sports supervillain

777. Hat To The Strongest

The Spurs' bench lineup was able to regain some initiative, thanks to Ginobili's contribution.

Coquettish passes, ghostly breakthroughs, and unreasonable shots can always play unexpected roles. Perhaps this is also the reason why Mr. Popovich allowed the demon knife to play casually on the court.

Ye Fei aimed directly at Ginobili.

He is the offensive starting point of the Spurs' lineup and also the offensive terminator. Ginobili, who is only 198cm tall and weighs less than 100KG, can do whatever he wants on the court, which is related to his super high basketball skills and basketball IQ.

It is rare to see that his shot was blocked by his opponent, but today he has to taste the taste of spicy hot pot.

Because Ye Fei has already set his sights on him.

Blocks must be given to the strongest opponent on the field, otherwise it will not be enjoyable. Can hating a child still bring you pleasure?

Perhaps Brother Deng would think so.

Ye Fei's block must be given to the strongest player on the field. After Manu Ginobili came on the field, he made two of two shots, scored 4 points, 23 sent out two assists, and added a steal.

Manu's state is quite explosive today.

Ginobili, who is getting older and more demonic, taught the young Lakers players a good lesson. Ye Fei wanted to forgive the frightening demon sword in the alliance for his blocking power.

At 8 minutes and 06 seconds into the first quarter, Ye Fei finally seized the opportunity.

The Spurs passed the ball continuously, and finally returned to Ginobili's hands. There was not much time left in the attack. Ginobili made a false shot, threw off Clarkson who was following the defense, twisted in a serpentine breakthrough, and Eurostepped past Larry. · Nance, as light as a spirit snake, sent his right hand forward, lightly flicked, and sent the ball to the basket.

It really is the best demon sword in the league, a series of moves are smooth and smooth, and it is done in one go, teasing the defensive players in the palm of your hand.

If he scored a must-score goal to have a chance to be selected as the top five today, he was caught by a pair of big hands.

In the area blocked by Reaper, Ye Fei remembered to catch the cap, which made Ginobili return without success.

Seeing the figure flying over his head, Ginobili showed a bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth, how much younger can the young man be able to break ground?

A beautiful block from Ye Fei stopped the Spurs from scoring consecutively.

After getting the ball and counterattacking, the Spurs were not slow to retreat, forcing the Lakers to fall into position. Ye Fei didn't allow the opponent to completely stand still, and dribbled the ball to kill the basket. The overall defense line of the Spurs shrank, and two or three players double-teamed and moved in a wide range.


It's as steady as an old dog's blacksmith.

The teammate was still unreliable, so he did it himself, Ye Fei turned around to grab the rebound, took off the ball, resisted the two Spurs players to defend hard, turned around and showed a magical hook, and sent the ball steadily into the basket.

The Spurs serve from the baseline.

Mills took the ball across half court and still handed it over to Ginobili. Manu, who has been in the league for decades and shows no emotions, will not be affected by Ye Fei's block.

Methodically commanding teammates to move, waiting for Davis Bertans to put up the screen, Ginobili pretended to rush to the basket, retreated beyond the three-point line, pretended to shoot a three-pointer, faked all over the body, the Lakers defended There is a loophole.

Ginobili's sharp eyes, aiming at open teammates, and passing the ball in a hurry, almost fooled all the players on the field, except Ye Fei.

Moving one step ahead of time, Ginobili was surrounded by Ginobili in the blocking area of ​​Reaper, and his pass also did not escape Ye Fei's ten fingers.

Reaper blocks shots, not only shots, but passes can also be blocked.

Leaping high, Ye Fei stretched his ape arm lightly, and with his fully extended right hand, he slapped Ginobili's pass away.

A look of astonishment appeared on Ginobili's calm face.

Little brother, there is something.

Ye Fei was able to block such a stealthy and tricky pass, and Ginobili re-examined the second-year player in front of him who is all-powerful in the league.

Ginobili found that Ye Fei seemed scarier than that guy who always liked to touch his hair.

Ye Fei intends to target Ginobili, and the Spurs' offense is blocked.

The Lakers relied on the ball intercepted by Ye Fei and launched a three-line fast break. Stephenson assisted Gerald Green and succeeded in a flying dunk, approaching the score again.

The old man Popovich continued to change players, and the craziest coach to make adjustments in the league must be Popovich.

Ye Fei focused on Manu Ginobili, who was the main offensive starting point on the field. Popovich's operation did not achieve immediate results. Fortunately, the situation on the field was stabilized.

When Ye Fei walked to the sidelines to rest, the Spurs suddenly went berserk.

Relying on the team's iron-blooded defense, the Lakers players are forced to make mistakes again and again, catching mistakes and counterattacking, one hit and one accurate.

Players such as Leonard, Green and Mills frequently hit three-pointers.

After a wave of hammering against the Lakers, Ye Fei relied on defense and managed to recover the point difference, which was wiped out by the opponent in a blink of an eye. What was even more frustrating was that when Ye Fei returned to the court, the Spurs led the Lakers by 19 points.

Ye Fei returned to the field excitedly.

In the previous two games, the Lakers did not encounter too much headwinds, but in this game, the seasoned Spurs educated the young Lakers players not to make mistakes easily

The Spurs can catch the opponent's mistakes and hit you to doubt your life.

Being behind by a big score will test Ye Fei's defensive ability even more, so Ye Fei is very excited.

What's even more exciting is that during this period of time, Leonard, the young leader of the Spurs, played better and better, hitting all three consecutive shots.

After Ye Fei returned to the field, the first goal was directed at Parker, the core organization player of the team, and Pau Gasol, the core offensive organization core of the inside line.

Pressing down on the two offensive starting points, the Spurs' offense immediately showed flaws, and the Lakers defended their opponents for several rounds in a row.

Unable to play smoothly, Parker turned to the team's superstar Leonard.

Leonard took the ball from the low post, signaled everyone to pull away, and played Stephenson with his back. Leonard is no longer the 3D player he used to be. With the development of offensive skills, with his excellent body, he pressed Stephenson to the basket , forcing Stephenson to take a step back.

Leonard turned around suddenly and shot a fadeaway jumper, making it impossible for Stephenson to block the shot.

Ye Fei kept staring at Leonard.

Hats off to the strongest.

Leonard is the strongest offensive point of the Spurs, Ye Fei does not give him a big cap, I am sorry for the Spurs fans on the sidelines.

The Reaper's cover was activated, and Ye Fei rushed forward quickly.

Here we go, Tuai. .

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