Spy Shadow

Chapter 1105 The New Year greetings are gone

In addition to Holley Company, Yagyu Company is also developing well.

After taking over Sakagami Industry, Komori developed rapidly. Although the TV sets were not as good as those sold by Holley, tens of thousands of them were still sold. Together with other industries, Yagyu Company's annual profit can reach about one billion yen. .

Yagyu Company belongs to Chu Lingyun. Chu Lingyun snatched it from Hei Hayakawa at the beginning and has not directly participated in supporting the Genjin Shrine for the time being.

Holley Company is enough, and there is no need for Yagyu Company to contribute any more.

But Yagyu Company can be used as a backup.

Chen Zhanli did an equally good job. The agents he spent a lot of money to train have now harvested a lot of various technologies. These technologies do not need to be delivered by Chu Lingyun personally. Chen Zhanli keeps sending them to his hometown.

Now he has established contact with his hometown.

The technology is all smuggled and cannot be taken out of the country.

Moreover, Chen Zhanli was very careful so that no one would notice anything unusual.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he can't send them out. After Chu Lingyun comes over, he can take these things out in an open and honest manner and send them back to his hometown.

Chen Zhanli has not been back to his hometown since he went to Russia. If he goes back, he will find that the technology in his hometown is more complete than what he gave. After all, he is only responsible for stealing. In addition to stealing, Chu Lingyun also buys. In addition, there are people in the United States. Technology, as long as it is useful to the country, will be sent to them in every possible way.

July, Hong Kong.

Chu Lingyun hurried from Taipei. After the matter in Japan was settled, Chu Lingyun returned to Taipei. Just two days after arriving, an urgent telegram was sent from Hong Kong, saying that he was seriously ill in the New Year.

He Nian is actually not that old, only in his early sixties, a little younger than Xu Yi.

But when he was young, he worked too hard, leaving hidden dangers in his body that he had never discovered before. This sudden outbreak, his condition became very serious and very fast this time. The doctors in Hong Kong tried their best to rescue him, but they could only temporarily save him. Life.

Doctors in Hong Kong are not sure whether he can survive.

They suggested that he be transferred to the United Kingdom or the United States, preferably the United States. Doctors there were better at treating his situation and might be able to save him.

"How is the situation now?"

Chu Lingyun got off the plane and asked Fang Shiyi who came to pick him up before getting in the car.

"The person is awake, but not very optimistic. The doctor's advice is to transfer to the hospital as soon as possible."

Fang Shiyi shook his head gently, with a bit of sadness in his expression. People are not like grass and trees. It has been more than ten years since he came to Hong Kong during the New Year. He was the first to receive her. Over the years, the two of them have established a good relationship.

He Nian was demoted by Boss Dai and had not done anything to the organization. Fang Shiyi had no burden in contacting him.

Although He Nian was a great spy, he gradually faded out of the spy industry. He is no different from ordinary people. He is now an old man with some money.

"Go to the hospital first."

Chu Lingyun didn't say anything. The transfer was certain, but arrangements must be made. He Nian's health was not optimistic and he needed to be transferred by plane. All kinds of medical supplies must be arranged on the plane, as well as a doctor to prevent him from having an accident on the plane.

The best way is to call in a medical plane from the United States.

Before coming, Chu Lingyun had contacted the hospital and plane in the United States, and they were sending planes and doctors over.

Chu Lingyun's plane was more comfortable, but the medical conditions were weak and there were only a few simple medical devices, which were not enough to ensure the safety of the New Year transfer to the hospital.

The car quickly arrived at the hospital, and Fang Shiyi brought Chu Lingyun to the ward.

This is an independent ward, very luxurious and very expensive.

"Ling Yun, you're here."

He Nian's wife was in the ward and stood up immediately when she saw Chu Lingyun come in. Her eyes turned red as soon as she finished speaking.

Xu Yi and Wang Yuemin were not here, but Fang Shiyi said before that Xu Yi was here to celebrate the New Year last night. The most sad thing about the New Year accident was Xu Yi. Even though they had been bickering all their lives, their feelings were true. Very deep.

Xu Yi was older, and others did not dare to keep him tired for fear that something would happen to him, so they forced him to go home to rest during the day.

Wang Yuemin comes every day. At this time, he is busy contacting hospitals in the UK. If the United States fails, he will go to the UK. They must make multiple preparations.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry. I have already made arrangements for the American side. Their medical plane is on its way and will arrive tomorrow. After the American doctors check Chief He's condition, we will transfer him to another hospital."

Chu Lingyun consoled him that He Nian's sudden illness was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

"Ling Yun is here?"

He Nian, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and Chu Lingyun walked to the window.

The last time I came here, he was still in high spirits during the New Year greetings. Unexpectedly, when I saw him this time, his face was haggard and yellow.

"There's no need to fly. I know my body. The others will go out first. Ling Yun and I will have a chat alone."

He Nian said slowly, taking several deep breaths after finishing these words.

The others left, and only He Nian and Chu Lingyun were left in the ward.

"Ling Yun, I know you have always been the smartest. I only have one wish. Fallen leaves will return to their roots. You will help me in this life. I have not helped you with anything. I can only pay you back in the next life. In the end, you can help me again, no matter what method you use. , bury me back home, don’t bury me in Hong Kong.”

It took several minutes for He Nian to finish speaking, and his face looked even more tired after he finished speaking.

His look made Chu Lingyun feel a sharp pain in his heart.

He Nian said it politely, but in fact he had helped Chu Lingyun a lot. It was He Nian's protection and trust that allowed Chu Lingyun to show off his talents after arriving in Nanjing and investigate the Japanese spies in Nanjing.

Chu Lingyun was not He Nian's confidant, but He Nian was indeed better to him than his confidant.

Chu Lingyun can develop, and He Nian's support plays a great role.

"Don't talk about this now. Doctors from the United States will arrive tomorrow. If you want to return to your roots, you need to take good care of yourself first. You can find a way to contact them yourself."

Chu Lingyun forced a smile, but actually he already had a bad feeling.

The way to celebrate the New Year is so bad, it looks like the lamp has run out of gas.

"It won't get better, just promise me, okay?"

He Nian lay on the bed and shook his head gently. His health was indeed in extremely bad condition. Although his family did not tell him clearly, he knew it himself.

He couldn't pass this level.

"Okay, I promise you."

Looking at his appearance, Chu Lingyun couldn't continue to refuse. According to the doctor, He Nian was already suffering from multiple organ failure. There was no way to treat him in Hong Kong, and he was just dragging his breath away.

One day to live is one day to live.

In this situation, the United States only has some hope, and no one can guarantee whether it can rescue him.


A smile finally appeared on He Nian's face. He had strong old ideas. He couldn't come to Hong Kong before. It was okay to live here, but he didn't want to stay here after his death.

He wants to return to his ancestral grave.

But now the country is the territory of the Red Party. Fortunately, there is no war, and he is a dead man. He believes that Chu Lingyun will be able to send him back with his intelligence.

He Nian closed his eyes and said no more, while Chu Lingyun left quietly.

He could fulfill the New Year's request, and it was easy, but as long as there was a glimmer of hope, Chu Lingyun still wanted to save people and never wanted to give up.

The next morning, American doctors and planes arrived in Hong Kong.

The doctor didn't take a break and came directly to the hospital to check on the New Year greetings.

Chu Lingyun spent a lot of money to invite them here to save people. At this time, the patients were the most important and there was no time to waste.

"Mr. Chu, the patient's condition is very poor and there is nothing we can do."

After the examination, the doctor from the United States shook his head in front of Chu Lingyun, while Chu Lingyun's heart sank suddenly.

They are the best experts in the United States. If they have no way, almost no one in the world can save the New Year.

"Is there nothing you can do?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a glimmer of hope, and the doctor shook his head again: "If there is a way, we will take him away immediately, but his condition can no longer support the United States. Even if he gets to the United States, there is a limit to what we can do and we cannot save him."

The doctor made it very clear that He Nian's body had reached its limit and he was not a person that doctors could save.

You might die on a plane when you go to the United States.

Even if you don't die, there is no difference between going to the United States and Hong Kong. You may die at any time.

For this cross-country medical visit, not counting the cost of the flight, the medical team, Chu Lingyun, paid a hundred thousand dollars. With such a large amount of money, they have to be responsible for the patients. They cannot save people, but they can save them by cheating. They also have to eat when they make people angry. No need to walk around.

Chu Lingyun is not an ordinary person in the United States, he is a capitalist.

"I understand, thank you."

Chu Lingyun sighed slightly, He Nian really knew his situation best. American experts could not save him, and there was basically no hope for the British side.

In fact, this is indeed the case. British experts also rushed to Hong Kong. They arrived in the afternoon and came to the same conclusion as the American experts. The situation of celebrating the New Year has been exhausted and cannot be done by manpower.

Three days later, He Nian closed his eyes.

Everyone who had been waiting in the hospital had red eyes when they received the news. Xu Yi even got up and went to the toilet by himself, bursting into tears.

As early as when the Military Intelligence Agency was first established, he and He Nian had worked hard together with Boss Dai. In the blink of an eye, it had been almost thirty years, but he didn't expect that this old friend would leave before him.

Others were in the same bad mood, and the family members who celebrated the New Year kept crying bitterly.

There are no people left, and funeral preparations need to be made.

Chu Lingyun comforted the family members who were celebrating the New Year. Fortunately, the New Year's greetings had made a lot of money over the years. Even if he was gone, as long as the family did not squander it, the three generations of grandparents would not be able to use it all.

Chu Lingyun will help them, at least they can make money with their money, so they don't have to worry about their future lives.

As for his last New Year wish, Chu Lingyun was going to ask Mr. Huo to help.

He can just come forward directly, but he does it too easily and it is easy for others to see something. But Mr. Huo is different. Everyone knows that he has connections with the mainland.

Ask him to help with this matter, and it will definitely be done.

"Boss Chu, don't worry. Just leave the coffin to me. I promise to deliver it there so that Mr. He can return to his roots."

After meeting Chu Lingyun and learning about Chu Lingyun's request, Mr. Huo agreed directly without any hesitation.

To him it was indeed a trivial matter, nothing.

"Mr. Huo, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly. He Nian's death made him feel very uncomfortable. He was still young and he didn't expect to accept the departure of people around him so early.

He Nian is only in his early sixties, and it is indeed a bit early to leave at this age.

Others should pay more attention to their health in the future, and normal physical examinations should be carried out every year.

There are also his parents. They have worked hard all their lives. They need to pay more attention to their physical conditions in the future. Chu Lingyun is also waiting for the country to be liberalized so that the old couple can return to their hometown to live and enjoy their old age in peace.

If they can live longer, let them see the development of New China.

"Boss Chu, you are so polite. Leave this matter to me. After the people over there are done with it, I will ask them to bring the photos they took."

Mr. Huo replied with a smile, while Chu Lingyun shook his head gently: "There is no need for photos, just take care of the funeral affairs."

Chu Lingyun believed that Mr. Huo would not commit fraud, not to mention that domestic matters could not be hidden from him.

Although He Nian is a military commander, he does not have the blood of his comrades on his hands. Now that he is dead, he can just be buried in the ancestral graves in his hometown, which can be easily done.

Just protect it in the future.

After the New Year's funeral, Mr. Huo took away his coffin. If he wanted to send it there through the normal channel, it would definitely not work. It would be handed over at sea, and a ship from the mainland would specially come to take the things away.

The things will be sent directly to He Nian's hometown in Zhejiang Province, where preparations have been made in advance. As soon as the coffin arrives, it will be buried under the leadership of the old He Nian family members.

After the New Year greetings left, Xu Yi became obviously silent, and his whole person seemed to have lost weight.

Wang Yuemin was better than him, but equally sad.

They were all old friends from the past. Who would have thought that He Nian would be the first to leave, and he would leave so suddenly.

Chu Lingyun has been staying in Hong Kong during this period, firstly to help with the funeral arrangements, and secondly to enlighten the two of them.

"Ling Yun, when are you going to attack Qi Limin?"

At Xu Yi's home, Wang Yuemin suddenly asked. Xu Yi was what everyone was most worried about. After the New Year celebrations, several people often came to Xu Yi's home to enlighten and comfort him.

"Teacher, when do you want to do it?"

Chu Lingyun asked back. He understood Wang Yuemin's thoughts. He Nian's sudden death also stimulated him. He hoped that he could see Qi Limin brought down when he was alive.

"The sooner the better, preferably this year."

Wang Yuemin replied softly, Xu Yi also raised his head and looked at Chu Lingyun: "Old Wang is right, Lao He is gone, no one will speak for him if you attack Qi Limin, the sooner the better, we are all old , We can’t let this guy live behind us.”

He Nian and Qi Limin have the closest relationship. They are from the same hometown.

It was Qi Limin's idea to ask Chu Lingyun for New Year greetings in the first place. Among the few people, only He Nian could help Qi Limin speak for him, and the others wished he would die early.

"Okay, I will go back to Taipei next month."

Chu Lingyun agreed. Qi Limin's current situation is not optimistic. His continuous failures have made the old man extremely disappointed with him. Now Qi Limin can no longer see the old man and needs to report to the eldest son if there is anything.

Moreover, the old man intends to hand over the Secrecy Bureau to the eldest son, and his position as director is no longer secure.

Thanks to Xianyunbu for the reward of 500 starting coins.

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