Spy Shadow

Chapter 1047 Complete Control

"A person's brain power is limited, so find a team of writers with rich imaginations to co-create. The team should have at least five people, including young people, women, and middle-aged people."

Life dramas must not only be funny, but also resonate with people. The screenwriter has a great responsibility. Giving him the help of a team can better polish the script.

"Team, will he agree?"

The production director was stunned and asked hurriedly. Chu Lingyun waved his hand: "He doesn't need to pay. We will help him find someone. If he doesn't agree, we will replace him immediately."

Everyone was stunned. This screenwriter had just written a hit drama, and it was just the right moment. How many people wanted to ask him to write it, but the boss didn't care at all?

As expected of a boss, he is so courageous.

“There are many people who are good at writing, so just do this.”

Chu Lingyun made the final decision. Apart from the good writing by the screenwriter, the most important reason why it became a hit this time was Chu Lingyun’s guidance.

The framework was formulated by Chu Lingyun, and the methods in the play, as well as the outline of the story, etc., were all suggestions given by Chu Lingyun.

As he said, there are many people who can write, but not many who really have good ideas and golden ideas.

It just so happened that Chu Lingyun had the golden touch.

If the screenwriter is replaced, as long as he strictly follows what he says, he can still write a popular script.

"Okay, I'll inform him later."

The production director did not dare to object. The boss was the most important person in the TV station. The reason why their TV station could be transformed was entirely because of the changes proposed by the boss.

There is no change that the boss asks them to make. At heart, they are still the third child, occasionally enjoying the addiction of the second child and the boss.

How is it like now, taking the lead and leading the way?

"The current program is still too simple. Apart from news, movies and our own TV series, there is basically nothing else. In the future, we need to enrich the program. Our audience is not only adults, but also children. Production department, please design a children's program first. It can be played at six o’clock.”

Television just started not long ago, but now various technologies cannot keep up, and the development of television programs is indeed not very good.

However, their audience is very large, and everyone from young to old likes to watch TV.

Even in the Internet era of later generations, many people still like to sit in front of the TV, which is more free and comfortable.

"Yes, boss, we will prepare this show immediately."

The production director immediately responded, and everyone else looked at him with envy. The most popular person in their TV station right now is the production department.

After the news department was restructured, it was indeed popular for a while, but unfortunately it was completely suppressed by the production department's TV series.

The news department's best achievement is the morning financial news, which only has a ratings of just over half, unlike the production department's TV series, which dominate almost all TV sets.

Those ratings are terrifying.

"Meeting dismissed."

Chu Lingyun stood up. He couldn't become fat in one breath. He didn't change too much. He took his time and developed the TV station first while he had time now.

Back in the office, Chloe was already waiting there.

Chloe was under house arrest in Japan, and Thomas refused to let her out. After Chu Lingyun's order, he immediately sent someone to New York.

How to deal with it is entirely up to Chu Lingyun.

In the face of interests, family affection becomes worthless.

"Boss, please give me some more time, and I will return all the money to you."

Seeing Chu Lingyun come in, Chloe immediately begged. During this period, she couldn't eat well or sleep well. She didn't even use her favorite cosmetics and skin care products. She looked several times older.

She had taken good care of herself before and looked like she was in her twenties when she was in her thirties.

Anyone who sees her now will guess her age to be over forty.

"Leave aside time, what do you want in return?"

Chu Lingyun said coldly, and Chloe was stunned for a moment. Yes, she wanted to pay back whatever she could. She had found everyone she could find, and no one was willing to lend her money.

Make money on her own?

This kind of lie can't even be told by herself?

What ability does she have to make so much money?

She has only been playing around in these years and has never worked seriously at all. Now she can't do anything. Should she become a waiter or salesperson?

You won't be able to pay off these debts in your lifetime.

"Boss, if you give me a chance, I will find a way to pay you back."

Chloe was frightened and helpless. She had never thought that Chu Lingyun would fall out with her before. The most important thing was that after reaching out again and again, Chu Lingyun never asked, which made her feel wrong.

She thought she was very important, but she didn't expect to suddenly attack her now.

"I'm sorry, but you can't convince me that you have the ability to repay the money. Shukui, please notify the police and lawyers."

Chu Lingyun ordered Liu Shukui on the side. As soon as Liu Shukui nodded, Chloe screamed: "No, boss, let me go. I can do whatever you want. I don't want to go to jail. I can't go to jail."

Chloe was completely frightened. Letting her go to jail would be worse than letting her die.

My uncle was imprisoned for a year. What happened to him in the end?

"Take her out and take a look first."

Chu Lingyun waved her hand, and Shen Hanwen on the side immediately walked over and took Chloe out by force. No matter how she shouted, begged, or cried, Chu Lingyun remained indifferent.

Chu Lingyun didn't owe her anything. On the contrary, he had always given her a high salary before, and even used her after Thomas's accident. However, she reached out again and again and took Chu Lingyun's money into her pocket.

If she hadn't played an important role, Chu Lingyun would have disposed of her long ago.

It didn't take long for the lawyer and the police to come together. After being taken away by the police, Chloe was completely desperate.

She is being held at the police station. The charges against her have not yet begun, and she will have to wait for sentencing before going to jail.

But wealthy people's cases are always handled quickly.

She was not the only one detained in the police station. Inside, she huddled in the corner, not daring to move at all. She had never experienced this before. She wanted to find a lawyer to defend herself and exonerate herself, but no matter how stupid she was, she understood that the case was not going to work. May win.

What's more, Chu Lingyun is richer than her, and the team of lawyers she has found is more professional and powerful.

In terms of her relationship with the judge, she is even more incomparable.

A day later, Chloe looked sluggish.

She tried to find someone to bail her out, but failed and no one helped her. During this day, she suffered a lot in there. She was not the only one detained there, but there were other little sisters. She was detained for the whole day. He was bullied so badly that he didn't sleep. Not only was he physically exhausted, but he was also mentally tortured.


Chloe, who had just been bullied and was hiding in the corner, heard a familiar voice and turned around suddenly.

It was Liu Shukui who came over.

"Liu, please help me intercede with my boss. I don't dare to do it anymore. I don't want to go to jail. As long as you are willing to help me, I can do anything you want, really."

Chloe crawled over, crying and saying that this day was like hell for her.

"Are you sure you can do whatever I ask you to do?"

Liu Shukui smiled. That was what he wanted today, and Chloe was very cooperative.

Chloe was stunned for a moment, then nodded wildly: "Yes, I can do whatever you ask me to do, and I will do it."

"This is what you said, I didn't force you."

Liu Shukui said softly across the fence. Chloe saw hope and nodded sharply again: "You didn't force me, I volunteered."

"I'll bail you out first, and then we'll talk after you come out."


Chloe seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, nodding her head repeatedly, her eyes filled with excitement. She did not expect that Liu Shukui would be the one to bail her out in the end.

At this time, she couldn't control so much, it would be great if she could leave this hell.

The police station was already like this. It was hard for her to imagine being imprisoned in jail. She believed that she would go crazy if she didn't die in there.

After completing the formalities, Liu Shukui took the haggard Chloe to a hotel room.

Once inside, Chloe began to take off her clothes.

"what are you doing?"

Liu Shukui hurriedly drank, and Chloe, who was half-dressed, froze there. Liu Shukui rescued her. In her heart, she had no other value except this body.

Doesn't he want it for himself?

"There's a change of clothes there, as well as some of your daily necessities. I'll give you half an hour to pack yourself up and follow me."

Liu Shukui pointed to the things in the room, then left the room and waited for her outside.

It was Chu Lingyun's intention that Liu Shukui come to bail. Chloe took so much money and would suffer a lot if he sent it directly. He should make good use of her and let her reflect the value of the money.

Chu Lingyun had started preparing for this plan several years ago.

Half an hour later, a brand new Chloe came downstairs.


Liu Shukui took her to the airport, and then took a plane to Texas, where there was their secret training base, which Chloe didn't know existed.

The base is not big. There are only twenty people training there at this time, ten men and ten women, and there are five instructors.

"Will, I leave her to you. It only takes three months to train her."

Liu Shukui said to a man in his thirties. Will was very tall and looked at Chloe sideways: "He looks a bit older, but that's okay."

"Chloe, if you don't want to go to jail, just stay and train. If you fail to pass the test in three months, you will be sent to jail."

Liu Shukui left these words and left.

Chu Lingyun soon received a call from Liu Shukui, telling him that everything had been settled.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Lingyun picked up the newspaper in front of him and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In the center of the newspaper, there was a piece of news about the Intelligence Agency. Hart, the section chief of the Intelligence Division of the CIA, cracked a spy case and captured two agents from the Far North. Hart was highly praised in the newspaper. Said Hart was the CIA's most brilliant agent.

There is no photo in the newspaper, but Chu Lingyun has seen this Hart.

Not in the United States, but in China.

He had known Hart as early as when he was in Shanghai. At that time, Hart was a lieutenant and served as the garrison platoon leader in the concession.

The first time he saw Chloe, he pursued her fiercely.

The falling flowers are helpless and the flowing water is ruthless.

At that time, Chloe was already enjoying life. Because of Thomas' relationship, she had a high status in the concession and looked down on Hart, who was in ordinary condition. Hart was very sad for this and often went to bars to get drunk.

But every holiday, he still gives gifts to Chloe.

It's a pity that all these things went into the trash can.

Most of the gifts he gave were flowers and ordinary gifts. Chloe liked luxury goods. The two of them were not in the same channel. It was strange that he could impress Chloe.

Chloe later returned to the United States, and Hart also returned to continue the pursuit.

Chloe already had a high salary at that time and started to help Chu Lingyun manage the property, and she even looked down on him. Hart was frustrated again. Frustrated, he took the initiative to go to the front line and was promoted to captain many times for meritorious service.

After the war was won, Hart was already a major.

He thought that Chloe could change his mind, but he found that the gap between him and Chloe was getting wider and wider. When he excitedly came to see Chloe, Chloe didn't even recognize him.

Frustrated, Hart married in accordance with his parents' wishes and retired from the army to work in the government.

After the establishment of the CIA, he was transferred to the Intelligence Division and began to demonstrate his talents in counterintelligence.

After that, he and Chloe gradually lost contact.

Chu Lingyun knew about this, and he didn't pay attention to it at first. After Hart showed his talents, Chu Lingyun paid attention to him.

At that time, he had the opportunity to remove Chloe, but Chloe was not greedy at that time. She could mend the hole by herself, so Chu Lingyun simply let it go until her hole could not be mended.

Chu Lingyun is a man and has experienced two lives, so he understands a man's true heart very well.

This kind of woman, who is like first love, is the most unforgettable thing for men.

Now the time is ripe, it's time to activate Chloe's chess piece.

Chu Lingyun deliberately asked her to borrow money to feel the warmth and kindness of others. It was impossible for her to borrow money. As for whether she would go to Hart directly, Chu Lingyun had no worries.

Hart is from an ordinary family and cannot help her fill such a huge hole.

Not to mention now, how many people in future generations will be able to spend millions of dollars at any time?

Million dollars now have more purchasing power.

Finally, send her to the police station to experience it for a day, which will make her more obedient and obey your own arrangements.

Next is special training. Chloe must have basic agent abilities. After the special training is completed, she will be asked to contact Hart in a lonely image, and eventually follow Hart's side.

Money and beautiful women have always been the best tools for corruption.

After Hart takes the bait, and let them get some benefits, Hart will be completely under his control.

Chu Lingyun has studied Hart. He does have certain abilities. The most important thing is that he is not old and is worthy of training. The premise is that he must be completely controlled by himself.

Chu Lingyun could no longer satisfy the simple funder policy.

Chu Lingyun didn't need to come forward personally to do this, Liu Shukui could just do it. According to Liu Shukui's feedback, Chloe was very honest along the way and didn't dare to make any changes.

This time it really scared her.

Chloe's matter is put aside for the time being. After handling the matter in New York this time, Chu Lingyun will return to Japan and then to Hong Kong.

As for Taiwan, he will not go to Taiwan now and will wait for a more suitable opportunity in the future.

Now that he has free time, since the party's defeat is certain and he can't afford to make any trouble, this period of time can be regarded as a long vacation for himself.

This was the first real vacation he had given himself in so many years.

The construction of the TV station is temporarily being supervised by Ni Loach. Ni Loach can't understand it, but he has a translator. It is impossible for Americans to take advantage of him, not to mention that Ni Loach has Lily to assist him.

Anyway, he can't go back now, so he just needs to stay in the United States to help himself.

The most important thing now is construction, various large signal towers and signal transmission cables, connecting these TV signals together, and finally completing a national unified TV station.

Family Troubles continues to enjoy high ratings, not just in New York but everywhere.

The reason why the number in New York was so high on the first day is mainly related to the previous changes. After the news was classified, it already grabbed a lot of market, and there were also talk programs, so the TV station already had more than half of the market share.

In this case, their TV series ads were seen by more people.

The early trailers were very simple, but they can't stand up to this era. Many people who have watched the trailers have a sense of expectation for this TV series. Weekends are also days for family members. Everyone gathers around the TV, and naturally Watched Family Troubles.

Although the first day in other places is not as good as New York, it basically accounts for more than half.

The highest reached 65 percent.

Over the next few days, their ratings all grew, with some exceeding 90 percent.

In the words of later generations, this is a phenomenal TV series.

TV series that were popular in the 1980s would have been difficult to imagine being popular in the late 1940s.

It doesn't matter if a drama is a hit. A good TV station must always have good programs to attract people. Otherwise, if the program is mediocre after one drama, the ratings will quickly drop.

Fortunately, it was extremely easy to develop during this period, and Chu Lingyun was not worried at all that his TV station would not be able to produce good programs.

Originally, everyone was starting from the same starting point, but Chu Lingyun's joining was equivalent to opening a powerful plug-in for his TV station, a very powerful one.

He has already thought about what to shoot for his next drama, a TV series with the theme of Suicide Squad.

This show will last for several seasons, taking turns with family troubles.

Finally, I will shoot a life drama as a long-term broadcast program.

Lifestyle dramas do not seek particularly high ratings. They must be high in the early stage, not too low, and then let it turn into a bandage, and then release 10,000 episodes.

As long as the ratings remain within an acceptable range, there will be no problem in filming for 30 to 40 years.

By then there may be more than 10,000 episodes, or even 20,000 episodes.

Even if the ratings of this kind of program decline in the future, it is still a kind of sentiment for many people, and they can make a lot of money by releasing peripherals and commemorative videos.

This is Chu Lingyun's plan, so there is no rush for now.

Anyway, he proposed the idea and let the people of the TV station prepare it themselves. This TV station must be built in the future.

"Where's Xiaoqiu?"

When Chu Lingyun returned to San Francisco, the first thing he did was visit his little nephew.

The child has already been given a name, and the word is Qiu.

Chu Qiu.

One is because he was born in autumn, and the other is because New China was founded in autumn.

He is the same age as New China.

"Asleep." He Wanrong responded first.

"I'll go in and take a look."

"What are you looking at? He's asleep. Let's talk about it when he wakes up."

He Wanrong stopped Chu Lingyun directly. After having a grandson, it was obvious that her son's status in her heart had declined. Now the whole family is surrounding the little guy.

The pain of another generation is not just talk.

"Okay, let's see when you wake up."

Chu Lingyun was helpless. Now that the little guy was the oldest in the family, his mother objected to his going in, so he could only wait outside.

Two days later, Tokyo, Japan.

Chu Lingyun took Shen Hanwen off the plane. Ni Yi stayed in the United States to help supervise the work. Chu Yuan's child was too young to get out.

He wanted to follow back but was scolded back by Chu Lingyun.

If Chu Yuan left at this time, his sister would probably blame them both for the rest of their lives.

When he came back this time, Chu Lingyun went directly to the hotel without notifying anyone.

He doesn't have many people with him, but as long as Mike is here, there won't be any problem with his safety.

"Ishihara-kun, you are back."

The next day, Chu Lingyun disguised himself as Hiroshi Ishihara and brought Shen Hanwen, who was also disguised, to the teahouse. Jun Shuicheng rushed over after receiving the notice.

"How is the construction of the headquarters going?"

"The main body has been fully built, and the interior and exterior walls are currently being constructed simultaneously, and yard work and gate construction have also begun."

The headquarters is being built very quickly, including the main body of the auditorium. Next is the interior and exterior walls, and then decoration. It is expected that everything will be packed up and moved in next spring.

"Well done."

Chu Lingyun praised, Shuicheng Jun giggled: "Don't worry, Mr. Ishihara, everything will be completed by spring."

"Take me to see it."

Chu Lingyun thought Yuan Shrine was more important than his several companies in Japan.

This can be said to be the foundation. With Genshen Shrine here, there will be no problem in building as many companies as he wants in the future.

Arriving outside the gate of the headquarters, Shuicheng Jun got out of the car first, carefully blocking the door and letting Chu Lingyun get out of the car.

The gate has not been built yet, but it has taken shape, especially the two big lions at the door that are very conspicuous.

"Ishihara-kun, I deliberately added Chinese elements to the entrance. There will also be some Chinese buildings in the courtyard inside to increase the impact."

Shuicheng Jun hurriedly explained that Chu Lingyun came to the lion. The lion was really not small. It was taller than him. It was completely made in China.


Chu Lingyun nodded lightly. Yuanshen Shrine is a public organization and does not need to be invisible. There is no harm in being more impressive at the door.

Not just anyone can enter here in the future.

If you are not a member of Yuanjin Shrine, or you have not been invited, you are not qualified to enter.

After receiving Chu Lingyun's affirmation, Shuicheng Jun was even more happy: "Come in and take a look."

Entering inside, some stone paths have been paved on the ground. There are water pavilions, pavilions and other decorations in the yard, as well as gardens, in which some Chinese flowers and plants will be transplanted, the most typical one is peony.

There will then be a dedicated peony garden.

China's future national flower is very popular in the world. Currently, all peonies in the world come from China. At first, they were only available in China.

In addition to flowers, there is also a typical Chinese pavilion.

The designer helped them design it according to the Suzhou garden model, and it is very beautiful.

The main body of the three buildings has risen and is in the shape of a Chinese character. The largest main building is in the middle, with auxiliary buildings and auditoriums on both sides. There is a circular garden in the middle of the three buildings, and a sculpture will be erected in the middle.

Chinese dragon sculpture.

It hasn't taken shape yet, so I can't see the effect yet.

Shuicheng Jun kept explaining, but Chu Lingyun didn't say anything. The construction here basically conforms to his ideas. He can rest assured that Shuicheng Jun will do it strictly according to his own requirements.

"How's it going over there Kubo?"

After seeing the construction of the Yuan Shrine headquarters, Chu Lingyun asked casually.

"He is training agents. I didn't ask about the specific progress. I know the place. Do you want to go and have a look."

"Let's go there."

Chu Lingyun nodded. After all, Zhang Acheng's team only consisted of a few of them, and the stolen technology was limited. Chu Lingyun no longer wanted Zhang Acheng to continue working, and hoped that he could live a peaceful and ordinary life.

Liang Yu's death was indeed a big blow to Chu Lingyun.

After Kubo was able to take over, he asked Zhang Acheng to withdraw completely. If he was willing to stay in Japan, he could live a quiet life here, completely become an ordinary person, and take good care of his wife and children.

If he doesn't want to, Chu Lingyun can send him there regardless of Hong Kong, the United States or other countries.

As for Jiang Tengkong and Ishida, they can be handed over to 'Ishihara Hiroshi' when the time comes, and then they can be transferred to Kubo's side to assist Kubo.

For other people who want to stay, they can stay, and for those who don’t want to stay, they will be given enough settlement money to resettle them properly.

The car soon arrived at a small yard in the suburbs.

It was a sentry station during the war, with a small number of people, a few dozen people, and enough dormitories. Because of its remote location, it was not bombed. After the war, it was bought by a businessman and left empty temporarily.

Kubo found that this place was nice and the rent was very cheap, so he rented it and had it cleaned up and turned into his training place.

The fifty people he found ranged in age from eighteen to twenty-five.

Most are in their twenties.

Recruiting these people is different from before. They need to be paid a salary, even during the training period, which is one thousand yen per person per month.

Under the current market conditions, a salary of one thousand yen is not too low, and food and accommodation are included here.

And after the training, the salary starts at 2,000, and bonuses are given to them based on their ability and situation.

Shuisheng Shun gave Kubo three hundred thousand yuan. He paid his salary in advance. In addition to renting a house and renovating it, buying a car, and buying various equipment and training equipment, he only spent a hundred thousand yuan in total, which was already a great savings.

Three hundred thousand, Kubo had calculated before. If you save it, it will last for about three months. After all, so many people consume a lot of food and drink every month, and it is impossible to just train here. Normal training and various consumption are required. It can only last for three months at most.

"Master Ishihara, Minister Shuicheng, you are here."

Shuicheng Jun called Kubo before coming. There was no phone here, so in order to facilitate contact, Shuicheng Jun specially found someone to install one for them.

Kubo had been waiting at the door for a long time. Knowing that Ishihara Hiroshi was coming, he did not dare to neglect.

Shuicheng Jun had told him before that he would come for an inspection in a month. Calculating the time, it was almost exactly one month now.

Fortunately, he never dared to slack off during this period, and the training of these people has begun to take shape.

"How are they training?"

Chu Lingyun asked, and Kubo immediately lowered his head: "Back to Mr. Ishihara, now they have completed the queue training, and trained some practical abilities, and learned the use of professional equipment such as radios, but because of the short time, they are just getting started."

Kubo didn't have a radio station, so he used models to teach them first.

Americans have very strict control over radio stations, and this thing is not so easy to get now.

"Take me to see it."

Chu Lingyun nodded and Kubo immediately blew the whistle and asked the students who had been prepared to come out and assemble.

There are fifty students, mostly male, forty, and only ten female students.

Now is a peaceful era, and recruitment cannot be forced. Many girls want to live a stable life and are unwilling to engage in such a job with an uncertain future.

If Kubo hadn't promised more, guaranteed that his salary would increase in the future, provided food and accommodation during the training period, and paid him back, he might not have been able to find so many suitable people.

They stood in a decent and orderly manner.

Chu Lingyun didn't know that Kubo had been trained by Chen Zhanli. The people trained by Chen Zhanli made Ying Zuo very satisfied and even took him to serve as an honor guard.

In Kubo's mind, these big shots must like this look.

Queues are related to discipline. If you can train a good queue, the discipline of this team must be good. Chu Lingyun does not value queues, but he values ​​discipline.

This time Kubo managed to get it right, which made Chu Lingyun very satisfied.

For this alone, Kubo did a great job.

Kubo asked them to practice in an open field.

The queue mainly consists of walking and jogging, as well as a few in-situ movements. This is almost exactly the same as Chen Zhanli's original.

Then came the actual combat drill. He didn't dare to do what Chen Zhanli did and just train the queue. If there was nothing substantive, his job would be over.

During this drill, Kubo said hello in advance.

As long as they do well enough, everyone can get a bonus of at least one hundred yen.

The one who does the best will receive a bonus of 1,000 yen directly, and the others who do well will also receive a bonus of 300 to 500 yen.

For this exercise, Kubo will give out 10,000 yen as a reward and give them extra meals and a good meal.

He has not reported this account yet.

If Toru Ishihara or Shun Mizuki are not satisfied, he can pay it with his own salary.

"You're doing well. Keep training. Their training cycle is one year. In the future, they will add more equipment, counter-reconnaissance, unlocking, camouflage, cleaning traces and other courses. I will send you two assistants to help you in the future. "

Chu Lingyun nodded lightly. With such results in one month, it can be seen that Kubo has really put his heart into it.

Ishida and Jiang came over to help him keep a good eye on him.

The two of them are Chu Lingyun's people and now Kubo is Ishihara Toru's people. Without knowing that he is Ishihara Toru, the two groups cannot be of the same mind.

I don’t dare to have one mind.

"Thank you Mr. Ishihara for your affirmation. I will work hard and do it seriously."

Kubo was overjoyed. It seemed that their performance had passed the test and Toru Ishihara was willing to keep him.

"Master Ishihara, I didn't know the specific training time before. I only dared to tell them half a year. After half a year, I will give them a higher salary as a regular employee."

"Do they have salaries now?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"Yes, it is currently one thousand per month, and it will be two thousand after it becomes regular."

Shuicheng Jun took the initiative to answer that Kubo had reported it and he knew about it.

"It's too little. Now I'll give them 3,000 yen a month and 6,000 yen a year later. If they do well, they'll get bonuses. Tell them to train hard and work hard. I guarantee they'll all get rich in the future."

Chu Lingyun shook his head, one thousand yen, less than three dollars, what is enough for?

Three thousand is only ten dollars. At this price, it is difficult to even hire temporary workers in the United States, let alone agents.

It can only be said that the current labor price in Japan is too low. Affected by the large number of unemployed people after the defeat, the labor wages are extremely low, allowing Chu Lingyun to take advantage.


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