sports supervillain

700. Unconvinced

Courtney Lee rushed over and wanted to push Ye Fei, but he pushed Ye Fei away lightly. He said relentlessly, "Boy, do you want to make trouble? You can't play well, don't force us to be serious." !"

"Come on, come on, come on, if you have the ability, just let it go, don't you know who made the trouble first? If you don't accept it, come fuck me!"

Ye Fei didn't give him the slightest face at all, and there was a big disagreement, and the posture of going to war directly.

Courtney Lee saw his teammate Justin Holiday and others coming together, clamoring to trouble Ye Fei, finally couldn't hold back, and was ready to fight.

Before he got close to Ye Fei, a burly figure stood in front of him, "Big Black Bull" Randall roared: "Want to fight? Come on! Don't think of me as the boss!"

All the Lakers players surrounded Ye Fei, blocking Courtney Lee in an instant, Ye Fei walked out slowly, and said to the Knicks players: "I know you are angry in your hearts, and you may not be convinced, but I want to tell you that I am not calm right now, so please don't try to provoke me, or you will all be stunned!"

Having seen the power of Ye Fei's villain bouncing a pinball, the Knicks players trembled. Courtney Lilian didn't even have the courage to look at Ye Fei, and lowered his proud head in frustration.

With this little ability, I still want to stand out for myself, a vulnerable existence.


The referee finally couldn't stand it anymore and rewarded Ye Fei with a technical foul, but Ye Fei didn't care. He waved his hand, turned around and left, waiting for the game to continue~.

Both Lance Thomas and O'Quinn returned to the locker room for treatment. Lance Thomas still had the power to fight. After the blood stopped, he could play again. But O'Quinn, like Noah, followed the team staff and worked together. Go to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Killing people.

The villain's pinball thrown by Ye Fei with all his strength is more terrifying than the bricks in street fighting, and the hit rate is extremely high. So far, no one has been able to escape Ye Fei's pursuit. Even when he returned to the field, when facing Ye Fei, he didn't have the courage to fight at all, and he was timid in defense. Seeing Ye Fei's murderous eyes, he became a dog in an instant.

Ben might still have defended against Ye Fei's chance to attack, but he stepped back, giving up the last chance.

Even Lance Thomas and other strong players were obviously suppressed by Ye Fei, how dare the rest of the players mess around?

No matter how much money they gave, they would not dare to offend Ye Fei. Who knows how much harm that ball would bring, anyway, if they face Ye Fei again in the future, they will definitely not leave their backs to Ye Fei.

God knows when, a blockbuster flew from behind, knocking himself to the ground in an instant.

After this battle, they understand better that Ye Fei is an existence that cannot be offended, and they can avoid it as far as possible, and don't feel uncomfortable about it.

The Knicks, who had lost their fighting spirit, were like a mess of loose sand. On the defensive end, they couldn't stop the Lakers' offensive at all.

Although Rose and Porzingis have repeatedly made gains on the offensive end, they still cannot help the team reverse the situation on the court. Ye Fei always gives them a fatal blow at critical moments and suppresses their counterattack momentum.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, the Lakers always gave the Knicks a glimmer of hope, and in the end Ye Fei never died.

Repeated several times, the game gradually lost its suspense. In the end, the Lakers defeated the Knicks 118 to 112 at home, and the winning streak continued.

The outcome of the game was as expected. Ye Fei contributed 41 points, 23 rebounds, 13 assists, 7 blocks and 6 steals. The statistics are still gorgeous, but they are just routine operations.

What people paid attention to was that in the game, Ye Fei knocked down Noah with one goal, and then hit two shots, injuring O'Quinn and Lance Thomas.

The fans were once again shocked by Ye Fei's magical operation. In the NBA, they have seen players smashing opponents with the ball, but they have never seen one ball hurting two players, and a headshot. Knock your opponent unconscious.

Players who can enter the NBA have good physical fitness, and it is almost impossible for them to be knocked out by a ball.

Ye Fei stunned two games in a row, knocking out three players, which shows how terrifying the destructive power of his passing is.

"It's an unbelievable skill. It looks like it's a pass, but it knocks down several opponents. How can Ye Fei's passing be so terrifying?"

"Is that a pass? It's not as powerful as a smashed brick. It's too overbearing to stun the opponent with a single ball!"

... ask for flowers)-

"It is said that Ye Fei is an existence that cannot be provoked, and you all want to die. Do you still dare to do things now?"

"I've never seen such a terrifying player who can overwhelm a lot of people by throwing the ball casually. How many people can stop him?"

"In the future, we will play a ghost game. Ye Fei will take one ball and knock down all the opponent's players. How will the opponent play?"

"It's really a super villain who can't be provoked. In the past, don't provoke him under the basket, but now it's useless to hide anywhere. Don't try to make a move, otherwise you won't know why you fell to the ground.

Some fans were amazed at the terrifying lethality of Ye Fei's pass, and they really wanted to know how destructive the ball passed by Ye Fei was.


But some people think that Ye Fei is a little too much, and want to appeal to the league to sanction Ye Fei. Seeing Ye Fei's posture, knocking down five or six players in one game is not a big deal at all. If he hits hard and knocks the opponent's players unconscious, will the game still be played?

Of course, there are still some extreme fans who asked the relevant departments to arrest Ye Fei for research to see how he completes the magical operations one by one.

Some people may pay attention to the opinions of the fans, and some may take action, but Ye Fei will not be greatly affected.

With the system in hand, I own the world.

Block one of Ye Fei's wounding methods, and he can come up with a bunch more.

And to be honest, Ye Fei really doesn't want to hurt people. If Zen master wasn't a little too much and the Knicks players were a little too arrogant, would Ye Fei hurt them?

Although it is only Ye Fei's second season, he knows that if he continues to stay in the basketball world, he will soon feel overwhelmed.

Invincible is the loneliest.

Although Ye Fei has not considered leaving the NBA, it will be a matter of time, and the future still belongs to the stage of these players.

He didn't want the Lakers players to rely too much on himself.

Jenny Buss is not bad to Ye Fei. Ye Fei wants to leave some useful talents for her. If they knock down all their opponents, how can the Lakers players improve?

But don't make Ye Fei anxious, otherwise they will all be knocked out. .

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