Spy Shadow

Chapter 271 A false alarm

Chapter 271 A false alarm

"Chief Xu, you don't need to tell me this. It's better for me to stay less involved in the affairs of the Intelligence Department."

Chu Lingyun smiled, Xu Yi was startled, and immediately smiled and said: "You are quite sensitive, it's okay. Since I can tell you, it's not a secret."

Xu Yi really didn't take this matter that seriously. They usually investigated warlords and spies. These people had professional telecommunications personnel and had never done such boring things.

If it weren't for the fact that the radio station was in Nanjing, he wouldn't have paid attention to it.

"I won't listen if it's not a secret. The less you know about things that have nothing to do with me, the better."

Chu Lingyun smiled and Xu Yi laughed loudly: "You are right. The less you know about things that have nothing to do with you, the better."

They are an intelligence agency, and you must put aside your curiosity when working here.

Curiosity killed the cat, but here curiosity can kill people if it is strong.

Once any information is leaked, the first to bear the brunt are those who know the information. These people will all be regarded as key suspects. If the truth cannot be found, they will probably be executed as suspects.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office is an example. They just had something like this happen.

Chu Lingyun didn't ask, and Xu Yi didn't say anything more. This matter was just a small matter in his heart, but Chu Lingyun felt keenly that something was wrong.

Who would send such boring stuff over the radio?

Radio stations in this era are high-tech products. Those who can own radio stations are only large companies, important units, or the military.

Unlike many people in later generations who send text messages out of boredom and dare to send anything.

Ordinary people would not do this. Chu Lingyun also thought of what Lin Peilun thought of.

Could it be the Red Party?

Although Xu Yi didn't pay attention, if he sent the message openly and clearly, not only their Military Intelligence Department would receive the message, but also the Party Affairs Investigation Department. If it was really a red party and it attracted the attention of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, it might be dangerous. .

Chu Lingyun thought quickly, but his expression did not change.

Early the next morning, Chu Lingyun came to the Military Intelligence Office.

He doesn't need to stay in the listening room all the time. Two team members are there to keep an eye on him, so he can keep abreast of the latest situation at any time.

"Team leader, we have made an important discovery."

Zhang Acheng suddenly came to the office and said excitedly that they had found Lao Li.

Lao Li's name is Li Jianqiu. He is forty-six years old and works as a translator for a Japanese company. His Japanese is very good.

He speaks Japanese, works in a Japanese company, and has close contact with Zheng Guowei. He is most likely a Japanese agent.

"Keep an eye on him and find out everything about him."

Chu Lingyun ordered, Zhang Acheng hesitated, and then said: "Team leader, could Li Jianqiu be a middleman? How could a real spy do such work as Japanese translation? Isn't it easier to arouse suspicion?"

Zhang Acheng's suspicion is not unreasonable. None of the Japanese spies caught before were lurking very deep, making it impossible to see that they have any relationship with Japan.

But this time Li Jianqiu is a Japanese translator, and his job is very unusual.

"Acheng, is Nobuda Okamoto a Japanese agent?"

Chu Lingyun asked a question that puzzled Zhang Acheng, but he nodded quickly.

"Yes, definitely."

Okamoto Shinoda is the agent handed over by Risa Nakamura. This has been confirmed.

"Then which intelligence agency is he an agent of?"

Chu Lingyun suddenly asked again. Zhang Acheng was stunned and hurriedly replied: "Japanese Navy Department."

"Japan has multiple intelligence agencies. Don't think that Japan's intelligence agencies are very powerful. In the entire world, Japan's intelligence agencies are not the strongest, and they are not even ranked among the top."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, this is not meant to belittle Japan. During World War II, Japan's intelligence capabilities were indeed not the strongest. Many European countries were much better than them.

It's just that Japan's main enemy at this time is China, a country whose intelligence work is worse than theirs.

In comparison, they feel that Japan's intelligence agencies are very powerful.

"Japan has multiple intelligence departments, and the capabilities of these departments are also uneven. Although the Super High School has not been established for a long time, they have made the fastest progress and are our strongest opponents. Some other intelligence departments, They are not as powerful as you think.”

Chu Lingyun said slowly that the Japanese Navy was indeed not as good as the Special High School in this regard. The spies they had lurked before were working in Japanese companies.

There is also the intelligence agency of their Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and many members are in consulates or embassies.

The way they engage in intelligence can be said to be diverse, and there are even cases where laymen command experts.

Chu Lingyun remembered reading an article in her previous life. An important intelligence department in Japan was infiltrated by our party and even became our party's liaison station.

Chu Lingyun was not surprised that the hidden identity of the Navy Department's agent was a Japanese translator.

"I understand, team leader, I will investigate Li Jianqiu carefully."

Zhang Acheng nodded. It was Wang Shengli's contribution to finding Li Jianqiu this time.

After Wang Sheng received the photo, he immediately mobilized all personnel, including the rickshaw company, to search for the person. It took him less than a day to find the person, Li Jianqiu.

After becoming the police chief, it was indeed much easier for Wang Sheng to do these things.

Zhang Acheng left, and Chu Lingyun got up and went to an office.

There are two people on duty in this office, and there is a radio station in front of them. This is a special radio station for the fourth group. It mainly receives some people on the move or other messages sent directly to them.

"Team leader."

Seeing Chu Lingyun come in, the two officers on duty stood up hurriedly.

They are not telecommunications experts, but they still have no problem receiving and sending messages. Anyway, they are in the station. If they need any help, they can always ask for help.

"Sit down."

Chu Lingyun waved his hand, and the two sat back down. Chu Lingyun looked at the radio that was turned on, and asked naturally: "Show me all the messages you have received recently."


A team member stood up and brought all the recent telegram records.

Chu Lingyun quickly looked through the telegrams sent by Shen Hanwen and the telegrams sent by Chu Yuan, but could not find the content of the plainly sent telegram.

"Is that all there is?" Chu Lingyun asked casually after looking through it.

"That's all, we have recorded all the messages."

The team member hurriedly replied, suddenly thinking of something, and immediately said: "I received a clear message a few days ago. It is an ancient poem. Who may have sent it for fun, but we have no record."

"Ancient poetry?"

"Yes, it's noon on the day of hoeing..."

The team member directly said the content of the message. This poem is really easy to remember and many people have learned it.

After hearing the content of the poem, Chu Lingyun's heart moved slightly.

This is Lin Shi's favorite poem. When he was in school, he said that this poem was so well written that it clearly expressed the hardships of the poor people. There are still many such poor people in China who don't have enough to eat. .

At that time, Lin Shi sympathized with these poor people, and Chu Lingyun was not surprised that he joined the party.

"How often do you receive this kind of message?" Chu Lingyun asked again.

"Not much, just this once."

"Okay, I get it."

Chu Lingyun asked a few random questions and returned to his office.

Could it be Lin Shifa?

If it was him, why did he send such a message and why did he use the radio?

Judging from the current limited clues, it is possible that it is Lin Shi, but it is not high. Chu Lingyun is worried about what if it is really Lin Shi. If he is not careful, he may be in danger if he is watched by someone with intentions.

Chu Lingyun didn't call Lin Shi. There was no suitable reason. If it was really Lin Shi, once Lin Shi was discovered, he would not have the chance to rescue Lin Shi if he made this call.

After packing his things, Chu Lingyun went to Deputy Chief Tang's surveillance point.

Xu Yi is there, and he can't stay away forever. The most important thing in the entire department right now is to monitor Deputy Chief Tang.

This is also the largest case they have handled so far.

With the efforts of technicians, the monitoring equipment was finally installed, but the problem of unclear hearing still existed. In order to avoid being discovered, the monitoring personnel could only work harder and monitor more carefully.

At present, we can only monitor Tang's home. Even so, it is not easy. The area where Tang lives is rich and expensive, so it is very difficult to find a suitable monitoring point.

As for installing bugs in the office, Virgo is still reeling.

If they want to enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to monitor the deputy minister, they must have the identity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, otherwise they will not even be able to enter the gate. You also need to have a suitable monitoring point. If you are not fully prepared, there is no way to monitor.

I can't hear clearly, but I can more or less hear some words. Even when they speak loudly, I can still hear clearly what they say.

A day of monitoring didn't yield anything useful. Xu Yi was not in a hurry. Not to mention the effect of such monitoring, even if he could hear clearly, it was not easy to get useful information.

Going home in the afternoon, Chu Lingyun simply put on makeup and sneaked out through the back door as soon as it got dark.

When I arrived at Lin Shi's rented apartment, the lights in his room were on, and there was a figure sitting by the window, as if reading a book.

But after observing carefully for a while, Chu Lingyun couldn't help but shake his head.

It was obviously a dummy, placed there deliberately. Lin Shi was now much more alert than before, but no one could read a book and stay still. If it attracted the attention of someone who was interested, it would be bad.

Chu Lingyun was sure that Lin Shi was not at home.

His disguise didn't work, Chu Lingyun quietly came to Lin Shi's door, and found an anti-reconnaissance device inside the crack of his door.

Two subtle hairs are simple but very practical.

But if this is discovered by intelligence personnel, his identity can basically be determined.

Putting away her hair, Chu Lingyun entered the room and saw a human figure disguised with pillows and quilts in front of the window.

The disguise is pretty good, at least from the outside it really looks like a person.

Chu Lingyun did not touch the pillow and carefully checked the items in his room. He found no contraband or any information.

It seems that Lin Shi is usually more careful and knows not to keep these things at home.

However, a book about electrical appliances on the desk caught Chu Lingyun's attention. This book was not for learning radio, but it contained some small electrical appliances used in radio stations. Lin Shi's usual work had nothing to do with this. What was he doing reading this kind of book? ?

At present, Lin Shi's possibility of contacting the radio station has increased a lot.

Sighing, Chu Lingyun restored everything in the room to its original state, but deliberately blew the fuse when he went out, and the room suddenly became dark.

After doing this, Chu Lingyun put her hair back as it was and left quickly.

After studying in the evening, Lin Shi returned to his residence with excitement.

Before he entered the house, his heart skipped a beat. From a distance, he saw that the lights in his house had gone out.

In order to avoid people doubting himself, when he went out to study at night, he deliberately made a dummy in front of the window with the lights on, so that others would think he had been reading at home.

But now the house is dark and the lights are out.

The lights in other houses were on, indicating that it was not a collective power outage.

Lin Shi carefully came to the door of his house and observed carefully. Fortunately, the hair in the crack of the door was still there, so no one should have come in.

He still took out his pistol, opened the door carefully, and slowly entered the home.

After a while, he sat on the bed panting heavily. It turned out that the fuse had burned out and it was a false alarm.

Now he deeply understands what Lao Zheng said to him. Hidden work is like stepping on a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will be shattered. Safety issues must not be careless. You must be careful and careful.

Just burning a fuse frightened him like this. Lin Shi smiled to himself.

After a night of silence, Chu Lingyun came to the office early the next morning, and Zhang Acheng was already standing at the door.

"Team leader." Seeing Chu Lingyun, Zhang Acheng immediately came up to him.

"Come in and talk."

Zhang Acheng must have something to do when he came so early, but it wasn't something he was particularly anxious about.

If it was urgent, he would call himself instead of waiting here.

"Team leader, I investigated the Japanese company where Li Jianqiu works and found that they have a close relationship with the Japanese Navy. In other words, the company itself is funded by the Navy."

It was related to the Japanese Navy Ministry, and Li Jianqiu's suspicion increased again.

Or this Japanese company is a branch of Japan's intelligence agency. On the surface, it is doing business, but in fact it is collecting intelligence.

"How many employees do they have in their company and what do they usually do?"

Zhang Acheng heard Chu Lingyun's question and immediately replied: "This company is not big, with only nine people. It usually sells some seafood and provides raw materials to several Japanese restaurants in Nanjing."

"Team leader, I have launched an investigation into the entire company. However, there are nine of them, and it is not easy to track them all. In addition, I wonder if bugs can be installed in their company."

Zhang Acheng is a member of Chu Yuan's team. There are only a few dozen people in total. They are currently watching the Zheng Guowei brothers and monitoring them at the same time. If they keep an eye on these nine people, it will indeed be a bit tight.

"We can install bugs. If we don't have enough manpower, go to Captain Shen to borrow some people. He has someone there now."

Chu Lingyun agreed with his request to install a bug. After Zhang Acheng left, Chu Lingyun discovered that there were quite a few people they wanted to monitor.

He Yuanhua, Tea House, Zheng Guowei, Deputy Chief Tang, and now a Japanese foreign company.

This is because Sima Linna failed to install a bug. If it could be installed, I'm afraid there would be more bugs. I wonder if the General Affairs Department would have any objections.

When eavesdropping, you need to record. Monitoring and recording equipment are not cheap, and they also consume recording supplies.

Chapter 11 is added to the monthly ticket, and the update is completed today.

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