Spy Shadow

Chapter 272 Another message

Chapter 272 Another message


Zhang Acheng took the order and left. This was his first time handling a case alone, and he had to do it beautifully.

The foreign company may be a disguise for the Japanese intelligence agency. It is not easy to install bugs in such a place. The foreign company only has its own people, and there are people on duty even at night.

Zhang Acheng humbly asked for advice, and Ni Loach gave him a crooked idea.

Find someone to cooperate. This person must have a certain degree of power and cannot be an ordinary person. Let him buy some goods from a foreign company, then lie that the whole family is hungry and bring people to the door to cause trouble.

Then ask Wang Sheng for help and let the police intervene.

The police can go, but they can't take people away. They just need to attract everyone inside. Take this opportunity to immediately install bugs using the lines laid in advance.

After police mediation, the person who purchased the goods was allowed to leave.

Most of what they sell is aquatic products, especially since there are so many things from the sea, it is normal to have a bad stomach after eating them.

Ordinary people can't afford these things, and even if they do, they don't dare to make trouble. They must have a certain amount of energy, and it would be best if they could find foreigners to help.

Zhang Acheng finally found a Spanish businessman, gave him a sum of money, and asked him to help him do this.

This businessman was very dedicated and performed very well. He only brought three people with him, and he caused a great fuss. After the policeman Alai arrived, they asked the police to arrest everyone, and finally attracted all the people in the Japanese company. Zhang Acheng took the opportunity. A bug was installed.

Both sides were foreigners. When the police arrived, they could only mediate. In the end, the Japanese foreigners accepted the situation and paid money, and then they finally understood the matter.

The Spanish businessman had nothing to do, made another huge sum of money, and left triumphantly.

In Shanghai, Bai Yuan came to the pub and drank silently.

After Chen Shu forcefully dismissed them, Bai Yuan no longer held any position in the intelligence team. At first, several of his closest subordinates came to him for advice on everything, but later the new team leader dismissed two captains and intimidated and lured the others. His subordinates quickly distanced themselves from him.

These days, if you have breasts, you are a mother. In the eyes of many people, Bai Yuan has no chance of getting better, so naturally they are not willing to follow him all the way to the dark side.

The new webmaster is powerful, and the new team leader is very resourceful. Bai Yuan, who has become a loner, doesn't want to stay in the station and let others laugh, so he simply follows the example of the other team leaders who were kicked off and stops going. work.

However, he is different from the other team leaders. He has great ideals and ambitions, wants to get ahead, and wants to make a career.

In the past, he had a high position in Shanghai and was trusted and valued by Wu Yuantai. Now he has fallen to the bottom. This huge gap made him unable to accept it for a while, and he got drunk every day.

"Sir, your food and drinks."

The waiter quickly brought the food and wine. Bai Yuan had made some money as the intelligence team leader for so many years. Even if he didn't have a job, he didn't have to worry about his life.

Filling up the wine, Bai Yuan drank it all in one gulp.

"Can we share a table?"

Just after the food and drinks were over, a man came across the table and asked him with a smile.

Bai Yuan looked around and saw that there were still empty tables, and immediately shook his head: "No, please go somewhere else."

"Waiter, bring me a pot of wine and two delicious dishes."

Not only did the visitor not leave, but he sat down directly and asked the waiter to serve the food. Bai Yuan's face showed anger. Has he fallen to this point now? Not even a passerby dares to listen to what he says.

In the past, who would have dared to do this to him?

Although his military rank is not high, he has great power. Many people want to curry favor with him. Those who want to treat him to dinner and drinks have to queue up, and it depends on his mood and whether he is willing to accept the banquet.

"You're anxious, but don't be angry."

Seeing that Bai Yuan was about to get angry, the man opposite smiled and took out an envelope and pushed it in front of Bai Yuan.

Bai Yuan was a little confused, but he didn't take the envelope and looked straight at the man opposite.

"I met Team Leader Bai in Shimokitajima Kawasuke."


Bai Yuan was startled for a moment, and then became even more angry. He knew exactly what the Japanese wanted to do to him. He and the Japanese were not friends. They had always been enemies.


Bai Yuan threw the wine in his hand at the other party, and Kitajima Kawasuke's face immediately became wet.

Wiping his face, Kitajima Kawasuke didn't care and still smiled: "I just admire Team Leader Bai and want to get to know Team Leader Bai and have a chat."

When the waiter saw the conflict here, he hurried over, and Kitajima Kawasuke waved his hand to indicate that nothing was wrong here.

"I have nothing to talk about with you Japanese, and I don't want to get to know you."

After saying that, Bai Yuan wanted to touch the gun, but suddenly remembered that his gun was taken away by the station. He came out without a gun today.

He definitely still has a gun, but he has been feeling discouraged recently and is out drinking, so he doesn't know how to bring a gun.

"Team Leader Bai, many friends mean many paths. You are in a bad mood today. I will come see you another day."

Kitajima Kawasuke didn't insist this time. He stood up with a smile and paid the bill for the food and wine on Bai Yuan's table, including the food and wine money he just added.

When he left, Bai Yuan noticed that the envelope he just put down was not taken away.

After hesitating, Bai Yuan opened the envelope and immediately saw the US dollars inside.

The amount was quite a lot. Bai Yuan counted it, and there were ten U.S. dollars with a face value of 100.

One thousand U.S. dollars, more than three thousand French currency, and drinking every day was enough for him to drink for several years.

Bai Yuan got up and chased him out, but there was no sign of the Japanese outside.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yuan put the envelope away.

Outside, a person nodded to Kitajima Kawasuke, which meant that he took pictures of everything just now.

Bai Yuan was targeted by the Japanese.

Such a major personnel change at the Shanghai Station of the Military Intelligence Service cannot be hidden from the Japanese.

The above deal with Beichuan Ming has not yet come to an end. Beichuan Ming wants to do a few practical things quickly to see if there is any room for recovery. He is keeping an eye on all the team leaders who were kicked off at the Shanghai Station.

Although these people lost their positions, they had served as team leaders and had deep connections with the Shanghai Station.

When Chen Shu became the webmaster, he brought some people with him, but it was impossible for him to replace everyone. The key positions were his people, but those at the bottom remained unchanged.

Among the several team leaders, the one he values ​​the most is Bai Yuan.

As the former intelligence team leader, Bai Yuan has a large number of Shanghai Station secrets in his hands.

He didn't give up on the other team leaders, and tried them out. As a result, the general affairs team leader almost caught the people he sent, and the telecommunications team leader ignored them and threw away the money they sent.

This was Bai Yuan's last test. After all, this was the one Beichuan Ming valued most. In order to prevent him from rejecting it, he deliberately dropped the money and left.

The next step is to see if he will hand over the money. If he hands it over, their plan will fail and they will have no clue. But once Bai Yuan keeps the money, the Japanese plan will succeed. More than half of it.

After drinking, Bai Yuan returned home and couldn't sleep.

He had thought about reporting the behavior of the Japanese and handing over the money. He was very clear about the purpose of the Japanese giving him the money. It was not a good intention for the weasel to pay New Year greetings to the chicken.

He is Chinese and has never wanted to work for the Japanese.

But if he handed it over, he would face two consequences. One was that Chen Shu didn't care at all. After handing over the money, he still wouldn't pay attention to him, let alone give him any chance.

Not to mention handing over this little money, Chen Shu would never use it no matter how much money he gave him.

In his words, how could he explain it to his confidants who had followed him from Tianjin?

Another outcome is that Chen Shu asked him to use his tricks to pretend to be incited to rebel, and even tried to find ways for him to sneak into the Japanese and wait for opportunities to pass on information.

But it's not that easy to lurk. People like him who are instigated will definitely face various tests. It is not easy to gain the trust of the Japanese and obtain information.

The Japanese will definitely be on guard against him, and when he is dealing with the Japanese, he may die at any time.

This is too dangerous. He still wants to remain useful so that he can be promoted to a higher position in the future and honor his ancestors.

After thinking about it, Bai Yuan decided to pretend that this incident had not happened and he would not hand over the money to save himself trouble.

If his men report back, he will not let go of such an opportunity to let his men penetrate into the enemy.

Chen Shu was the webmaster, and he was actually given a lurking mission. He had to listen even if he didn't want to, otherwise he would be disobedient.

At this moment, he was only thinking about himself, but he didn't think about it, is it so easy to get Japanese money?

Nanjing, Party Affairs Investigation Department, Lin Peilun came to the Telecommunications Section again.

He came very frequently these days, coming every day, sometimes twice a day.

"Team Leader Deng, have you found the radio station?"

Lin Peilun went to Deng Lifu's office and asked directly. He didn't have many important clues at hand now. He had high hopes for the mysterious radio station discovered by the telecommunications team.

I hope we can seize the opportunity this time and arrest a few red party members so that the higher authorities can see their achievements.

"True to the mission, I just found it."

Deng Lifu said with a smile that Lin Peilun attached so much importance to this radio station that Deng Lifu did not dare to be careless. After working overtime for the past few days, they finally found this radio station.

"Great, do you have the exact location?"

Lin Peilun said excitedly that it would be great if he found it. The more he thought about it in the past few days, the more he felt that this radio station belonged to the Red Party.

The Red Party is very poor, and radio stations are absolutely precious to them. Capturing any of their radio stations will be a heavy blow to them.

Not to mention, the people in charge of the radio station are confidential personnel, and he hopes to get a lot of important information from them, enough for him to make a good turnaround.

"Not yet, but I have made arrangements in the east of the city. If they turn it on again, there is a high hope that their approximate location will be located."

Deng Lifu shook his head. It was not that easy to locate now. It took them a lot of effort to find the radio station.

"Thank you very much, Team Leader Deng. If you guys work hard again, if we catch the red party this time, I will definitely ask you for credit here."

Lin Peilun understands that there is no need to be in a hurry. If you want to eat good food, you have to be patient. If you are in a hurry, you can't eat hot tofu, and you may scare the snake.

"This is what we should do, Chief Lin is being polite."

Hearing Lin Peilun ask for credit for himself, Deng Lifu smiled even more happily. He worked so hard to find the radio station just for the sake of meritorious service.

The owner of this radio station is very cunning and has changed many bands.

But no matter how cunning the prey is, it is no match for the hunters. With their sharp eyes, this radio station will eventually be revealed.

In the afternoon, Chu Lingyun left from Deputy Chief Tang's surveillance point. Instead of going home directly, he came to Lin Shi's residence.

Not long after get off work, Lin Shi rode his bicycle back from a distance.

After returning home, Lin Shi first looked around and ate something casually when he saw nothing unusual.

He doesn't have much time left to study. He has to race against time in the past few days to learn more useful knowledge on the radio.

He has to go to work during the day and can only study at night. In fact, his study time is not long.

I can only learn a little bit in such a short period of time, and I can only wait for opportunities in the future to continue learning more deeply.

After dinner, Lin Shi arranged the dummy as usual to pretend that he was at home.

Noticing Lin Shi going out, Chu Lingyun quietly followed behind.

Lin Shi changed his clothes and put on a hat to prevent others from recognizing him.

On the way, Lin Shi made several anti-tracking actions.

For example, if you suddenly turn into an empty alley, check to see if anyone is following you, come out after a while, and then continue moving forward.

Or deliberately take the wrong intersection and then turn back.

He was not proficient in anti-tracking technology and could not get rid of Chu Lingyun.

Not long after, Lin Shi arrived at the study point, knocked on the door, looked around again, and quickly walked in.

In the distance, Chu Lingyun appeared.

Lin Shi comes out every night, so there is indeed a strong suspicion, but it is not yet certain that the ancient poem and telegram was sent by him, nor is it certain that the Red Party radio station is broadcast here.

Chu Lingyun did not approach. If the radio station was really here, and the radio station was so important to the Red Party, maybe someone was watching them in the dark. If he appeared rashly, it would easily arouse suspicion.

But Chu Lingyun did not leave, but carefully observed the surroundings.

He carefully checked all the surrounding houses and places where people could hide to make sure no one was hiding and watching, then quietly returned to Lin Shi's residence and broke his fuse again.

"Section Chief, there is something going on at that radio station."

In the east of the city, Deng Lifu personally patrolled with a monitoring vehicle, and was bound to find this radio station. As soon as Lin Shi started to send reports, they were monitored.

"Great, locate now."

Deng Lifu hurriedly ordered, but he could only detect the signal. It was not easy to locate it. World War II had not yet fully started, and technology had not advanced so fast.

War is the best driving force for science and technology. This is not just for words. In war, various technologies advance by leaps and bounds. Whoever has better technology will have more advantages.

Until later generations, war remained an important factor in promoting science and technology.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office, like the Military Intelligence Office, has only one monitoring vehicle, which needs to drive constantly to look for this signal. Even if it can be found, it can only be determined within one kilometer at most.

If they want to determine the exact location, they need to keep moving around and narrow down the scope of the investigation.

"Comrade Dragonfly, that's it for today."

As soon as Lin Shi finished sending the telegram, Lao Deng turned off the radio. Lin Shi was a little unfinished and had not received a call back from the other party. Once the phone was turned off, the call would not be received.

"Aren't you waiting for a call back?"

Lin Shi took off his headphones, raised his head and asked.

"You are learning. They will not call you back. Also, our radio station cannot be on for too long, otherwise it will be easy to be targeted."

After all, Lao Deng was a technician and had to pay attention to what he should pay attention to. He knew very well that if the radio station was turned on for a long time to send reports, they would not be far away from being arrested.

Therefore, there are strict limits on daily learning, booting and reporting times.

Lin Shi nodded to express understanding, asked some questions that he didn't understand, and ended today's study.

When he returned home, he was shocked to find that the fuse at home had burned out again and the power was out again.

It was an accident yesterday and it is the same today. Is it really a coincidence?

Lin Shi carefully checked the home and found no trace that anyone had entered, including the anti-detection devices he had installed. He had confirmed before that they were intact.

Chu Lingyun was very careful, how could he let him see the problem.

Shaking his head, Lin Shi repaired the fuse, checked it carefully again, and finally went to bed.

"Section Chief, the signal has disappeared."

In the east of the city, after the radio station was shut down, the surveillance vehicle tracked it repeatedly, but ultimately failed to find the radio station.

"Damn, they must have turned it off."

Deng Lifu cursed angrily. This radio station was really cunning. It didn't take long to turn on, and it was turned off before they could find its location.

Their only gain so far is that they can confirm that the radio station is not in the area they just checked.

There must be something wrong with this radio station. Eighty percent of it belongs to the Red Party. Only they would be so careful. It seems that Chief Lin's guess is right. Chief Lin is indeed very good at dealing with the Red Party.

"We will continue to search tomorrow. I don't believe we can't find them."

The radio station was shut down, and Deng Lifu had no choice but to order it to disband and continue tomorrow. The other party had already shut down, and no matter how much they went around here, they would not gain anything.

In the Military Intelligence Department, Ni Loach came to Chu Lingyun’s office.

"Team leader, good news. The brother who investigated the hotel owner and the waiter sent information that their identities are indeed false."

The person who went to Shandong to investigate replied that there were no these four people at all, and their identities were determined to be forged.

Their identities were forged and they were related to Sima Lin. It was very likely that the four of them were spies.

"Keep staring at them."

Chu Lingyun nodded. There are more and more clues in Sima Lin's case, and the network is not far away.

Sima Lin is a Japanese spy, and together with these four, there are five Japanese spies, as well as Deputy Chief Tang and his secretary. There are many big fish in this net.

According to the information from Rose, there are not many intelligence teams in Nanjing of the Special High School. If they are eliminated, the Japanese intelligence organization in Nanjing will be severely damaged again.

It is not easy to establish a new intelligence organization, especially for lurking personnel. Chu Lingyun hopes to give Nanjing a clear sky before all-out war.

"Yes, team leader."

Loach left happily and identified four more. When the net is closed this time, he will make great achievements again.

It's a pity that these achievements can't promote him, but now that Shen Hanwen has been frustrated and Chu Yuan is away, he has made outstanding achievements one after another and has firmly established himself as the number one confidant of the team leader.

In the afternoon, Chu Lingyun came to Deputy Chief Tang's listening point.

After several days of debugging, their current monitoring effect is much better than at the beginning. Except for the inaudibility of whispers, normal communication can be clearly distinguished.

Even if you can't hear certain words clearly, you can still make inferences from the preface and follow-up words to understand what is being said.

Xu Yi has been here all along, and monitoring Deputy Chief Tang is no small matter. If the evidence against Deputy Chief Tang is confirmed this time, it will be a big addition to his credit book.

It's a pity that this case was not a joint investigation, in which case the credit would have been greater.

"Ling Yun, if you have something to do, you don't have to come here every day. There is nothing abnormal so far. If something happens, I will have someone notify you immediately."

Seeing Chu Lingyun running here every day, Xu Yi advised, he understood that Chu Lingyun was very busy now and had many cases in hand, so there was no need to run here every day.

"Thank you, Section Chief Xu, then I won't be here tomorrow."

Chu Lingyun smiled. If Xu Yi hadn't been here, he wouldn't have gone here every day, lest Xu Yi think too much and think he didn't respect the section chief.

After all, the Intelligence Section is helping them monitor, not jointly investigate.

"This is not polite, but I hope that we will have more opportunities to cooperate in the future."

Xu Yi laughed, and there was something in his words. Chu Lingyun heard the meaning of his words, but he didn't say anything. Xu Yi was still thinking about him.

It was impossible to let him go in the New Year. He was used to being in the Operations Section and could not work in the Intelligence Section.

After leaving the surveillance point, Chu Lingyun did not go to Lin Shi's residence, but drove to the east of the city. He always suspected that the place where Lin Shi went was the Red Party's radio station.

If this was the case, it was too careless. The Military Intelligence Office did not pay attention, but Chu Lingyun had a hunch that the Party Affairs Investigation Office would not ignore it.

Nowadays, the life of Xu Laogui of the Party Affairs Investigation Department is not easy. A series of incidents have caused him to lose a lot of points with the chairman. If Xu Laogui does not have the support of Er Chen behind him, I am afraid that he will not be able to continue to be the director of the department.

Old ghost Xu is having a hard time, not to mention the people below. If the Military Intelligence Department faces this kind of dilemma, all of them will work overtime and find ways to make meritorious deeds.

Chu Lingyun believed that if the Party Affairs Investigation Department really suspected this radio station, it would investigate it closely.

Arriving at the perimeter that he had inspected yesterday, Chu Lingyun searched the surroundings carefully while it was still dark.

Fortunately, nothing unusual.

After it got dark, Chu Lingyun was driving home, with two boxes of cakes in his car.

This is why he specially chatted with Xu Yi today and asked him where the pastries are delicious. Xu Yi recommended him Lao Cheng Ji in the east of the city. Lao Cheng Ji is the most famous in Nanjing. The purpose of Chu Lingyun's question was to let Xu Yi tell him. Get out of this place.

This way he has a good reason to come to the east of the city.

In intelligence work, you must be careful at all times. If someone really pays attention to him, his coming to the east of the city for no reason will become a flaw for him.

At that time, in order to fulfill this lie, more lies will be needed to support it. The more lies told, the more loopholes will become, and ultimately it will not be able to justify itself.

On the way back, Chu Lingyun's eyes tightened suddenly, and a car passed by him.

This was a box truck transformed from a truck. Chu Lingyun was no stranger to this style. Before arresting Zhu Lihua, Chu Lingyun had used such a vehicle to determine the location of her radio station.

The circular rotating instrument on the roof is a device not found in other vehicles.

There are radio surveillance vehicles operating nearby.

Chu Lingyun did not turn around and drove all the way back home.

There are not many radio monitoring vehicles in Nanjing. The Department of National Defense has one, but their monitoring vehicles do not go out normally and are only used when there are emergency tasks.

Apart from the Department of National Defense, only the Military Intelligence Office and the Party Affairs Investigation Office have such vehicles.

If you want to use the surveillance vehicle, you must agree to it. The ownership of the surveillance vehicle lies with the Telecommunications Division. Apart from them, only the Intelligence Division and the Operations Division can borrow it.

Xu Yi from the Intelligence Section has been monitoring Deputy Chief Tang, and there has been no action from the Intelligence Section recently.

As for the Operations Division, currently only four of their teams have cases to handle and will not use such vehicles. Will the Telecommunications Division dispatch its own monitoring vehicles?

Chu Lingyun thought quickly in her mind that this was unlikely.

The Telecommunications Division does not have the authority to handle cases on its own. If there is a case, the Intelligence Division or the Operations Division will definitely be required to assist.

It was a pity that the monitoring vehicle did not have a license plate, otherwise he would have been able to judge by the license plate whether it was a vehicle from the Military Intelligence Department. This special vehicle looked very similar, and Chu Lingyun could not tell at the moment that it was a vehicle from the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

It was too late, but the monitoring vehicle had already appeared, and they might find the location of the radio station at any time.

Chu Lingyun knew this kind of monitoring vehicle very well, but it was impossible to locate the exact location, but as long as he determined the range of one kilometer, it was very easy to find the person.

Chu Lingyun himself has many methods, such as investigating the power consumption during the time when the radio station is turned on at night. Radio stations are high-power electrical appliances that consume a lot of power. Nowadays, residents generally only have electric lights in their homes, and a few wealthy families have electric fans. Radio etc.

However, the power consumption of these electrical appliances cannot be compared with that of radio stations.

Whoever's power consumption is high during this period may have a radio station there.

After cleaning up, Chu Lingyun came to the Military Intelligence Department.

The guard standing guard at the door saw him and immediately saluted.

"Good job, brother."

Chu Lingyun stopped and threw a pack of cigarettes to the doorman. This was not the first time he had done this. Sometimes he would go back to the office to pick up things at night, and he would give something small when passing by the door.

The value is not high, but it is easy to win people's hearts.

"Thank you, Team Leader Chu."

The soldiers standing guard kept thanking them. It was better for Team Leader Chu to be considerate of them, the sentries. The other team leaders never looked at them when they passed by the door.

"Is there nothing unusual?" Chu Lingyun asked casually.

"Report to Team Leader Chu that there is nothing unusual."

Chu Lingyun nodded, said nothing, and drove directly inside. However, when he stopped just now, he looked carefully at the door and there were no wheel marks of trucks passing by.

It was too late, and the monitoring car was a precious thing. It was placed in the garage and he could not verify it.

But the wheel marks at the door and the sentry's answer allowed him to judge that the surveillance vehicle in the east of the city was not the one from the Military Intelligence Department.

If the surveillance vehicle is dispatched, the sentry will not answer so calmly. Even if he wants to keep it confidential, his expression will appear abnormal when he lies.

These sentries are ordinary soldiers, not agents.

After taking something from the office, Chu Lingyun drove home.

If it's not the Military Intelligence Department, it's the Party Affairs Investigation Department. It seems that his worries are right. The Party Affairs Investigation Department has really paid attention to this radio station, and even dispatched monitoring vehicles.

Since the surveillance vehicle is there, it is very likely that agents from the Party Affairs Investigation Division have already made arrangements in the east of the city.

He couldn't go to the east of the city at this time, and Lin Shi was also in danger.

They must be notified as early as possible.

There was no time to change into her previous appearance, so Chu Lingyun simply put on light makeup so that her original appearance could not be seen. After going out, she bought a newspaper and cut out the useful words.

When Old Wu left the house, the lights were still on. He placed the note at the door and tapped it three times. Chu Lingyun immediately hid far away.

Noticing that it was Lao Wu who opened the door and took the note, he turned and left.

After closing the door, Lao Wu immediately returned to the room.

He was packing his things just now. There was no news about Miss Qiu for a while, and he didn't know how Miss Qiu was doing recently. He told them that the traitor had been punished last time and told them to be careful, but she never appeared again.

Without Miss Qiu's information, he could only set up a stall in the alley to repair cars every day and live an extremely ordinary life.

Now that he has no other job, he doesn't have to meet Director Yang regularly. Without Miss Qiu's information, he can only wait passively at home.

Wait for Miss Qiu, or wait for Director Yang.

The familiar knock on the door made Old Wu's heart beat faster instantly. He threw away the things in his hands and ran out the door. Unfortunately, it was too late. Miss Qiu had already disappeared.

When he saw clearly what was on the note in the room, his expression suddenly changed.

There is a lot of content this time, and it is extremely important.

"The Party Affairs Investigation Office dispatched a radio monitoring vehicle to the east of the city to investigate a secret radio station. If it is owned by our party, please move it as soon as possible. Miss Qiu"

It was indeed Miss Qiu who sent the information. He didn't know where the Red Party's radio station was, but every time Miss Qiu sent the information, it was extremely important. Since Miss Qiu said so, it was very likely that their radio station was really being targeted. .

Lao Wu did not dare to neglect, and immediately rolled up the note, wrapped it in oil paper, carefully put it in his mouth, put on his pistol, and went out quickly.

He wanted to report this information as soon as possible.

Director Yang was at home. When he heard Lao Wu knocking on the door, Director Yang's expression changed slightly. Old Wu will not come to him randomly now. There is only one possibility for Old Wu to come here in such a hurry at night.

Miss Qiu has sent new information.

He opened the door immediately, and it turned out to be Lao Wu standing outside.

When Lao Wu entered the room, he immediately spit out the oil paper from his mouth and handed the information inside to Director Yang.

Director Yang ignored Old Wu's saliva and opened it directly. After reading the content, his face suddenly turned pale.

Lao Wu didn't know anything, but he knew very well that a radio station had recently arrived in Nanjing and was teaching the comrades here to use the radio.

And now is the time for Comrade Dragonfly to study.

Did the Party Affairs Investigation Department focus on them so quickly? And a surveillance vehicle was dispatched?

He didn't know where the radio station was, but since Miss Qiu said it was in the east of the city, it was probably in the east of the city.

"You go back first."

Director Yang didn't dare to stay. After giving orders to Old Wu, he changed his clothes and prepared to leave. Looking at him, Old Wu knew that Miss Qiu's information this time was accurate, and their radio station was really being targeted.

Fortunately, Miss Qiu sent the information in time. As long as they can evacuate in advance, heavy losses can be avoided.

Lao Wu knows very well how important the radio station is.

It can be said that this is their lifeblood and the only channel for them to contact their hometown. If the radio station disappears, it will be a disaster for their entire underground organization.

The comrades who control the radio station know a lot of secrets.

Miss Qiu's information can literally save them all.

Lao Wu didn't understand the situation and thought that the radio station used within their organization was being targeted. He didn't know that it was a learning radio station.

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