Spy Shadow

Chapter 1046 Exceeding the total amount

"Is the data certain?"

The station director's voice was a little trembling when he asked. This was only the first day. Although they had done advertisements before and the response was good, he still couldn't believe such terrifying ratings.

Ratings above 90%.

Excluding those TVs that are not on, a dozen other TV stations have a total of more than 30,000 TVs to watch. What is the concept?

Maybe not that much. After all, yesterday was the weekend. Some people like to go out on weekends, and their data will drop a lot.

"Checked it three times, sure."

The production director nodded quickly. He didn't believe the data at first, but according to their feedback, so many TVs did watch their program.

The number of people is not calculated according to families yet.

The number of American families is slightly larger. Without saying too much, if we take the average family of three, there are still 600,000 people watching.

At this time, this is absolutely an astronomical figure.

"I'll call my boss now and report the good news to him."

The station manager picked up the microphone on the table and dialed the long-distance number.

Soon the call was received from Chu Lingyun, and the station manager couldn't help but stand up and said: "Boss, the ratings of our TV series came out yesterday, and they were two hundred and three thousand, two hundred and fifteen."

The director is very sensitive to this number and remembers it very clearly.

This number is not only their record, but also a record in the current American television industry. He doesn’t know whether it will surpass it in the future, but it is definitely the benchmark at this time.

It is an existence that others can only dream of.

"How many?"

Chu Lingyun asked again. There were a lot of American numerical expressions, which were not as obvious as Chinese expressions. In addition, due to the quality of long-distance calls, he did not hear clearly.

The director repeated the number, and Chu Lingyun was stunned for a moment.

He knew that this drama would definitely be popular, but he did not expect that the ratings would be so high. However, when thinking of the TV dramas that were sold out in the country in later generations, this ratings was nothing.

The number of viewers of domestic TV series is really large.

Scared to death.

But isn’t it a bit wrong to say that the streets are empty?

Just as Chu Lingyun was thinking about it, the station manager asked carefully on the phone: "Boss, did you hear clearly?"

"I heard it, keep working hard, finish filming the first season as soon as possible, and then immediately start filming the second season. Don't sell this show to anyone without my permission."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Life dramas never lack audiences. Other dramas may cover a slightly narrower age group. For example, there are those that young people like, those that children like, and those that the elderly like. This kind of family drama is basically liked by everyone.

In addition, they have made changes before and have gained a lot of ratings. This drama is also new and has never been done before. It is normal to have such ratings.

"Yes, boss, don't worry, we will never sell it to anyone without your permission."

The station director responded that he was the one who knew the boss's plan. In the future, all TV stations would be integrated together to create a truly big company.

By then, the assets of the new TV station will definitely be calculated in hundreds of millions, but it is still unclear how many hundreds of millions it will be.

The boss is accelerating the construction of TV stations. This drama will definitely allow the newly established TV stations to occupy the market. In this way, the merged TV stations in the future will be a behemoth that no one can compare with.

The boss had promised him that as long as he did well, he would be allowed to manage the TV station headquarters in the future.

The current general manager, Chloe, had an accident and was held accountable by the boss. He didn't like Chloe at all. He didn't understand why the boss valued her so much?

It is said that he took advantage of this because he followed the boss early.

Fortunately, she, the general manager, never asked questions or affected their business.

The general manager he wants to be in the future is different from Chloe. After all the TV stations are united, he will be in charge of the development of the entire company, including the business. His salary will definitely be several times what it is now.

Most importantly, his identity will be elevated.

There is no comparison in status between the director of a local TV station and the general manager of a national TV station, or perhaps the largest TV station in the country.

By then he will truly become a superior person.

With such a beautiful hope, Chu Lingyun's words are now an imperial edict to him, and he dare not violate them at all.

New York, two other major television stations.

They had already obtained the ratings for yesterday's session. When they saw the numbers, they were also stunned and couldn't believe it, but they felt chilled and couldn't believe it.

How is this data possible?

Before this period, Laosan really emerged suddenly. They adapted the news, separated the news, and created a talk show. The market responded very well and surpassed them all of a sudden.

But their transcendence is limited, and it’s not that they lose market share.

Even the most powerful morning financial news only occupies a little more than half of the market. 40% of the remaining half is divided up by the two of them, and the remaining 10% belongs to other small TV stations.

How about yesterday?

The director of the radio and television station that was originally ranked first rubbed his eyes several times while looking at the numbers.


This is the prime time in the evening, and they are playing a movie that was very popular in the past. Usually, the number is not tens of thousands, but on good days it can reach as many as one hundred thousand.

Now he seriously suspected that there was a missing number at the end.

"Is this still the case?"

The station director asked his subordinates in the technical department, and the director of the technical department nodded hurriedly.

They've checked three times and it's true.

Not only the director of the station, but also himself didn't believe this rating, how could it have dropped so much? Later, after asking around, he found out that last night Laosan played a latest TV series, which was said to be very good, a lot. The whole family gathered around to watch, and no one was interested in watching other programs.

He didn't watch it yesterday and planned to watch the replay today.

"You go out first."

The director waved his hand feebly. If this data was true, he would have no way to explain it to the boss and other shareholders behind it.

There is no way to explain it to advertisers.

With such ratings, what kind of advertising fees do you charge?

Not even as good as those small TV stations.

The situation of the original second TV station was similar at this time, but their data was only half as compared to this one.

Ratings of more than 3,000 channels.

The combined income of the two TV stations is worth less than 10,000, and other small TV stations are even worse.

The lowest number last night was only two digits, and they had to look at some of those two digits themselves.

All are record lows.

At Chu Lingyun TV station, the station director became even busier. Many advertisers came to the door and wanted to buy prime time ads. There were many people who watched yesterday's TV series. There is always no shortage of smart businessmen. They immediately understood the ads during this time period. meaning.

Especially those merchants who specialize in household products, if they place appropriate advertisements at this time, it can greatly help the sales of their products.

The replay time was in the afternoon, and during the replay in the afternoon, the phone was buzzing again.

The afternoon is different from the evening. Last night there were only people on duty. Today the station director asked many people to come back and work overtime. Anyone who had nothing to do or was not busy answered the phone. There were twenty telephones at the extension and switchboard, but the result was still non-stop.

He couldn't describe how he felt at this time.

If I had to describe it, it would be like a volcanic eruption.

Although today is the weekend, the ratings for the first broadcast are so high and the reruns are usually a little lower. The station manager did not expect that there would still be so many people calling the hotline.

The afternoon ratings will also have to wait until tomorrow. He doesn't know yet what the replay ratings will be.

What I’m most looking forward to are the two episodes that will be aired tonight.

With yesterday's good start, the station manager is worried that yesterday was a flash in the pan, but also hopes that it will continue tonight.

In New York, many families take their children to watch the TV on time.

Because "Family Troubles" makes them very happy, including children, they all like this TV series.

Watching TV for so long finally gave them a different feeling.

After the opening song passed, the handsome eldest son appeared first.

Despite his young age, he has already captured the hearts of many young girls. Under the current picture quality, there are still many young girls who are wary and watch the handsome guy on TV attentively.

Today's story is similar to yesterday's, but each episode is different and each episode contains laughter.

Many people watched the TV series with their whole family laughing. After watching it, they were still unsatisfied and wanted to watch it again, but unfortunately it was no longer available.

The next day, the station director immediately got yesterday's ratings data.

First is the replay.

Seeing the replayed data, the station manager is almost the same as yesterday. Is this data wrong?

The number of replays is as high as 150,000?

They broke through 20 on the first day, which shows that many people have watched it, so why are the replays still so high?

This data means that at least 100,000 families have watched it again.

The Minister of Technology swore that they were not mistaken, the data was like this, this was real data, and the replayed data was this high.

After confirming that the data was authentic, the station director's first reaction was not to report the good news to his boss.

Unfortunately, the advertising fees they charged during rerun time were too low. With such a high ratings, the advertising fees would have to be tripled at least.

The contract signed before cannot be changed, and the advertising fees will definitely increase in the future.

Then came last night's ratings. Seeing the data, the station director was stunned again.

He raised his head, his eyes full of doubts and distrust. The technology minister was a little panicked: "Director, I guarantee that these are true, and we are definitely not faking it."

"How is it possible? There are only more than 230,000 TVs in total, and the ratings are close to 240,000, and you still tell me that there is no fraud?"

The station manager slammed the table and yelled angrily. The ratings increased a lot last night. The total number of TV stations watched was more than 239,000, barely reaching 240,000.

However, this number definitely exceeds the current number of New York TV stations. How can the station director believe it?

"Director, I swear, everything I said is true."

The Minister of Technology was very aggrieved. At first he thought the statistics were wrong, but his technicians calculated the statistics several times and it was always the same.

As a last resort, he came to report to the director.

How could the director believe it? He immediately went to the technical department with him and conducted statistics again, only to find that it was still the case.

"Go out immediately to investigate. What's going on?"

When excess data appears, the station manager dares not ignore it. He must find out the reason, otherwise he will not be able to explain it to his boss.

At the same time, all major TV manufacturers received calls from sellers here in New York.

They urgently increased orders.

In particular, Chu Lingyun's two TV sets were the first choice of many people because their TV stations produced the broadcasts. They were out of stock in New York yesterday afternoon. As a last resort, they transferred goods from surrounding cities, but they were still sold out.

Today, TV manufacturers are trying to find ways to coordinate and ensure the supply of goods in New York.

Yes, the data is real, because yesterday's drama was so good and popular, many people kept communicating, and some people who didn't have a TV at home couldn't join. People who had originally planned to buy a TV immediately went to buy it, but they didn't have the urge to do so. Find a way to buy it.

Others watched it at a neighbor's relative's house and went to buy a TV the next day.

The station manager was unaware of this situation and believed that data errors were normal.

The people who went out to investigate soon came back, and the data was indeed correct. According to their investigation results, most TV sales stores were sold out yesterday. Some people even drove to surrounding cities to buy them. In one day, New York had at least tens of thousands more TV sets. A TV set.

Their data is inaccurate, in fact it is more than 15,000 units.

Good TV programs can indeed increase TV sales.

Finally knowing the reason, the station director was overjoyed and called again to announce the good news. Even Chu Lingyun himself did not expect that this TV series would become so popular.

He is a parody of that popular TV series from the 1980s.

Although there is a time difference of more than thirty years, the life of Americans has not changed much, and now is an era of lack of entertainment.

There are just a few types over and over again.

A novel TV series was launched, giving everyone a different feeling. After Kate was re-elected, she took a series of measures, and the economy has eased a lot in more than a year.

This is New York, and there is always no shortage of middle class in big cities.

They didn't buy TVs before, maybe because they didn't like them, or because their demand for TVs wasn't that great. Now suddenly there's a popular TV series, and people around them are talking about it, making them feel like they can't join in the conversation without a TV. , even feeling outdated.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for TV sales to increase.

Chu Lingyun received a detailed report.

"Inform the TV factory that everyone works overtime to produce, and they will be paid three times the salary. The output must be maximized."

"Tell Liu Shukui to buy a TV factory immediately and spend money to get it for me."

Chu Lingyun decisively ordered that now it is only New York, but in the future it will be all over the United States, and even many countries in North and South America.

The production of TV sets must be increased.

What Chu Lingyun didn't know was that the United States did usher in the first big explosion of television in the early 1950s. He happened to be on the cusp of this wave and got the first bite of the dividends in advance.

One family is happy and another is sad.

When other TV stations saw their ratings, everyone frowned.


Television sales surged, but their ratings fell instead of increasing.

During prime time, the highest ratings dropped to more than 3,000.

Their bosses and shareholders have expressed their dissatisfaction and asked them to immediately find ways to follow up and produce as good a program as Chu Lingyun TV Station, so they must win back the ratings.

Advertisers even collectively protested that such ratings were a pure waste of their money.

Some advertisers are demanding refunds or even suing.

The station director angrily scolded that although television has not been developed for a long time, radio has been developed for a long time. Television and radio are of the same nature. When advertisers and TV stations sign contracts, additional requirements are noted.

However, small TV stations do not have the conditions for this. They just do it if they are given money.

For them, losing money is a certainty. Even if advertising fees are not refunded, future advertising revenue will drop significantly.

If a TV station loses money, it’s only strange that the boss and shareholders are satisfied.

These TV stations are urgently soliciting scripts. It is not easy to innovate and shoot better TV series, but they can do better than the gourd.

Do similar TV series.

It's a pity that it was too late for them to establish the project at this time, and now they can only watch others munching on dried meat in worry.

It almost grabbed all the ratings, and everyone at Chu Lingyun TV Station was very motivated.

The boss is the boss, and he came with a few ideas, each one more powerful than the last.

They never thought they could achieve such results. The director personally supervised the post-production filming, and the script and shooting plan for the second season were quickly approved.

Including the director, the actors are all popular now.

Fortunately, the boss took precautions and registered the agency in advance, so these actors don't have to worry about them running away for the time being.

Audiences are judgmental, and good actors can maintain their loyalty in the future.

The scenic spots that only existed in China in the early 1980s were successfully copied by Chu Lingyun in the United States. Unfortunately, this is only the case in New York.

Chu Lingyun is not in a hurry. As long as it continues to develop well, his TV station will definitely have a place in the United States in the future. He has no shortage of good TV series in his mind.

Compared with Chu Lingyun, who is comfortable in the United States, the eldest son and the others are living a very difficult life now.

Their idea of ​​relying on tenacious resistance in the southwestern mountains came to nothing.

Chongqing was liberated at the beginning of the month.

Now he is in Chengdu, but no one knows how long he can stay here.

The Red Army has arrived and may liberate Chengdu at any time and drive them away again.

What the eldest son is worried about now is not here, but Taiwan.

That side must be defended, and we must find a way to take away more soldiers to protect that side.

Zheng Guangtao is in Hong Kong at this time.

Happy New Year, Xu Yi, Wang Yuemin, Xie Ziqi, Zhu Qing and Fang Shiyi are all here.

As Chu Lingyun’s representative in Hong Kong, Fang Shiyi hosted a banquet for him.

"Who would have thought that the war would end like this?"

Several people were eating in the restaurant, and Zheng Guangtao took the initiative to drink.

"Actually, it has been doomed for a long time. This is not surprising. How can Dangguo compete with others when he is like this?"

Zhu Qing was the first to reply, and Xie Ziqi followed up with a toast: "Guang Tao, thank you very much this time."

"You're welcome. We are family members. Besides, Mr. Fang arranged the flight. You have to thank him as well."

Zheng Guangtao drank it all. Zhu Qing and Xie Ziqi were sent to Chongqing by Qi Limin and they were not allowed to leave. When Chongqing was about to be liberated, Zheng Guangtao sent a plane to take them to Hong Kong.

Zheng Guangtao, the party's plane, could not be mobilized, so he asked Fang Shiyi for help, and finally a plane took off from Hong Kong to pick them all up.

"Mr. Fang, it's a life-saving grace. Unfortunately, we have no power or position now. If you don't mind, feel free to give me whatever you want."

Xie Ziqi said to Fang Shiyi again, and Fang Shiyi smiled and shook his head: "We are all our own people, you're welcome."

"Drinking and drinking, it's rare to get together like this. It's a pity that Ling Yun is not here."

He Nian picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. They were all here, which also meant the complete end of the old military rule.

They still maintain the establishment of the Secret Bureau, but they have not been given any funds there for a long time. The so-called station master in He Nian did not even go to the station. Qi Limin formed a separate intelligence team and completely gave up on them.

The so-called Hong Kong station exists in name only.

The employees inside all went to work elsewhere. Some were arranged by He Nian himself, while others were found by themselves.

Xu Yi is not much different from him.

Xie Ziqi and Zhu Qing are even more isolated. It is impossible for them to have any contact with the Secrecy Bureau.

"I wonder how Ling Yun is doing in the United States. Is he really not coming back?"

Xu Yi sighed, and everyone looked at Fang Shiyi. The person closest to Chu Lingyun was Fang Shiyi.

Many outsiders couldn't understand why Chu Lingyun used Fang Shiyi so much.

To say that Fang Shiyi was initially needed to help Chu Lingyun take over the Shiyuan Trading Company's property, it was right to reuse him, but now that so many years have passed, Fang Shiyi is still the same, and his power is getting stronger and stronger.

Fortunately, everyone here knows what's going on, except Zheng Guangtao.

Chu Lingyun is Shi Yuanheng, and alchemist Yi Ben is his person. How can he not be trusted?

"No, the boss said he will come back next month."

Fang Shiyi shook his head. The boss would definitely come back. He still had a lot of work and things that he cared about.

"That's good."

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Now Chu Lingyun was their backbone. Something could happen to anyone, except Chu Lingyun.

"It would be a good thing if the director could be pissed off by them now."

Zheng Guangtao sighed, he knew the least and was the purest.

"If they can't hold on for long, they will definitely lose everything in the future. It depends on Taiwan now."

Wang Yuemin sighed, luckily he ran out a long time ago. Looking at it now, how wise his choice was. A ship was about to sink. Who would be willing to perish with them?


Xu Yi shook his head and said that if the party is not united, it is still fighting among itself and there is no momentum for change.

So what if we get to Taiwan?

No matter how loud the slogan is, what practical effect will it have?

It’s just self-deception.

"Brother Zheng, if there's nothing going on over there, you can stay in Hong Kong for a few more days. You don't have to worry so much about some things."

Fang Shiyi took the initiative and said, while Zheng Guangtao shook his head: "I will go back tomorrow. The director is not here. I have to help him take care of his home and wait for his return."

Several people looked at him. This powerful young man was really loyal to Chu Lingyun. He took Chu Lingyun as the main priority in everything, even his uncle ignored him.

"Okay, I'll take you away tomorrow."

Fang Shiyi nodded. Zheng Guangtao's loyalty to his boss is not a bad thing. Now his boss can command remotely no matter where he is.

In Taiwan, Lin Shi and his wife were entertaining guests.

It was Yu Huaqiang and his wife who came, both with their children.

Xu Meijun and Cuihua established a good friendship during their time in Hong Kong, and the two families had frequent contacts. After the inspection office was withdrawn here, Yu Huaqiang took his wife over in accordance with the regulations.

Initially, he didn't want Cuihua to come over. It was safer to stay in Hong Kong than in Taiwan.

But it was not an option for the two of them to be separated for a long time. After consulting the organization, the organization suggested that he take Cuihua with him. As long as he was not exposed, there would be no problems.

After arriving in Taiwan, Yu Huaqiang was temporarily dormant.

The same goes for Lin Shi. In fact, Lin Shi has been dormant for a long time. The organization only allows him to provide funds and never allows him to do any intelligence-related work.

"How about it, are Cuihua and the child still used to it here?"

Lin Shi asked first. He and Yu Huaqiang actually came here in the same group. Xu Meijun came earlier than Cuihua. Xu Meijun came after he arrived, while Cuihua just arrived a few days ago.

Cuihua's children are smaller, that's why.

"It's okay. It's not too different from Hong Kong, but it's not as prosperous as Hong Kong."

Cuihua grinned and said, fortunately, they are all people who know her well. If she puts on bright lipstick, she will definitely scare the children to tears at night.

"Let's make do with it for now."

Xu Meijun sighed. In fact, he and Lin Shi had discussed that if Taiwan could not be defended, they would not leave. No matter where the old man went, they would stay anyway.

Xu Meijun is looking forward to returning to the organization.

Lin Shi is the same.

What the two of them didn't know was that the people across from them had similar thoughts to them.

"Is your inspection office busy now?"

While eating, Lin Shi asked again. He was very free now. The eldest son hadn't come back yet, so he basically had nothing to do.

"Fortunately, everyone is a little flustered because the director is not here. Deputy Director Zheng just went to Hong Kong and wanted to find out when the director will be back."

Yu Huaqiang nodded. Chu Lingyun is the soul of the inspection room and cannot be replaced by anyone.

The inspection room is basically in a semi-working state now.

They didn't have any mission, they were mainly targeting the Secrecy Bureau, but Qi Limin was accompanying the old man at this time, and they had no chance to make a move.

Besides, the director is not here, and no one else is qualified.

Compared with the director, Deputy Director Zheng is not even a little different.

He can only look after the house but cannot make progress.

Now the dividends of the inspection office have also been affected, and their dividends are far lower than before.

There is no way, if the party loses most of its territory and they can't get so much goods, they won't be able to make more profits.

Fortunately, the Inspection Office bought a lot of properties here before, but now the prices of these properties have all increased. The people in the Inspection Office can live here without having to buy their own houses. The environment is not bad, and no one has any complaints now.

"I guess Ling Yun will be back soon, but I didn't expect Zhao San to be so courageous and dare to do something like this."

Lin Shi nodded lightly. Zhao San risked everything and forcibly released the family members of the latent agents at the Fujian Station and picked them up again. In fact, he helped the organization.

The risks of doing so are indeed high.

Fortunately, with Chu Lingyun here, it would be difficult for others to help Ni Loach resist this crime.

After committing such a serious crime, it would not be an exaggeration to shoot him on the spot, but in the end he was only arrested or placed under house arrest.

The person who arrested the person was Chen Mutu, and he was released after a short while.

From this we can also see how far the Fruit Party has reached.

"We also didn't expect that when the director left, many people said he was forced to leave, which was ridiculous. No one could force him to leave if the director didn't want to."

Yu Huaqiang nodded. The Inspection Office and the Secrecy Bureau were at odds with each other. The Inspection Office was always an enemy of the Secrecy Bureau, sabotaging their affairs, but they were the ones who benefited in the end. This was really satisfying.

"You're right, no one can force him away."

Lin Shi nodded involuntarily. He was Chu Lingyun's classmate. He watched him grow step by step. Who would have thought that Chu Lingyun would become so powerful.

And he is the biggest beneficiary.

At this time, Chu Lingyun was in New York. There was an old man and a nanny with the child. With so many people from both families there, he didn't need to worry.

The TV station made such good achievements, and he came here specifically to praise it.

The ratings on the third day came out. They didn't increase much, but they exceeded 240,000. Chu Lingyun and other TV stations began to broadcast this TV series. The effect was not as good as here in New York, but they also increased the ratings a lot.

Basically, they rose to the number one spot thanks to this drama.

Along with this, TV sets are selling like hotcakes everywhere.

Other TV stations in various places are under construction, which will take a certain amount of time. They are expected to be opened one after another in three months. The merger is also being prepared. In the future, the scale and efficiency of the TV stations will not be too small.

Because of the popularity of the TV series, the share price of the TV station has increased a lot.

The shares that Chu Lingyun slowly released were exchanged for 100 million US dollars using only about 10%.

This is equivalent to the combined valuation of all his TV stations reaching one billion, which is several times more than the amount he invested.

"Boss, other TV stations have begun to imitate us, but they are hateful. They are just thieves. They just changed their names. Their news methods are similar to ours. They also have interviews. They are also stealing."

In the conference room, the station director said angrily that the news of three TV stations had already made changes, almost imitating them.

This is blatant plagiarism.

"Don't worry about them for now. Just be ourselves. Even if they make changes, they will definitely not be able to beat us. Let the lawyers handle the copyright matters."

It is difficult to litigate the copyright of news programs. As long as people don't steal their news broadcasts, they will be fine.

The talk show Chu Lingyun registered the copyright, but she also had lawyers to circumvent it.

The most important thing is the TV series.

If they want to take the photo themselves, they can't just steal it.

If they broadcast their TV series directly, the lawsuits could drive them bankrupt.

"Many TV stations offered high prices to buy our TV series, but I refused them all. There were also some Hollywood film companies that wanted some of our actors to make movies, but I also refused."

The station director continued to report that after the family's troubles exploded, many people were targeting them, including directors and actors.

Everyone knows that this TV series will not only be broadcast in New York, but will definitely become popular all over the United States.

By then, the popularity of these actors will be very large. People in this era do not have such a deep concept of traffic, but they also understand that actors who are popular with the public can attract people no matter what they play.

Their presence is equivalent to a box office guarantee.

Regardless of any era, there are many TV stars who go on to act in movies after becoming popular.

In the same way, there are many people who go to TV shows when movies become popular.

Some have achieved great success in both fields, but some have not and can only develop within their own fields.

"Well done. Don't agree to anything now. We'll talk about it next year. Have you written the script for the second season?"

Chu Lingyun asked proactively, and the director nodded hurriedly: "I have already written part of it, but some of it is not very good. I am asking the screenwriter to revise it."


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