on, Team China! Come on, Team China!"

"Come on, Ye Fei, Ye Fei is the most handsome!"

...seeking flowers 0

"Come on! Beat Spain!"

"Vengeance, revenge, revenge!"

When the men's basketball players of Tianchao stepped onto the court, there was endless cheering in the arena. The loud cheers and cheers are quite encouraging, and the momentum is on the men's basketball team, temporarily overpowering the Spanish men's basketball team.

The starting lineup of the Tianchao men's basketball team has not changed, and it still uses the starting lineup of the previous game: Guo Ailun, Li Gen, Zhou Peng, Ye Fei and Yi Jianlian.

Ye Fei continues to play the 4th position. It can be seen from the last game that Ye Fei, who plays the 4th position, can come out to organize the offense, giving the Tianchao men's basketball team an extra offensive organization point on the court. Ye Fei, the space-type fourth position, can make the Tianchao men's basketball team have an excellent outside shooter.


In the group stage, Ye Fei didn't take many three-pointers, but in the last game, he made a lot of three-pointers. Ye Fei's three-point shooting rate is even more amazing, as high as 726.6%, which is terrifying.

The Spanish men's basketball team sent: Ricky Rubio, Jose Calderon, Rudy Fernandez, Nikola Mirotic and Pau Gasol's starting lineup

This lineup is not the strongest starter for the Spanish men's basketball team. Pau Gasol's younger brother, Marc Gasol, did not travel with the team. The inside defensive giant Ibaka also missed the game due to injury. If the two come together [Spain will have the world's most luxurious combination of insiders.

But their starting lineup, compared to the starting lineup of the Chinese men's basketball team, has no advantage inside.

When Pau Gasol faced Dayao, it can be said that it was 50-50, and even with the help of his teammates, he was slightly better.

It's useless for anyone to help him today, Ye Fei smashed the inside line of the Spanish men's basketball team first.

Players from both sides stand still in the middle circle.

The referee blew the whistle and threw the ball high. Ye Fei passed the ball to his teammate from the head of the 213cm Pau Gasol.

The moment he landed, Ye Fei said with a smile on his face: "I will blow you up in this match!"

Gasol was expressionless, Ye Fei was speaking English, it was impossible for him not to understand, he just turned a deaf ear to it.

very good.

You're welcome, Ye Fei. Ten. .

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