Spy Shadow

Chapter 1045 Ruthless Crush

In San Francisco, the director of the New York TV station and the production director were standing in front of Chu Lingyun anxiously.

They have received the scripts according to the boss's request. These are the three scripts they think are the best. They are specially brought to the boss for review. If there is any one they like, they will directly choose one and let the screenwriter continue to write it. They will prepare for filming.

This TV series mainly shoots indoors and in the yard. The location has been found and the actors are training. The main focus now is the script. The script is the soul of a drama. The director is the brain and the actors are the body. Without a soul and only a body, it would be The Walking Dead. Shoot it like this No one likes the movies or TV series that come out.

Similarly, if there is only a soul and no body, the audience cannot understand it at all, or cannot understand the artistic conception.

Three script outlines were placed in front of Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun watched slowly. The script written in English was different from the Chinese one. He could understand it. The film he was going to make this time was not a literary film. There was no need to talk about big principles, as long as he was happy.

Of the three scripts, Chu Lingyun was quite satisfied with one of them.

At least the screenwriter understood what he was asking for, and there's a lot of humor in it.

"This is okay, but the name needs to be changed."

Chu Lingyun glanced at the name and then shook his head. The script was well written, but the name was not well chosen.

"Family Joy"

"Boss, what do you think the name should be changed to?"

The station director asked carefully, but Chu Lingyun didn't think about it and directly replied: "Family troubles."

Happiness was changed to trouble, and only these two words were changed.

The station director and production director were stunned for a moment. It was obviously a family comedy, but changed it to trouble?

Soon the station director's eyes lit up. He could be the station director in New York and he had certain abilities. At this time, he understood what Chu Lingyun meant.

Troubled sounds bad, but it is a neutral word.

Naturally, no one likes the usual worries, and everyone wants to throw them away, but some worries can make people like them, such as the worries of happiness, the worries of happiness, the small worries of love, etc.

These worries can add joy to life.

The boss is the boss, and his artistic conception is much higher than theirs. "Family Happiness" was changed to "Family Troubles", which is indeed more attractive.

"Boss, you are still smart and changed this name well."

The director extended his thumb and flattered him. Chu Lingyun smiled and said, "Let him continue writing and filming at the same time. It will be released in a month at most. If we really can't finish filming, we will film and broadcast at the same time. "

Chu Lingyun will not give this TV series too long to prepare. This is just the first one, and there will be more suitable TV series in the future.

Let them shoot slowly.

TV series are the best weapon to increase ratings.

"Yes, boss, don't worry, it will be broadcast in a month."

The station director nodded hurriedly, and he and the production director hurried to the airport. This time they came here specifically to report, and they would implement these tasks after returning.

Now they are very confident, after all, they are now the number one, and they are crushing the second and third.

The biggest benefit of the increase in ratings is that their advertising fees have increased a lot.

They will definitely get more bonuses this year.

It's almost November now, and if the show is finished by the end of the year, as long as the ratings can improve, their bonuses will increase.

People at the TV station are very motivated right now.

Leave professional matters to professionals. After explaining them, Chu Lingyun didn't ask any more questions and waited a month to see the results.

With the right actors and a good script, there's no reason why the ratings can't rise.

In Tokyo, the supervisor is leading a dozen people from the stone factory to search for Kubo.

They found the slum where Kubo later rented. Unfortunately, even the landlord didn't know where Kubo had moved.

The landlord only knew that the Kubo family would no longer live in the house before it expired, and did not ask where they had gone.

"Director, what should we do?"

Other workers in the stone factory were panicked. The factory might be sold at any time. If they couldn't stop it, they would definitely find a new boss.

At that time, not only will their salaries drop significantly, but their future lives will become even worse.

And even if the salary is reduced, some of them will still have to leave and find jobs again.

It was obvious that the new boss had his own workers and could not keep them all.

Especially the supervisor, who has the highest salary and prestige, and the new boss will never keep him to cause trouble for him.

"Go to the original factory and ask ourselves where the boss is."

The supervisor was the most anxious. He gritted his teeth and couldn't find Kubo. The factory director ignored them and didn't even tell them who the boss was. They had no choice but to find it themselves.

Finding and convincing the boss is their last hope.

At the Yuanjin Shrine headquarters, the main body of the two four-story office buildings has been built, and the second-story auditorium is also fast. Although the auditorium only has a second floor, due to the different floor heights and construction models, construction here is the slowest.

The main thing is that there is a basement below the auditorium. It is said to be two floors, but in fact it is three floors.

This makes construction more difficult.

"Lord Shuicheng."

This time they were lucky. When they arrived at the door, they saw Shuicheng Jun pointing at the door. The supervisor immediately ran all the way and shouted in surprise.

The main project is progressing very quickly, and the surrounding areas cannot be delayed. The headquarters of Yuanshen Shrine needs to have a magnificent gate. Jun Shuicheng is telling the designer his ideas. This gate must be built the best.

To become the most beautiful and imposing gate in Tokyo.

"who are you?"

Shuicheng Jun's eyebrows twitched when he saw a dozen people coming over. He had been here before and the workers recognized him, but he didn't remember these ordinary workers.

"We were workers in the stone factory here. You later moved the factory. We have been working hard. Can you not sell the factory?"

They don't know Ishihara Hiroshi, let alone the relationship between Shuicheng Shun and Ishihara Hiroshi.

In their eyes, Shuicheng Jun was the one who paid for the factory at that time. Even if he was not the boss, he was the person closest to the boss, so he was the right person to go to.

"Stone factory?"

Jun Shuicheng didn't think of the stone factory that he ignored for a moment. He didn't pay attention to it at all. Ishihara Hiroshi said he wanted to sell it, but he just gave the order and never went there.

Some worn-out equipment and some raw materials are not worth much money at all.

"Yes, that's us."

The supervisor looked at Shuicheng Jun expectantly. As long as Shuicheng Jun was willing, they could continue working without worrying about unemployment.

"Whether it is sold or not is none of your business."

Shuicheng Jun waved his hand. He had no time to argue with these people. He turned around and asked the designer: "Where were we talking about just now?"

"You said there should be Chinese elements in it."

"Yes, it's a Chinese element. It's best to have that kind of stone lion at the door. The bigger the better."

Shuisheng Shun has not forgotten that Ishihara Hiroshi is now with the Chinese, and these elements must be added.

"Lord Shuicheng..."

"Drive them away."

Shuicheng Jun's face tightened. He had clearly stated that it had nothing to do with them, yet these people still came to disturb him.

There were not many people around him, but this was a construction site and there were many workers. The boss of the construction company was here. He quickly called his people and drove away all the people in the stone factory to prevent them from disturbing Minister Shuicheng. of guidance.

This project is very important to him, and these people are so hateful.

"Director, what should we do?"

After being kicked out, everyone panicked. They were unwilling to listen to them and insisted on selling the factory. They would soon be unemployed.

"Go back, let's go find Kubo."

The supervisor gritted his teeth. Only Kubo knew the boss. He remembered that when he came to buy the factory, although Shui Chengjun paid for it, he was obviously accompanied by a more powerful person.

That man had chatted with Kubo alone, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

They were willing to lend Kubo money as long as Kubo could help them keep their jobs.

He didn't know how much money Kubo wanted to borrow, even if it was 10,000 yen, he would give it to him.

Anyway, there are many of them, so everyone can make up for it with just a little bit.

The group of people returned to the slums and asked house to house, which actually led them to find some clues.

Kubo probably moved to Shangbin. Someone asked, and Kubo's wife mentioned when she moved that it was more convenient to buy groceries in Shangbin.

Shangbin is not far from here, and the houses there are much better than here, even better than where Kubo lived before.

Didn’t Kubo have no money? How could he move there?

They didn't think about it, but they had to find someone. The group came to Shang Bin to inquire separately. With the strength of many people, they actually found Kubo's new place.

Arriving at the door of Kubo's house, everyone was stunned again.

This is a single-family house, and the place is much larger than before. The rent for a house like this is basically more than 1,500 yen. To them, this is a very good house. How can Kubo afford to live in such a house? place?

The supervisor went to knock on the door, and Yoko quickly opened the door a crack and looked outside.

"Sister-in-law, do you still remember me? I am Daisuke, Mizutani Daisuke."

Someone had seen Yoko and said hurriedly. Kubo Yoko recognized them as his man's former colleagues, but when he thought that Kubo had made such a big sacrifice for them and went to borrow money, these people were so embarrassed. Some people laughed at him, and Yoko's face immediately changed. Come down.

"What are you doing here?"

Yoko didn't open the door and talked to them through the door. The supervisor said hurriedly: "Kubo knows the boss of our factory. We would like to ask Kubo to help us talk to the boss not to sell the factory. Doesn't he want to borrow money? We put it together." I can lend you some."

"No need, just leave, he can't help you."

Yoko shook her head and closed the door after saying that. She knew what was going on best. It was Ishihara Hiroshi who wanted to sell the factory when her man returned.

The place where they live is not worth mentioning to Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, open the door."

Daisuke hurried forward and knocked on the door again. Several people knocked at the same time. Yoko opened the door again: "I told Kubo that he can't help you. Don't come to him again and don't disturb us again, otherwise I will call the police."

Yoko is very confident now. His man is working with Toru Ishihara. These days, Kubo goes out early and comes back late. He seems very tired, but he can see that his man is very fulfilled now.

Kubo is looking for a training venue these days. Fifty people need a lot of space. The main thing is to have dormitories and classrooms.

And it needs to have a yard, be in a remote location, and have no other people around.

In order to quickly find a suitable place, Kubo specially applied, and Shuicheng Jun agreed to buy a car first.

It's easier to get things done if you have a car.

Yoko was even more happy to see her man driving back. How long had she followed Toru Ishihara and even had a car?

In order to save money, Kubo bought an old car.

But an old car is still a car and is much better than a bicycle.

"Supervisor, what should I do?"

When the others saw that Yoko did not open the door and said that they would call the police, they all looked at the supervisor.

"We are waiting here. Kubo should not be at home. Even if he is at home, we have to wait until he comes out."

The supervisor really had no choice but Shuicheng Shun rejected them. Now all their hopes are on Kubo, and they must meet the talent.

They waited for more than two hours, and Kubo finally drove back home.

He was not idle when he was looking for a place. He specially paid people to help him find some young people with good memories, and they should be strong and have good eyesight.

Ishihara Hiroshi asked him to train agents, not ordinary people.

He recruited according to the standards of past agents, and now he has found five.

Chu Lingyun didn't make it clear to him that it didn't need to be so strict. What he wanted this time was commercial espionage, so some conditions could be relaxed. However, these people might have other roles in the future, so it wouldn't be wrong for Kubo to be more demanding.

Kubo also asked people to help inquire about Chen Zhanli in China.

Doing these things requires money, but fortunately he has money now, so he won't be unable to pay the information fee.

"Look, is that Kubo?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw Kubo getting out of the car and wearing a brand new suit.

The previous landlord said that Kubo couldn't afford to rent a house even if he was poor. Why do he live in such a nice place and drive a car now?

What exactly did he do to make his fortune?

"Kubo, it's great to have you back."

The supervisor walked over first and said with a smile. Kubo frowned when he saw them. He could not forget the faces of these people when he borrowed money.

"Why are you here?"

Kubo asked displeased, and the supervisor immediately said: "Our new boss wants to sell the factory again. Do you know the boss? Can you help us to intercede? Don't sell the factory. We will work hard to make the boss make money. You wanted to borrow money before." We have money now, you can ask for as much as you need."

"No, the boss wants to sell the factory and I can't help you."

Kubo shook his head. He knew best what was going on when selling the factory, and these people couldn't see Ishihara Hiroshi.

Don't talk about them, even if you want to see Ishihara Hiroshi, it will be difficult. Now Shuicheng Jun is the one sending him messages.

"Kubo, please help us when we are colleagues. You must know the boss and be able to talk to him."

"Sorry, I really can't help you with this."

Kubo shook his head again, then picked up his bag and went home. After entering, he closed the door and ignored these people.

There is a telephone in this residence. If they dare to do anything, Kubo can call the police at any time.

Kubo's job is very important now, and a phone is a necessity.

Kubo's failure to help was equivalent to cutting off their last glimmer of hope. It was already dark, and they were just ordinary workers who did not dare to cause trouble here.

To them, everyone who lives here is rich.

Kubo drove the car again, and they didn't dare to make any move.

"Go back first, and we'll think of a solution later."

The supervisor sighed. He really couldn't understand why the boss suddenly wanted to sell the factory. If he wanted to sell it, why would he pay them wages and move the factory?

Kubo had been at the attic window, secretly observing the situation outside.

Seeing them leave, Kubo breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day, the new factory director quickly signed a contract with the buyer and sold the stone factory. Only when these people came to work did they know that the factory had changed hands.

It's a good thing they didn't look for Shuicheng Jun yesterday. Once they did, Shuicheng Jun immediately informed the factory director to dispose of it immediately regardless of the price.

It was just that the price had not been negotiated before, and Shuicheng Jun didn't ask at all. It was the factory director who wanted to gain more benefits.

Well now, they found Shuicheng Jun, and the factory was sold faster.

The new boss gave them very low salaries, especially the supervisor, who was reduced the most. His previous monthly salary of 3,000 yuan was now only 500 yuan.

The supervisor was so angry that he resigned on the spot.

The new boss originally forced him to leave, but he was more satisfied if he resigned.

Kubo is accelerating recruitment.

Even if he speeds up, he doesn't want anything that doesn't meet the standards. He would rather lack than overdo it. He is very aware of Ishihara Hiroshi's harshness and lack of seriousness in doing things. It won't take long for him to return to his original form after only a short time in this job.

He had suffered enough and was unwilling to go back to his previous embarrassment.

Time passed slowly and it was November.

After waiting in Guangzhou for so long, Tan Wenbo finally took action and arrested more than 300 latent agents of the Fruit Party at one time, and captured 12 old agents. Through them, he also captured more than 500 people. It can be said that he achieved a great victory.

With so many people arrested, Qi Limin was so angry that he cursed and almost called the person in charge back to punish them.

They were caught like this before they had any effect, wasting a lot of money and energy, and at the same time bringing huge danger to other potential agents.

Kubo has recruited fifty people and is personally conducting special training for them.

The people who helped him find Chen Zhanli brought news. According to their investigation, Chen Zhanli did not evacuate when Shanghai was liberated. Most of the people at the Shanghai Station of the Secrecy Bureau were arrested. Some people suspected that Chen Zhanli was a hidden agent of the Red Party.

But he never appeared, and some said he was dead.

This result made Kubo stunned again.

Chen Zhanli is from the Fruit Party. He has personally verified it. Why has he become a Red Party member now?

Triple spy?

Would someone like him be a red party member?

Kubo was somewhat able to accept that he was an agent of the Fruit Party. There was nothing he could do if he didn't accept it. It was indeed the case.

But Kubo couldn't believe it at all that he was a member of the Red Party.

How does he look like a Red Party member?

However, Kubo understood that Chen Zhanli was extremely deceptive, and this possibility was not impossible.

Unable to find anyone, Kubo had no choice but to give up and do it all himself.

On November 10th, New York TV Station began advertising for the new drama "Family Trouble". This drama will be broadcast at 8 o'clock in the evening, with two episodes per day.

Not only New York TV, but other TV stations owned by Chu Lingyun will broadcast it together in three days.

In other words, other TV stations broadcast only three days later than New York.

It will be broadcast on the 18th, which is Friday. Let’s see if we can boost the ratings first.

They have filmed forty episodes so far and are seizing the time to film the follow-up. Even if it is not finished when it is broadcast like this, there will not be much left.

In the best hospital in San Francisco, Chu Yuan was walking back and forth.

Chu Ya was finally going to give birth, a little later than the due date. In the end, Chu Ya couldn't stay at home. When the due date was approaching, Chu Lingyun forcibly sent her to the hospital. As a result, her baby was born several days later than expected.

Chu Yuan's parents, Chu Lingyun's family, Shen Hanwen, Liu Shukui, Ni Loach and Lily were all waiting outside the delivery room.


The cry of a baby finally came from inside, and everyone stood up instantly.

The doctor came out after a while.

"Congratulations, the birth of the baby went smoothly."

The doctor came out and said with a smile. The two mothers wanted to enter the delivery room, but were stopped by the doctor.

They are not allowed in at this time, and Chuya and the child will be sent to the ward in a while.

"Mom, don't be in a hurry."

Chu Lingyun stepped forward to persuade him, as long as everything goes well, this is a new life for their family, the same age as New China.

As long as he grows up well, he will be able to see the prosperity of New China.

The efforts of our ancestors are to prevent our descendants from living a hard life like them and being bullied by others. The efforts of our ancestors have not been in vain, and the people of the future generations are living a good life.

"That's right, don't be impatient for a moment."

Chu Yuanchen came over to persuade her, but it was a pity that his tight hold on his wife's hand betrayed his nervousness.

"Doctor, thank you."

Chu Yuan hurriedly presented the red envelope, and the doctor smiled and put the red envelope into his pocket.

Don't think that the Americans won't do this. That will be in the future and they won't dare to do it openly.

Chu Ya and the child were finally sent out. Chu Yuan had been waiting and stepped forward to hold his hand. He Wanrong leaned to the other side and asked with concern.

Chu Ya had a tired look on her face, but she kept smiling.

She became a mother.

Only when you become a mother can you understand this greatness. Similarly, when you become a father, you will suddenly find that you have more responsibilities.

It all starts from the moment you see your child.

Scumbags are not included.

The birth of the child made Chu Lingyun not care about other things for the time being. Even Chloe let it go for the time being. Chloe did go to Thomas and didn't get any money.

She is now in Japan and does not dare to return to the United States.

As a result, her uncle told her that it would be useless in Japan. Chu Lingyun and Mike had an excellent relationship and could send her back for trial at any time.

Chloe wants to escape to other countries, such as some small countries in Europe.

But she sadly discovered that her uncle actually controlled her and confiscated her passport, waiting for Chu Lingyun to deal with her.

She hated Thomas and was even more afraid of the future.

She didn't want to be caught and put in jail.

Time passes slowly, and for the people of the New York TV station, their new test is about to come.

On November 17th, Family Troubles was officially aired.

Signal feedback takes time. They cannot get real-time data on the number of viewers. They can only watch it themselves and then make judgments based on the hotline calls.

The TV station has a hotline, which usually receives feedback from viewers.

People often call after watching the show.

The good ones are praise or questioning, the bad ones are mediocre or even scolding. They have received many curse calls before. The program was not done well, and the scoldings were very unpleasant when the audience was dissatisfied.

The first episode begins to air.

The actors are a family of five.

A middle-aged couple brought their three children. The eldest was a son, the second was a daughter, and the third was also a younger son.

The opening chapter shows some photos, including the male and female protagonists when they were young, their children and the whole family. When the photos are taken out, it is very intuitive to understand the relationship between their family.

Then comes the opening song, accompanied by some previously shot shots.

This is Chu Lingyun's request.

The station director was very attentive and asked the production director to strictly follow the boss's requirements.

The one-minute-long credits passed quickly, and the male and female protagonists appeared first. First, the male protagonist joked with the female protagonist.

It was a very straightforward statement of their love.

Nowadays, most of the movies shown on TV are movies. Love movies are basically a routine. The male and female protagonists do not know each other, or they know each other by chance, or they have no feelings at first, and they are brought together through various stories.

TV dramas are different from movies and do not require so much foreshadowing, not to mention that it is a family story in itself, so it is good to show their relationship from the beginning.

This opening chapter is a bad one in later generations, but this is not the era of later TV series blooming. There are not many decent TV series at this time.

As the children appeared, the narrator's laughter came from the TV from time to time.

You don't need to guess this to know that it was Chu Lingyun's suggestion.

This kind of technique has been used too much in later generations, but it has not yet been used. The first time it is used, it will always give people a sense of novelty.

The story slowly unfolds, and the profession of the male and female protagonists and the basic situation of the children are revealed through dialogue. The setting is mostly at home, and even the office is just a set. Such a set is not high in cost, can be used for a long time, and is of high quality and low price.

To put it simply, the story is very simple, but very lifelike.

This was Chu Lingyun’s key requirement. They were filming a family drama, and they had to highlight the flavor of family. For this reason, the director worked really hard to resonate with the audience without losing the fun.

The station manager is at home next to the TV.

Even though he had already seen the finished film, he still couldn't help laughing when he watched it again.

This is definitely a novel TV series that they are confident enough to take off.

What he is most concerned about now is the phone call situation. If there are many people calling, the ratings will definitely not be bad. Whether it is praise or scolding, it is impossible to make this call unless it is received.

"Ring ring ring."

The director's home phone number came to mind first. He looked at his watch and immediately picked up the phone.

"Director, our phone calls have not stopped, both on both phones. Now the operator can no longer answer the calls. We have temporarily added two extensions, but the calls are still coming. Most of them are praising us, and some people are asking whether we took these pictures. Is it true?"

The production director said excitedly that the director did not stay at the TV station, he would stay and work overtime.

This TV series is very critical and he needs to be informed at all times.

"Okay, great, where are the critics?"

"It's very rare. Now we have received more than 20 calls. As long as one person criticizes, he criticizes the acting, not the content."

The production director is very excited. Judging from the current situation, this drama will definitely be popular and the ratings will definitely be good.

"Get the data as soon as possible tomorrow."

The station director gave instructions and hung up the phone. He was equally excited, but now was not the time to report the good news to his boss.

The report card of this TV series, the final ratings are the real score.

The first episode quickly ended and during the commercial break, their phone numbers were blasted.

Two extensions were not enough, so the production director asked someone to pick up two more.

There are six phones, and basically everyone has to pick up the call after hanging up. Their TV station has never been so busy.

Especially during the commercial period, the number of people scolding them suddenly increased.

They don’t want to watch commercials, and just want to continue watching the next episode, asking them to show it as soon as possible. Some people say they won’t show commercials anymore, so they come to their TV station to protest.

This was the first time they had heard such a threat.

The production director understands that this drama is already popular, and the boss is really powerful. Each of his ideas for the TV station is more powerful than the last. After this drama becomes popular, no one can take away the number one spot on the TV station from them.

With the boss here, the production director has this confidence.

The director came to the TV station fifteen minutes early the next day. He didn't expect that he was so early and so many people had already arrived.

Everyone was talking excitedly.

They also watched the show yesterday, many of them watched it with their families, and the response was very good.

And their neighbors and friends.

Relatives and friends who knew that they worked at this TV station called them to ask about the next plot.

Only people in the production department have watched TV. Even if the finished product is on the TV station, not everyone can watch it in advance.

They couldn't tell what happened next, and they wanted to know what happened just as much as their friends did.

There has never been such a family drama before. Who would have thought that family life could be so joyful?

The title of the film is Family Troubles. The title is correct, but everyone likes this kind of little trouble and does not reject it.

The director came to the office with no intention of doing anything.

He's waiting for the ratings.

It wasn't until half past ten that the production manager hurried over. He had been in the technical department. This time the statistics were slower than every time before.

"Director, come out."

The production director's lips trembled with excitement. He never thought that the ratings of this drama would be so high. It was simply unimaginable.

"How many."

The director stood up directly and looked at him nervously.

"Twenty, we have broken 20. According to statistics, there were two hundred and three thousand, two hundred and fifteen people watching our TV yesterday."

The production director quickly reported a number, and the station director was stunned.

It actually broke twenty?

You must know that New York only has a total of more than 200,000 TVs. According to their own statistics, there are currently more than 230,000 households in New York using TVs, more than 200,000, and more than 90% of households have watched their programs.

At this time, the statistics of ratings were not as responsible as those of later generations, which only counted the number of TV broadcasts, and it was not as accurate as the later generations, which could be accurate to every minute and every second.

There are no age groups or detailed calculation formulas.

Now it's as simple as seeing how many TVs watch their show.

Two hundred thousand is an achievement they have never achieved before.

No, it is an achievement that hundreds of TV stations, large and small, in New York and even the United States have not achieved.

This report card is definitely outstanding.

Because some people did not watch because they were not at home or had other things to do. If this part was removed, their real ratings would be even higher.

This time it was not a slap on the other TV stations, but the most ruthless crushing.


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