sports supervillain

904. Do You Dare To Be A Hero For A Second?

"Don't talk nonsense, come on!"

Durant took the initiative to ask for a fight, and Ye Fei would definitely fulfill him, and he would not play any tricks with him. With Du Erniang's thin bamboo pole figure, Ye Fei fought with his back, and the bulldozer mode that he hadn't used for a long time was turned on, crushing like a tank Go in and bully Durant completely physically.

With a black punch and a body collision, Durant didn't even have a chance to breathe. Ye Fei turned around and almost lost his footing.

"Eat some meat to make up for it when you go back, I can crush you if I squeeze it, can you give your body some resistance? Waste!"

Durant was speechless.

The Warriors sent the baseline ball, Durant took the initiative to ask for the ball, Curry thought for a while, and gave him the ball. Durant dribbled the ball across the half court and signaled his teammates to open for ten pairs of singles.

"Yo ho, you've lost your temper, who the hell gave you the courage, and you still want to single me out?! Didn't you wake up today?!"

Ye Fei sarcastically said that Durant had difficulty concentrating on the game, but he still resolutely launched an attack.

Continuous fake moves, coupled with skillful dribbling, after some maneuvers, Durant found that Ye Fei was still standing in front of him, and he couldn't make it through.

Durant still had to choose to come by himself, and Curry, who was vacant, shook his head helplessly.

Ye Fei deliberately sold the loophole, and Rand dived into it.

"Ball stay!"

With an angry shout, Ye Fei snatched the ball from Durant's hands abruptly. Durant stomped his feet angrily, turned around and quickly chased after him.

However, Ye Fei was too fast, and Durant, who was trying his best to catch up, could only eat farts behind him.

One-stop fast break, Ye Fei waited for Durant to catch up, then leaped high in front of his eyes, turned around 360 degrees with one hand, and smashed the ball into the basket hard.

Durant, who was chasing after him, wanted to block the cover again, but finally chose to give up, but Ye Fei saw it all.

"You don't even have the courage to block the shot. Why are you defending me? I don't know if you are stupid or smart. Knowing that you can't defend me, you don't choose to provoke the block. You don't want to take it upon yourself, but I sold it to you. Why can't you see through the flaws, and have to drill all the way in.?"

After being humiliated by Ye Fei, Durant suffocated in his heart, but he didn't retort and returned to his offensive position silently.

When Curry dribbled the ball to half court, Durant mentioned the three-point position at the top of the arc, reached out and took the ball to Curry. Curry, who handed over the ball, borrowed Durant to try to make a pick-and-roll cooperation. Durant didn't give the ball, but chose to attack by himself.

Seeing Ye Fei in front of him, Durant didn't have the certainty of Ye Fei's defense, and signaled Pachulia to put on the screen.

Ye Fei didn't go around, and used the cover to get rid of the defense. Durant saw Larry Nance who was changing defense, pretended to take a slow step, and then speeded up to break through. The Lakers' two inside players all pulled to the outside to defend, and the C line was empty.

Durant grabs the ball with one hand and slams up with all his strength, trying to dunk the ball into the basket.

The cheers of the fans have not yet resounded through the Oracle Arena, followed by a burst of exclamation.


Before Durant had time to react, he heard a loud bang. The ball he was about to dunk into the basket was nailed to the backboard by Ye Fei. Durant lost control of the ball and lost control of his body at the same time. Controlling, he failed to stabilize his figure and fell to the ground.


Ye Fei, holding the ball in his arms, did not forget to taunt him: "It's just you, you still want to dunk in front of me, I'll let two people cover for you, you can't even make a dunk, believe it or not?!"

Durant was speechless.

The Lakers had an excellent fast break opportunity, and Ye Fei didn't give the ball out immediately, waiting for Durant to get up from the ground. Ye Fei took the ball across the half court slowly, and then faced Durant's defense, Ye Fei signaled his teammates to pull away, and he wanted to single Durant.

The Warriors had a pincer attack ahead of time, and Ye Fei didn't have the first time to break through the opponent's defense. After switching defenses, Pachulia was in front of Ye Fei, and without giving him a chance to resist, Ye Fei passed by and directly killed Durant's defensive area, which was completely unreasonable.

One meter away from Durant, Ye Fei jumped up to show his wife was holding Durant.

Seeing the furious and menacing Ye Fei, Durant did not stand up to block the shot, but chose to dodge to one side. Durant, who was a little slower, was humiliated by Ye Fei

Angrily, he stretched out his hand and pushed Ye Fei away.

Ye Fei, who landed on the ground, puffed up his chest and bumped towards him: "Trash, what do you want?! Touch me again if you have the ability."

Durant shivered, and the Warriors hurried over and stood between the two.

Do you want to be a coward for the rest of your life? You don’t even have the courage to stand in front of me. How cowardly are you? Do you dare to be a hero for a second? I beg you, please, give me a chance to block you, OK?!"

Durant finally couldn't help it, and shouted at Ye Fei: "Shut up the fuck, do you think you're good? I'm going to blow you up!"

In exchange for his counterattack, Ye Fei smiled contemptuously: "I am looking forward to what you want to happen, otherwise I won too easily, and others will say that you have to reserve your strength to deal with me in the Western Conference Finals

Come on, do whatever you can. "

Durant didn't speak any more, and turned all his attention to the offense. School Baodu also has a nickname "Reaper". Once his offensive mode is turned on, he can kill the suspense of the game as if the god of death descends. Durant, who was irritated by Ye Fei, decided to open his offensive mode in advance.

Knowing (amazingly) that he couldn't break through Ye Fei's defense, Durant kept looking for cover and finally got to Ye Fei's other side to attack.

Durant tried to solve the battle in his best way, dribbling the ball continuously under the crotch, and relying on speed to shake out the shooting space.

He directly pulled out his shot on Ingram's head. Although Ingram was known as "Little Durant", the strength gap between the two was still obvious. Ingram, who tried his best to provoke, still failed to interfere with Durant. Rand's shot.

Durant threw the ball, but it didn't fall straight into the net. A big hand appeared in time, and before the ball reached the highest point, he slapped it down, firmly capped it, and cut off Durant's idea of ​​scoring. think.

Fortunately, Curry reacted alertly, grabbed the ball in the chaos and made a quick shot, making steady three-pointers, breaking the Warriors' scoring drought and slightly relieving the pressure on the court.

Durant was very unhappy. .

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