Spy Shadow

Chapter 1104 Original intention remains unchanged

After a few years of pause, we will clean up the hidden dangers within the Yuan Shrine, eliminate some of the unmotivated members, and then recruit new people.

Moreover, after so many years of continuous recruitment, the number of people recruited each year is currently decreasing. If we stop recruiting new people, there will be more suitable people to recruit in a few years.

In recent years, a group of people have been trained to make Yuanshen Shrine even more attractive.

Regarding the period of suspension, Chu Lingyun tentatively set it at five years.

After five years, we will decide whether to reopen based on the situation.

In the evening, Carl followed Mike's example in entertaining Chu Lingyun. Unfortunately, he was not the commander of the garrison, and he did not have the authority of Mike. The food was very rich, but the specifications could not be compared with the original Mike.

Chu Lingyun did not refuse. This was Karl's wish, so he should be satisfied first.

Early the next morning, Chu Lingyun was invited to the US military headquarters and accepted the warm hospitality of the garrison commander.

Chu Lingyun is a party financier and a billionaire.

When a person like him arrives in Japan, the garrison commander, regardless of whether he has a relationship with him or not, cannot remain indifferent. What's more, this commander does have a certain relationship with Chu Lingyun.

He was one of the people Chu Lingyun had secretly trained before.

Karl was originally secretive, but now he has gone public, and he continues to work secretly for Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun has a lot of investments. Regardless of whether they are useful or not, he will invest first and then talk about it.

During the Ming Dynasty, many wealthy merchants and gentry in the south of the Yangtze River did the same thing, providing support to those poor people and motivated young people who could not afford to study. Once they passed the exam, they would be able to bring generous returns on their investments.

Cast a net and invest money, and the results will be very good if there is no shortage of money.

Chu Lingyun is a little different from those people. At least he understands the situation of future generations to a certain extent and can make targeted investments, and then choose people who are motivated and can win over to invest.

Nowadays, Chu Lingyun spends as much as 100 million US dollars on investment in parties and such people every year.

Now it is 100 million, and there will be more in the future.

"Ishihara-kun, you are back."

At the Genjin Shrine headquarters, Shuicheng Shun and Takemoto stood together in front of Chu Lingyun. This was his third day in Japan.

"Has anything happened recently?"

Chu Lingyun nodded lightly and asked proactively. The two shook their heads together. The development of Yuanshen Shrine was very good, and the development of Holley Company was even better.

From last year to this year, Japan's TV industry is developing rapidly. Holley Company alone sold more than 200,000 TV sets and made a lot of profits. If Holley Company is rich, it means that Yuan Shrine is rich. Now Yuan Shrine is rich. The shrine only needs people and money, so there really is nothing wrong with it.

Another point is that some people took the initiative to provoke Ishihara Hiroshi before, but now there are no bones and scum left. Many people understand that Ishihara Hiroshi is still so powerful, and no one dares to take the initiative to provoke him.

As for important officials, they dare not provoke Yuan Shrine.

Takemoto retired from the position of head of the Special Investigation Department. Inoue, the current head, is Takemoto's confidant and the first person he met Ishihara Hiroshi.

If they provoke the Yuan Shrine, they will be investigated immediately.

There are Americans behind the Special Search Department. Many people don’t understand why the people from the Special Search Department are helping Ishihara Hiroshi or the Gen Shrine, but the Americans are sitting back and watching.

Shouldn’t Americans be opposed to it?

They didn't know Chu Lingyun's relationship behind the scenes. Karl was Chu Lingyun's man. After saying hello, Inoue had no problem dealing with anyone as long as he didn't bring Yu Ren out to fix things.

"As long as it's okay, let me inform you that the Yuan Shrine will stop accepting new people."

Chu Lingyun ordered, and the two of them were stunned for a moment. Shuicheng Jun looked at Takemoto, then looked at Chu Lingyun, and asked carefully: "Ishihara-kun, is it a complete stop this time, or a temporary stop?"

"Temporarily, but this time it will be stopped for at least five years. We will make a decision based on the situation after five years."

Shun Shui Cheng and Takemoto are both backbones of Genjin Shrine. There is no need to hide this matter from them, but it is limited to them. Others will not know the specific time of this stop.

There is no need to tell them.

"I understand, I'll inform you right away."

Shuicheng Shun could not be relieved without stopping completely. The development momentum of Yuanshen Society is indeed very good, but now that there are more members, some abnormalities and hidden dangers have appeared.

Five years is enough time for them to make changes and eliminate hidden dangers.

Just because they haven’t recruited new people for five years doesn’t mean they won’t clear out people either. Those who are eliminated at the bottom will definitely still be there, and those who don’t care will continue to be removed. If they don’t recruit new people, and now that they have sufficient funds, they can better help existing ones. members.

Five years is neither long nor short. Shun Shui Cheng believes that in five years, there will no longer be people at the bottom of the original shrine, at least they will be middle-level managers.

There will even be some senior management.

With sufficient funds and strong connections, if they can't even do this, the Genshin Society should simply be disbanded.

Japan is very similar to the fruit party. To put it bluntly, someone must be rich.

Some people have money and are capable. As long as they are not lucky, they will basically get up.

Shuicheng Jun quickly notified all the members of the club. Instead of calling them one by one, Yuanshen Shrine had clerks who would be responsible for making phone calls.

There are so many people, Shuicheng Jun alone can inform them, and he can't inform them all in one day.

Not long after, everyone at Yuan Shen Shrine received the news that the club would stop accepting new members. The reopening time will be notified in the future, and it is currently uncertain.

During the time when recruitment is stopped, whoever has a higher score will get more resources.

The club will help each member to be promoted to the most appropriate position based on their strengths and personal circumstances.

Now all their members can be called old members.

Shuicheng Jun said that in the future, old members will not be allowed to have people who are dawdling, and in the future, they will at least be in middle management. Shuicheng Jun also specifically set a standard for middle management.

Within the city hall unit, one needs to be at the level of director or section chief, and deputy positions are not acceptable.

Departments directly under the cabinet must at least be section chiefs or office directors.

Those who are capable should take advantage of this opportunity to work harder and get promoted as soon as possible. If they fail to get promoted, they may face the fate of being eliminated when recruitment is reopened.

Shuicheng Jun was so detailed on purpose.

Today, among the 500 members of the Yuan Shrine, there are more than 150 who have reached the middle level and above.

It occupies almost 30%.

In other words, within five years, all the remaining people will be promoted to this level. Shuicheng Jun is confident about this.

Shuicheng Jun's notice received an extremely enthusiastic response, especially those 70% who have not yet been promoted. They understand that their best opportunity has come, and seizing this opportunity will change their destiny.

Next, they must work harder and do more things for Yuanjin Shrine so that they can develop better.

With just a notification, most of the negative emotions of Yuan Shrine, which was originally a little loose and negative, disappeared instantly. Many people became very motivated because they saw hope, and it was a very good hope.

This is exactly the result Chu Lingyun wants to see.

"Young master, you are back."

On the fifth day, Chu Lingyun returned to the Hosokawa family as Hosokawa Tomotaka. Nakano received the call and rushed over immediately.

"Ishihara told me that you did a good job."

Facing Nakano, Chu Lingyun had a different accent. Nakano was very happy. He didn't care about Ishihara Hiroshi's praise. What was important was that the young master finally returned home.

The young master has not been back for two years. Both he and the head of the family are worried that the young master will leave for several years like before.

"Master Ishihara, thank you. This is what Nakano should do."

Nakano sat there on his knees, lowering his head respectfully. In fact, Nakano did a good job. Holley Company was not big at the beginning. After ten years of development, it has now become one of the largest companies in Japan, and has spanned several countries. industry.

There are more than a dozen branches.

In addition to trade, the most dazzling thing last year was the TV factory. Its sales volume of 200,000 units was the best among the others. The total number of TV sets in Japan now exceeds 800,000 units, and it is still increasing rapidly.

Holley Company not only has the highest sales volume of domestically produced TV sets in Japan, but it is also not inferior in comparison to imported TV sets.

Nilu's TV factory only sells tens of thousands of units in Japan, and it is no better than Holley.

"If you do well, you should be praised. I will give you an extra share of my dividends. I don't need that much money."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. This was a plan that had been made before. Nakano was devoted to the Hosokawa family, so he could give him this reward.

"Young Master, you really don't need it. The dividends you gave me are enough. You must keep your own share. The eldest master and I both want to see you get married. In the future, you will support your own family. need money."

Nakano replied hastily, his true feelings revealed when he spoke, he really didn't want these dividends.

He is indeed thinking about Tomotaka Hosokawa and hopes that Tomotaka Hosokawa will get better and better in the future.

Looking at his appearance, Chu Lingyun felt a little emotional.

These nobles in Japan are not without merit, at least they do have merit in protecting their retainers. It has been eleven years since the war ended, and it is indeed not easy to have such loyal retainers.

"Well, you keep it for me first. If you need money for anything, just tell my brother or Toru Ishihara."

Chu Lingyun did not force him to accept it, otherwise the meaning of the reward would be lost. For people like Nakano who have devoted themselves to their master's family for generations, their biggest original hope is that everything is fine with the master's family.

"Yes, young master."

Zhongye nodded happily, and Chu Lingyun gave some more instructions.

Including the production of television sets, the annual output of 30 sets is not enough. It will continue to increase and will reach at least 500,000 sets within two years.

It will reach one million units in five years.

In addition to televisions, washing machines, air conditioners and other industries that also need to increase production, these electronic products have been the core of Holley's production in the past five years. In addition, cameras, video recorders and other industries need to be accelerated and must be put into production this year.

In short, Holley Company must become a large multi-industrial group company in the future.

How can ordinary companies support the consumption of Yuanshen Shrine?

Today, the minimum annual consumption of Genjin Shrine reaches 10 million US dollars, which is 3.6 billion yen when converted into Japanese yen.

For Holley, these are nothing in exchange. Last year, the TV factory's profits were more than this.

Japan's economy has indeed been developing in recent years.

"Uncle, you are back."

Hosokawa Xiaogu, who was slightly immature but already a high school student, bowed respectfully to Chu Lingyun.

Hosokawa Xiaogu has grown up and will go to college soon.

Looking at him, Chu Lingyun was slightly in a daze. Time passed so fast. In the blink of an eye, it was another ten years. He came back for the first time after the defeat. When he met Hosokawa Xiaogu, he was still a child. The teacher told him to make mistakes. Chu Lingyun immediately asked Zhang Acheng to teach him personally.

Now Xiao Gu is about to become an adult.

He is indeed old.

"I'm back. I heard from your father that you are very confident in this exam."

Chu Lingyun smiled and replied. Speaking of studies, Hosokawa Xiaogu obviously gained confidence: "Yes, I will definitely be admitted to a good university."

"I believe you. Have you ever thought about what you will do after college?"

"I want to enter politics, be a good official, and make more people realize our mistakes."

Hosokawa Xiaogu did not hesitate and immediately replied that this was what he said when he was a child. Now that he has grown up, he still remembers it.

"Very good, uncle believes in you. Study hard and I will make arrangements for you after you graduate."

Chu Lingyun smiled brightly. It was good that Xiao Gu had not forgotten his original intention. When Xiao Gu graduated, Yuan Shrine was almost digested by him. When it opened again, he attracted Xiao Gu in.

With the vast resources of the Yuanshen Society helping him, Xiao Gu will definitely be able to do better.

In the future, the Hosokawa family will definitely have a prime minister.

Chu Lingyun made up for the time he stayed at Hosokawa's house and left after three days. There were still many things he needed to deal with at the Genshen Shrine. The most important thing when he came back this time was to meet with Nakano and inspect him.

The human heart is the most uncontrollable. Chu Lingyun believed that the original Nakano could be completely loyal, but now he is no longer in charge of a small company, but a huge group with assets of hundreds of billions of yen.

At this time, his mentality is very important.

It turns out that the midfield has not changed, which is good news.

What Nakano didn't know was that the secret surveillance and investigation of him had never stopped.

Takemoto has twenty professional agents in his hands, specifically keeping an eye on Nakano. They work in Holley Company and are scattered in different departments.

If there is any change in the middle and jungle, Chu Lingyun will be able to know the situation immediately.

Chen Zhanli has trained more than 400 agents.

Kubo was notified that the last training session for fifty trainees would be held next year. At first, he realized that once the training center was gone, he would lose his value.

He has become accustomed to the current high salary, and he simply cannot imagine losing this job.

Now he lives in a small villa with a TV, washing machine, air conditioner and other electrical appliances. In Japan, he is already living a life that is superior to others.

Once you lose your job, it will be very difficult to maintain it, not to mention being immediately knocked back to the original shape.

Kubo is self-aware. With what he does, it is not easy to find a job outside, or in other words, few people need him.

Fortunately, not long after receiving the notice, the first batch of ten students were selected to come back for special training.

Shuicheng Jun told him that the previous training agents will receive regular special training to continue to enhance their abilities. At the same time, a small number of outstanding special talents will be selected for training, so the training office will not be cancelled, and will always exist in the future.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward

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