sports supervillain

7778. The Audience Is Full Of Blocks


Leonard deliberately raised the arc, turned around and kept away from Ye Fei. The roaring Ye Fei still slapped his hand away.

Turning over and jumping backwards is Leonard's signature skill now, one-on-one, and almost no player can defend himself, let alone suffer a blood cap.

But he still did not escape Ye Fei's sanctions.

After owning the Reaper's block, Ye Fei's shot-blocking ability has been greatly improved. As long as he is in the area of ​​the Reaper's block, no one can avoid it.

Under the hat, Leonard's shot, the strongest offensive point of the Spurs, Ye Fei showed a smug smile.

Are you still following me for the best defensive player?

The game continues.

Ye Fei showed his experience and was too lazy to put too much energy on the offensive end, so he didn't stand up and score to help the team overtake the score.

He has to rely on defense to lead the Lakers closer to the score. He said that he only scored 20 points in this game, and Ye Fei would definitely not slap himself in the face.

The 20 points should be saved at the critical time. If you finish the 20 points early, do you still want to play in the next game?

After blocking Leonard's shot, Ye Fei started the rampage block mode.

In less than a minute, the Spurs attacked, Aldridge played a low single, and did not completely push Larry Nance, but it was not a big problem. Aldridge's signature turnaround jumper, Aldridge, who took off completely, didn't even give Larry Nance a chance to touch his hand.

Ye Fei, who was brought near the free throw line on the other side by the Spurs player, suddenly started and killed him in a blink of an eye.

Before the ball reached the highest point, Ye Fei slapped the ball firmly and capped it firmly.

Another block gave the Spurs their second consistent scoring point.

Crazy hat.

In the past offensive meeting, the Spurs grabbed the Lakers to counterattack, played more and played less in the frontcourt, Danny Green made a fast break early, and when Danny Green received the ball for a layup, Ye Fei was still two or three meters away from him.

Ye Fei accelerated in an instant, strode to catch up, and jumped high from behind Danny Green.


Ferocious peg board cap, the ball is dead on the backboard.

With another cap, Ye Fei was completely released, seizing every moment to give the Spurs a cap. As long as it is covered by the area covered by the God of Death, Ye Fei will definitely gallop over.

Almost all the players who appeared on the Spurs were hit by Ye Fei, even more than once.

Sometimes, the Spurs players were almost three meters away from Ye Fei, and they still couldn't escape Ye Fei's block.

All the audience saw was Ye Fei running around, flying to block the shot.

The fans watched it.

Unbelievable blocks one after another, shocking their eyeballs. At the end of the half, Ye Fei tied his own half-time blocked shots record, giving the Spurs players 11 blocked shots in halftime.

"Is Ye Fei crazy? The hot pot that the Spurs players ate today is really exciting."

"Crazy, crazy, I've seen the one who throws the craziness, but I haven't seen the one who is crazy about the hat, once God Ye comes out, who will fight for the front?!"

"Does God Ye want to block shots for us in today's game? 11 shots at halftime, 20+20+20 today?!"

"Exciting, Ye Shen's game is worth looking forward to and can always bring us surprises. Leonard has not suffered so many shots in a season?"

"It's difficult to see a player running to defend, but I see Ye Fei blocking shots all over the court. It's cheating!"

"Then get up, don't be too cocky, the Spurs player feels so good today, but he didn't open the point difference, but was blocked by Ye Fei, trying to recover the score abruptly.

"Is Ye Fei trying to prove that he can lead the team to victory in any way?"

Popovich's face was extremely ugly, but he couldn't blame the Spurs players. Just like McGrady's miracle of 35 seconds and 13 minutes back then, the Spurs players tried their best to defend, but in the end they were not reduced to the background.

The Spurs played as he was told, trying to stay as far away from Ye Fei as possible.

But as long as you dare to make a move, Ye Fei will give you a big hat.

It doesn't matter how far you hide, you have to make a move.

And relying on their own excellent defense and offense, the Spurs still lead the Lakers by 10 points at halftime. It can be seen how bad the performance of the rest of the Lakers players is, and it also shows the super technical and tactical level of the Spurs.

The Spurs players who returned to the locker room looked at each other, and the game was very uncomfortable.

Especially Leonard, he feels very good today, but after being taken care of by Ye Fei, at least two sure shots were blocked by Ye Fei.

Are you angry?

Wang Meng, who was broadcasting the game, asked the two guests during the intermission: "In the first half of the game, the two teachers also saw that Ye Fei seemed obsessed with blocking shots. Did he rely on blocking shots to win the game? ?”

々Then I don't know. "

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's instructor, "Only Ye Fei knows what he is going to do, but in the first half of the game, a message was revealed, as long as Ye Fei is watching, no matter how far away, he will rush over and give you a big blow." Cap, and nine times out of ten, your shot will be capped.

"The audience is full of Ye Fei chasing hats."

Guidance Zhang continued: "I have a bold but unreasonable idea. Is Ye Fei hitting the 3,000 mark in a single season, or is he going to set a record of 20 blocked shots?"

"It's a little unreasonable, but..."

After a short pause, Wang Meng said: "It's very reasonable that it happened to Ye Fei. Let's wait and see. Ye Fei's performance in the second half. The Lakers are cheering. I look forward to their continued winning streak. I hope the two sides will bring us more exciting games in the second half. "

After the halftime break, the starting players of both sides returned to the court. After more than ten minutes of adjustment (by Li Le), the Spurs players calmed down.

The offense is no longer so impatient, waiting for the best opportunity before making a move.

Moreover, the Spurs learned to be smart, and came up for the first attack. Aldridge pulled Ye Fei to the other side. Pau Gasol single-blocked the screen and created space for Parker to shoot. Give Ye Fei time to jump over and block the shot.

Parker shot comfortably, lived up to the expectations of his teammates, and sent the ball steadily to the basket.

Today's Spurs are really accurate.

As long as Ye Fei doesn't have a blocked shot, the open opportunities are almost all bought.

The Spurs players seem to have found a strategy to deal with Ye Fei. For several rounds in a row, they did not cap Ye Fei and support the fans who caused trouble in the second half of Ye Fei. They were a little disappointed.

Ye Fei never disappoints fans.

What's more, in this game, he wants to have a good time. .

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