sports supervillain

701. The Man Who Changed The Rules Than The League

The villain bounces the pinball to overturn the opponent, and has the opportunity to make the opponent completely surrender, and properly contribute the villain value, why not Ye Fei?

I thought that knocking out the opponent two times in a row, and meeting the opponent again, might make them calm down a little, at least they won't blindly provoke Ye Fei again.

Ye Fei obviously overestimated the ignorance of some players, as well as their IQ that needs to be recharged.

After a day off, the Lakers team rushed to Sacramento to challenge the Kings away.

When she came to Ajiali's territory, she must do her best as a landlord. It's not enough to use all kinds of means to satisfy Ye Fei, and even brought his girlfriends to fight Ye Feichen all night.

The boss of the king is full of sincerity, and he is very satisfied with Ye Fei's service. In the game tonight, Ye Fei will definitely not be able to hurt the killer.

Changing coaches is like changing a knife, but the Kings obviously changed to a blunt knife, and the record has not improved significantly. At the beginning of the season, they saw some hopes for the playoffs, but now they are rushing to the No. 1 pick.

The king's most troublesome thing is Cousins, but his cousin was beaten by Ye Fei, so it's meaningless to tease him again.

Guy is a boring gourd, the two are not matchup players, and Ye Fei is too lazy to mess with him.

Anyway, it's his girlfriend's team, Ye Fei will definitely not let them lose too badly, if possible, he can also consider whether to send them a wave of warmth.

So in the evening game, Ye Fei took it easy, warmed up before the game, and chatted with Ajiali on the sidelines for casual fun.

Cousins ​​didn't have the courage to compete with Ye Fei for Ajiali, so he came to ask Ye Fei the mystery of the dreamy footsteps. Ye Fei, who was in a good mood, mercifully taught him for a while.

Although Cousins' IQ and EQ are not high, he is quite an interesting person to get along with.

After he recognizes you, he will not be angry if he bullies you casually.

He has a good relationship with Rondo, and Ye Fei must take care of it.

Maybe in the future, I will join the Kings to win a championship for my girlfriend's team, and I may have to fight side by side in the future. There is no need for Ye Fei to be too hostile to players who are completely convinced

The game started in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Ye Fei didn't use his full firepower. Both offensive and defensive ends were closed to fight, which was used to hone the combat effectiveness of the Lakers players.

Ye Fei is more about creating opportunities for his teammates. Perhaps the atmosphere is not tense enough. After the start of the game, the Lakers players don't feel good and frequently waste opportunities.

Cousins, who wasn't under the heavy care of Ye Fei, played very comfortably. He overwhelmed the inside and led the Kings players to launch wave after wave of fierce attacks.

The Lakers gave up on Russell, suffocated, and after playing, they fired with full firepower. They teamed up with Collison and frequently caused damage. Under the combined attack of the three of them, the Lakers' defense line was in a hurry, and the offensive end could not withstand it. The end of the first quarter At that time, it was 29 to 32, 3 points behind the Kings.

Ye Fei came back in no hurry and helped the Lakers reverse the situation.

Wharton is making arrangements, deploying troops, and observing the performance of the players on the field. He and Ye Fei have the same mind. Although the Lakers can solve most of the problems by relying on Ye Fei, they cannot always rely on Ye Fei. Especially in the playoffs, if there is not enough firepower support, Ye Fei may be alone.

The two watched the game from the sidelines and would communicate from time to time, and sometimes Rondo would join in.

Walton intentionally controlled Ye Fei's playing time, and did not replace Ye Fei until 5 minutes and 06 seconds into the second quarter.

After coming on the field, Ye Fei still creates opportunities for his teammates, allowing them to take on more offensive responsibilities, and when defending, try to give as little assistance as possible to let them keep up with the opposing players.

The previous game played too smoothly, and Ye Fei would wipe their buttocks from time to time. For a while, the Lakers players were a little uncomfortable.

Both offensive and defensive ends have not found their status for a long time. Instead, Russell, the king's substitute player, seized the opportunity, made sudden shots, scored 5 points in a row, and helped the king expand the score.

Russell is in a hot state today, and the halftime game is not over yet. He has scored 11 points, 4 assists and 2 rebounds, and he is finally proud.

Ye Fei didn't bother him, but he took the initiative to find Ye Fei.

"No matter how strong you are, is it useful? Can fancy passing help you win? Look at your teammates, they can't defend me at all, I will blow you up! The Lakers management is blind

For you to drive me away, I am the hope of the rise of the Zijin Dynasty, and you are just rubbish!"

Knowing that Russell is angry, Ye Fei can still accept a few complaints, but he keeps BB in Ye Fei's ear......

Ye Fei ignored it, but instead he became more and more arrogant, as long as he made gains in both offense and defense, he would whisper in Ye Fei's ears endlessly.

Like a fly buzzing non-stop, Ye Fei couldn't help it.

In the middle of the third quarter of the game, Russell received a pass from his teammate during the fast break and made an easy layup. He actually said complacently: "See? I told you, you can't guard me! "

"Have you said enough?"

Ye Fei said angrily: "If you say enough, get out!"

Seeing the furious Ye Fei, Russell was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say, and wanted to reply, but Ye Fei had already run away.

Russell didn't take Ye Fei's words to heart, I can't afford to offend you, can I still hide?

It never occurred to him that he really couldn't afford to hide.

In less than two minutes, the Lakers had a fast break opportunity, and the villain Ye Fei bounced the pinball and shot again, and the ball knocked him to the ground. Russell, who was so dizzy that he couldn't see the medical staff clearly, stretched out his fingers, was immediately carried away on a stretcher.

The ears are finally clean, Ye Fei no longer plays the dead mode, and gradually starts to work hard, and the Lakers players slowly find their status. Under the leadership of Ye Fei, the Lakers took advantage of the situation and played a wave to overtake the score.

Subsequently, the Lakers came forward with a 1.1 bench lineup, Lu Wei used his personal offensive ability to the extreme, brought wave after wave of offensive, and suppressed the momentum of the king's counterattack. Ye Fei didn't need to take another shot. The Lakers beat the Kings 116 to 102 in the away game, and the winning streak continued.

Ye Fei finally restrained himself, and his statistics were no longer so explosive. He only contributed 31 points, 17 rebounds, 10 assists, 6 blocks and 5 steals.

But after the game, Ye Fei once again became the focus of the league.

His act of venting his hatred and throwing Russell to the ground finally attracted the attention of the alliance, perhaps because he couldn't stand the pressure.

Immediately after the match, Ye Fei received a warning from the league. At the same time, Meihua issued a statement on behalf of the league.

Ye Fei became yet another player who forced the league to change its rules. .

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