sports supervillain

905. Depressed Coach Cole

Both offensive and defensive ends were suppressed, but Durant failed to give any response. Even when facing James, he did not have such a strong sense of frustration.

Although Curry helped the team stabilize the situation on the court, Durant, who insisted on turning on the killing mode, has been unable to find his form.

Relying on teammates to attack to create space and find two excellent opportunities, Durant was very likely to throw the ball in, but was interfered by Ye Fei, and they all jumped out of the basket. Durant was so angry that he clapped his hands to vent his anger.

The offense was fruitless, and his state was delayed. Durant had to turn his attention to defense.

Durant is worse than stealth on the offensive end. At any rate, he is a stealth player and does not occupy any possession of the ball. He has the possession of the ball and frequently wastes opportunities. On the other hand, Ye Fei, who is facing up against him, can take whatever he wants on the offensive end. Not only can he crush Durant to score points, but also help his teammates easily increase points when the Warriors' defensive strategy changes.

The point difference between the two teams did not come in because of Curry's three-pointer. Under the leadership of Ye Fei, the Warriors still occupy the absolute initiative on the court.

After Ye Fei crazily fed cakes to his teammates, the Lakers players found the touch, and the pressure on the Warriors' defense doubled. They did not dare to double-team Ye Fei easily, and Durant encountered even greater defensive pressure.

Ye Fei easily rolled into the basket 720 times, pressed Durant to put the ball in, and did not forget to sprinkle salt on his wound after he made a thug foul.

"If you were tougher just now, there would be no need for a foul. Why are you so cowardly? Do you dare to play a tougher defense, OK? You are so cowardly, how can you drink the footwashing water, look at me It’s water for washing feet, you can drink any water you want, can you?”

What a man hates the most is being questioned by others about his ability, not to mention Ye Fei poking Durant's lifelong pain. He made it public on social media that he wanted to drink Scarlett Johansson's footwashing water, but others ignored him. When the troublesome media interviewed Scarlett Johann, they even compared Durant with Ye Fei.

Scarlett Johann, who has already captured the heart of Ye Fei, you can imagine how hurtful the words she said are. She made Durant worthless, and she almost failed to blow Ye Fei to the sky. Now being beaten violently by Ye Fei on the court, and he also came to stimulate with words, Durant completely lost control of his emotions.

"Shut up! Don't provoke me with that damn woman, she's a BIAOZI..."

As soon as Durant spoke, Ye Fei rushed over and bumped into him: "Listen to me, if you dare to say one more word to her, I will beat you to death here, believe it or not?! My woman loves you I will pamper her, bully her and bully her, you can’t even scold her a single word, understand?! If you don’t accept it, show some skill on the field and defend me head-on, dare you?!

The murderous Ye Fei suppressed Durant's anger in an instant, and was humiliated repeatedly. Durant pulled his neck and shouted: "I'm afraid you won't succeed, I really think I can't guard you, come if you are not afraid of death! "

Ye Fei didn't answer, turned around and snatched the ball from the Warriors player, then grabbed the ball with one hand, pointed to the front court with his right hand, and said, "Go over there and wait for me."

Slowly dribbling the ball across the half court, Ye Fei signaled his teammates to pull away.

"Are you ready? I'll give you another 5 seconds. If you want to score on your head, three seconds is enough.

Durant replied with a look of disdain: "Are you dreaming?!"

Ye Fei didn't give him a chance to continue talking, he dribbled the ball one step faster, grabbed the ball and went to the basket. Durant knew what Ye Fei wanted to do, blocked him immediately, stretched out his long arms to interfere, and tried to snatch the ball from Ye Fei's hands, but he lost his position and was thrown away by Ye Fei in an instant. defense.

Unwilling, Durant quickly retreated to the bottom of the basket, ready to give Ye Fei a solid cap.

But seeing Ye Fei take the ball and burst up in an instant, carrying Durant's defense, leaping high, raising his hands in the mouth area (cddi) so that he is about to smash the ball into the basket.

Durant no longer flinched, chose to take a frontal wave, and jumped up roaring: "Don't even think about it"

Before he finished speaking, it was too late for Durant to regret. The furious Ye Fei didn't care about anything, he was going to smash the ball into the hoop right next to Durant, Durant, who was determined to prove himself, stood up and resisted, but Ye Fei was full of killing intent Fei, too domineering.

As soon as the two made physical contact, Durant knew it was going to be bad.

Durant couldn't resist Ye Fei's sudden force, and his body lost his balance after the confrontation. It was he who jumped up and insisted on blocking the block, and he was the one who was knocked into the air.

Under Ye Fei's vicious dunk, Durant once again became the background board|The act of proof became a stepping stone for the opponent's glory.

At this moment, Durant's mentality exploded, and he heard Ye Fei's understatement: "You can't even be a hero for a second, you are really pitiful."

Durant, who slumped down next to the basket, didn't even care about his teammates stretching out his hand. His dull eyes showed his inner powerlessness.

The fans on the sidelines couldn't believe what was happening in front of them. They believed that in the playoffs, they could hold down the "little emperor" Lebron James with defense, and Durant, who could guard all the strikers in the league, would do his best His defense, in front of Ye Fei, was so vulnerable.

Coach Cole on the sidelines looked frustrated. Most of the defensive strategies he could think of so far were used on Ye Fei, but in the end he found little effect. The best defensive striker in the team has no room to fight back against Ye Fei's attack.

Reluctantly asked for a timeout again.

When the game came back, the situation on the court still did not change much. Instead, Durant, who had an explosive mentality, made mistakes in several consecutive rounds of forced attack, which caused them to be repeatedly seized by the Lakers to fight back. The only fortunate thing is that the Lakers The player failed to grasp several excellent fast-break layup opportunities, so the score was not opened.

After the third quarter, seeing that the team led the Warriors by 15 points, Ye Fei thought he could get off work in the third quarter, sat in his seat, and started laughing and playing with his teammates.

I never thought that after the start of the fourth quarter, the situation on the field took a turn for the worse. The Warriors who were depressed throughout the game, amidst the cheers and cheers of the home fans, took advantage of the trend to launch wave after wave of violent offensives and sounded the horn of counterattack, especially the core of the Warriors. The "Splash Brothers" with two guns in the backcourt once again showed the fans their super personal abilities, proving that Durant did not make a mistake. .

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