Spy Shadow

Chapter 1106 Arrangement in advance

Without the protection of the old man, Qi Limin can say that his life has entered a countdown.

He was indeed a little nervous during this period, so he squandered a lot of money, tried his best to protect himself, and increased the number of bodyguards.

He did not dare to select people within the Secrecy Bureau, for fear that he would be bribed by the Inspectorate and eventually die at the hands of his own people.

All bodyguards are selected by him personally, and he only dares to recruit them if there are no problems.

Fortunately, Chu Lingyun has been outside during this period. The eldest son was so busy with the development of all walks of life in Taipei that he had no time to talk to him.

In Hong Kong, Chu Lingyun stayed for a while.

Mr. Huo did what he said, and He Nian was buried in the ancestral grave in his hometown. Mr. Huo specially asked people to take a lot of photos. The burial ceremony was very grand. Although the family members who were celebrating Nian were not here, many of his tribesmen came out, so that Happy New Year and be buried in peace.

Mr. Huo gave the photo to Chu Lingyun, and Chu Lingyun gave it to his family members to celebrate the New Year.

"Ling Yun, thank you."

When New Year's Eve wife saw the photo, she immediately covered her face and cried, but she didn't forget to let her children come out and kowtow to Chu Lingyun to express her gratitude.

She is very clear about her man's wish. Fortunately, with Chu Lingyun's help, her man has fulfilled his wish, but she will still be there in the future. She will also be buried back in the country after her death. She cannot be separated from her man. They will still be together a hundred years later. .

"Uncle Chu, thank you."

The two children kowtowed together to celebrate the New Year. Both were sons. In fact, they were not much younger than Chu Lingyun. The eldest son was already in his thirties, and his own children were all in middle school.

But there is no way. He Nian and Chu Lingyun have worked together for many years. Although Chu Lingyun has been He Nian's subordinate before, they are of the same generation. Even if He Nian's child is only a few years younger, he still calls Chu Lingyun uncle.

"Your father and I are brothers and sisters. His business is my business. From now on, you should take good care of your mother and keep your home safe."

Chu Lingyun warned that he knew the situation of He Nian's two children and they were relatively honest people. It might not be possible for them to expand their family business, but there was no problem in keeping it.

As long as they don't gamble, extravagance or waste, the family fortune left behind during the New Year is enough for them to not have to worry about money for the rest of their lives.

"We must take good care of mother."

The two of them got up, and their father left. They were their mother's support. They were very filial and would not ignore their mother.

"Ling Yun, you came just in time. Lao He has left. I, a woman, don't understand anything. I want to distribute the family property left by Lao He to them as soon as possible. Come and be a witness to them."

He Nian's wife said slowly that once He Nian leaves, the family will be separated sooner or later. He Nian's wife cannot control so much family property.

But Chu Lingyun can keep her safe and won't let her have any problems.

"Okay, sister-in-law, how did you prepare?"

After thinking about it, Chu Lingyun nodded immediately. It doesn't matter if the family is separated. This is also the current trend. He has a lot of property during the New Year. He will leave some for his wife, which will be enough in the future. After the two children separate, each will keep his own share. That’s it.

"For money and a house, I want a hundred taels of gold and this house. I will share the rest with them. Lao He's boats are all with you. You can just divide them among them as you see fit. Don't sell the boat. You Keep taking care of it and give the money you make in the future directly to them.”

He Nian's wife said softly, and Chu Lingyun understood that she had been prepared for it a long time ago. After all, He Nian was also a general in the army. His wife was not ignorant at all, and she was not the kind of person in the countryside who had no independent opinions.

"Sister-in-law, you can divide the money and the house like this. As for the boat, I suggest dividing it into five parts. Each of them will get two shares. You keep one share. After a hundred years, you can give the boats to them again."

After a moment of silence, Chu Lingyun made a suggestion. One hundred taels of gold sounds like a lot, but it is actually ten large gold bars. For ordinary people, frugality can indeed last a long time, but New Year's wife is not an ordinary person after all.

She is already accustomed to daily expenses, which are definitely more than those of ordinary people.

Without keeping any income, once the hundred taels of gold are used up, she will reach out to her children for money in the future. Even if the children are filial, it is better to avoid this kind of thing.

"Mom, Uncle Chu is right, please keep a copy."

The eldest son of He Nian hurriedly advised, and the younger son also agreed with this division. There are many ships for He Nian, a total of ten large ships, all of which were replaced with new ships in the past few years.

Each of them came to share four ships, which they could not spend all in their lifetime.

Not to mention that you can also get a lot of real estate and cash, and there is also a lot of cash for the New Year.

"That's okay, Ling Yun, just do as you say."

The New Year wife hesitated for a while, and finally nodded. She left a small portion, which was a guarantee for her future.

"Then it's settled."

Chu Lingyun finally helped them to conclude that He Nian's family property would be distributed like this. He Nian had already made an explanation to his wife before he died.

It's just that he left more for his wife.

He Nian said that regarding the distribution of family property, there are two people who can be absolutely trusted, one is Chu Lingyun and the other is Xu Yi.

But Xu Yi is older, even older than He Nian, so it is best to let Chu Lingyun help her distribute the family property. Besides, He Nian's biggest industry is with Chu Lingyun, and those ships can bring them a lot of dividends in the future.

Chu Lingyun personally helped them write a plan for the distribution of their family property. Because the ship was managed by Chu's company, Chu Lingyun signed it specifically. In the future, the property rights of these ships will become owned by three people, and future dividends will be given to them respectively.

The ten ships are listed in detail according to their names to avoid future disputes.

Fang Shiyi will go back and help them with the procedures for changing the ship owner. Once these are completed, the distribution of the New Year's property will be completed.

As for the New Year's deposits and real estate, those things are in the hands of his wife. It's up to his wife to divide them herself. Chu Lingyun is just a witness.

The posthumous matters for the Lunar New Year have been dealt with, and Chu Lingyun's mission to Hong Kong has been completed.

It was now more than ten days after the funeral arrangements were made, and Xu Yi's mood was much more stable than before. Others were really afraid that he would not be able to accept the news of He Nian's death and would suffer physical problems.

Fortunately, he survived.

But Xu Yi was obviously a lot lonely. The person who always quarreled with him when he saw him and always wanted to argue with him about everything would never appear in front of him again. No one would object to anything he said in the future.

On the contrary, he was not used to it. Every time he was free, he always thought about New Year greetings and the tiger.

He was obviously a tiger, so how could he be taken away by an illness?

Xu Yi really couldn't understand.

Here in Taipei, many people also received the news of He Nian's death, and those who were closely related to He Nian were in mourning. Some people said that He Nian killed too many people in the early years, hurting Tianhe, and not all those He Nian killed were the most evil.

Many times, He Nian helps Boss Dai, or even the old man to kill people.

Doing this kind of thing too often is harmful to the harmony of heaven and earth, and you don’t pay attention to accumulating virtue for yourself during the New Year greetings, so you end up passing away early.

A lot of people agree with this statement.

"Ling Yun, I heard about the New Year greetings. It's a pity. He is still young."

In Taipei, the eldest son took the initiative to invite Chu Lingyun as soon as he came back. He was still busy when Chu Lingyun came over, so he immediately put aside all other work and met Chu Lingyun alone.

"It's a pity indeed."

Chu Lingyun sighed softly. No one expected the sudden accident during the New Year. In fact, the current medical conditions are much better than before, but even in future generations, not all diseases can be cured.

"Don't be too sad. At least you didn't suffer anything during the New Year."

The eldest son advised him that he had left in a hurry during the New Year, so he really didn't suffer much. This was the only good news.

If he could live to be eighty years old and then die like this, it would be considered a blessing and a loss.

"Senior brother, I'm fine. How is Qi Limin lately?"

Chu Lingyun shook his head and took the initiative to ask about Qi Limin.

"Qi Limin?"

The eldest son was slightly startled and immediately understood that Qi Limin had completely fallen out of favor and that Chu Lingyun was going to attack him.

"He has been very low-key recently. I heard that he has hired more than a dozen personal bodyguards."

The eldest son did not pay attention to Qi Limin, but after all, Qi Limin belonged to his subordinates, and people usually came to report on Qi Limin's situation.


Chu Lingyun was slightly startled, then shook his head.

When a person is in a hurry, he can do anything. What's the use of hiring a bodyguard?

Not to mention bodyguards, even if everyone in the Secrecy Bureau personally protected him and Chu Lingyun let him die, these people couldn't protect his life.

Qi Limin is no longer a concern.

"You want to attack him, do you want me to tell you?"

The eldest son took the initiative to ask, no matter what, Qi Limin is still the old man's man in name, and if he wants to touch him, he needs to say hello to the old man.

"Just go and talk about it. The principal won't agree, but he won't refuse either. Don't ask anything, just change the topic."

Chu Lingyun nodded lightly, the old man would not die to protect Qi Limin, especially now, Qi Limin has no value to the old man.

But he is a good-looking person, and those who touch him and don't say hello to him will easily get into trouble.

Chu Lingyun wants Taiwan to be stable and let the people live a good life first, without causing other troubles for the development and construction of the eldest son.

It's not something he would say personally, so it's totally fine.

"Okay, I understand."

The eldest son is very smart. Chu Lingyun understood his intention as soon as he said it, and he felt even more emotional. Even though Chu Lingyun was not in Taipei, he had a really good grasp of his father's thoughts.

Many people around his father thought they knew him well, but in fact they couldn't compare to Chu Lingyun.

It's not difficult to say that this matter doesn't need to be so urgent. It won't be too late when I go to report to my father in two days.

"Thank you, senior brother."

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to thank him. Qi Limin's matter was not important. As long as he lost his use value, others would kill Qi Limin without him taking action.

He has offended too many people over the years.

"Director, you are back."

Zheng Guangtao came to Chu Lingyun's office. When he came back this time, Chu Lingyun did not notify them, let alone ask them to pick him up at the airport.

"how are things?"

Chu Lingyun asked with a smile, and Zheng Guangtao immediately began to report.

There have been no people in the inspection office in the past few years. Their main job responsibility is still to supervise the intelligence department, but now the secrecy bureau is not very good. The eldest son’s intelligence department has a good relationship with them. They are all his own people. The Central Commander has long been Without it, it can be said that the original work of the inspection office has been almost lost.

However, the eldest son did not let them idle. The inspection office was a department that had combat capabilities and could fight. It would be a waste to be idle.

At present, the main task of the inspection office is to supervise the ideology of the military and also supervise the police department.

It is tantamount to taking away all the previous responsibilities of the military commander.

Zheng Guangtao quickly finished his report. In fact, there wasn't much going on. It was a time of peace. The military was training in addition to training. Veterans were gradually retired, and now most of them were newly recruited soldiers.

They are local young people and do not have much willingness to counterattack.

There are definitely negative thoughts, but they are not serious and everything is under control.

Because of the recruitment of new soldiers, many young people entered the army, resulting in labor shortages in many places. The eldest son put these retired veterans to help them settle down for their future lives.

Placing veterans is a compulsory act and no company or unit may refuse and must accept a certain proportion of veterans.

With these veterans joining, there is still a shortage of workers, and many companies have recruited a lot of female workers.

Female workers are cheaper and their work is not bad. The hard work is left to male workers. Now that the eldest son has money, he is currently engaged in construction everywhere. He wants to build a highway throughout Taiwan to connect all places.

If you want to get rich, build roads first. Although there is no such slogan now, the eldest son obviously understands this.

Taiwan mainly relies on agriculture, and its industrial base is very poor. Agricultural products need to be exported. How can it be done without roads? Building roads will not only help it increase tax revenue, but also help local people earn more money.

If people have more money, they will have more money in the future.

The young master understands this superficial truth.

There was nothing going on in the inspection room. Zheng Guangtao left after reporting. Chu Lingyun asked someone to bring over the list of inspection rooms.

It has been ten years since the Inspection Office was established.

Many team members have worked here for ten years, and some of them are already older, such as the original team leader Jia Changguo. He was not young when he joined, and is now over fifty.

There are many things that need to be prepared in advance and cannot wait until the time comes.

In the next few years, the inspection office will definitely have to retire a group of people, the older ones, those over fifty years old. They will not be allowed to stay on the front line. They will first transition to other places and then wait for retirement.

The salary in the inspection office is good, and the salary in future retirement will not be bad either.

All the dividends that should be paid will be paid.

As long as they have made contributions to the inspection room and made contributions to the inspection room, the inspection room will support them throughout their lives.

Yu Huaqiang's factory has good profits, and now it has opened a branch factory, making more profits.

Now is a good opportunity for development. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can open more factories and earn more profits in the future.

For at least twenty years, the inspection office will not have to worry about funding.

Chu Lingyun has no plans to recruit new people now. In the early days, the inspection room had a few hundred people, which was indeed a bit understaffed, but now it seems bloated.

Slowly retire a group of people, and after ten years, recruit new people.

In the end, the inspection room will only need to maintain a size of more than 100 people; any more will be unnecessary and of little use.

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